What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Thankyou again for the good wishes,Mr Mac is progressing well so far and tonight was moved from critical care unit to a surgical ward.I may not post for a few days as I'm exhausted after visiting and just want to sleep.Our families have given us great support.
@Glenmac What good news! Wishing him a speedy recovery! K Take care of yourself too!K
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone
BG little on the high side this morning more carbs than usual yesterday from family get together and evening meal!
BG at 8.30 am 6.9 ! K
A family gathering can be a rare blessing but fbgs are a daily occurrence @Granny_grump. I hereby absolve you of any angst or other modern need for a book.blog or guru!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Took a break from testing over the weekend. Had an enormous amount of low carb food last night and it's a nice 5.5 - perhaps I need to eat more generally?!
Wishing your husband a speedy recovery @Glenmac and hope you can get some rest yourself.
@DJC3 Don't worry - you're doing all the right things. The Dr Jason Fung explanation that helps me the most when fbg isn't behaving is that the liver in diabetes is like an over-inflated balloon full of sugar - so when insulin is low in the body as it would be when keeping carbs very low, it feels it can relax and let out some more of its excess sugar. So your body is just deflating the balloon a bit, which is a good thing - your insulin levels must be really low right now for that to happen!


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
6.9 this morning shock horror no more pizza, beef cannelloni, char grilled chicken in a wrap, cheesy chips, birthday cake or strawberries and cream for me well not in one meal any way though may be the strawberries with cream at some point next time I think I better opt out of the daughters choice of birthday meal. ;)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
next time I think I better opt out of the daughters choice of birthday meal. ;)
@JohnEGreen If that meal and number were daily occurrences then I agree. However, weigh the number of birthday meals with your daughter against the damage from probably 2 higher readings (which will be minimised in an average) and there is only ever one winner. I would think the stress of offending her choice of meal would probably have had nearly the same impact.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
@ianpspurs yes your quite right as a one off it was probably OK and it was good that she enjoyed the day.

I purposely did not test as I would have normally but did do a test a couple of hours or so after the meal and got a reading of 5.2 if you can believe it but suspect that I had gone a lot higher than that and then crashed I suspect I have a touch of RH these days but can't be sure.

Any way back to low carb now.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning all. Blood sugars were 5.2 this morning.

Off to a very busy week at work, I will be so glad when it's Friday.

@DJC3 -- I wouldn't worry too much about your fasting levels. Mine were much higher than yours for the first half year. They take time to come down and it is still early days for you.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
6.9 this morning shock horror no more pizza, beef cannelloni, char grilled chicken in a wrap, cheesy chips, birthday cake or strawberries and cream for me well not in one meal any way though may be the strawberries with cream at some point next time I think I better opt out of the daughters choice of birthday meal. ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@DJC3 -- I wouldn't worry too much about your fasting levels. Mine were much higher than yours for the first half year. They take time to come down and it is still early days for you.

Thanks for the reassurance Ziggy, it does make a difference knowing other people have got through it.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@DJC3 Don't worry - you're doing all the right things. The Dr Jason Fung explanation that helps me the most when fbg isn't behaving is that the liver in diabetes is like an over-inflated balloon full of sugar - so when insulin is low in the body as it would be when keeping carbs very low, it feels it can relax and let out some more of its excess sugar. So your body is just deflating the balloon a bit, which is a good thing - your insulin levels must be really low right now for that to happen!

That’s a great way to look at it, thank you. I think JF is terrific.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
OK, off topic a little except that diet is a key driver of fbg. My wife is feeling better and has made mayo and meringues to make use of our eggs. I have cut the grass in our orchard area and seen 10 different types of fruit looking set for bumper crops. I think we could eat our own fruit from now until mid November absent worries about carbs. My research suggests fermentation lowers carbs and fruit chutneys made that way are keto friendly. Has anyone else tried this or read anything to counter what I have read?

