What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


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Diet only
Self-fellating idiots that don't at all look at other people's views
5.4 for me today! I did cut off my Metformin to see just what that last 500mg would do and... not much. Still under diabetic levels but could be better buuuuuuut that’ll be getting sorted as gym is a thing next week. Going to use birthday money for new clothes and put these readings in the dog house for good.

Here is a very chilly Yorkshire lad wishing you all a lovely day!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 6.5 in a week of 6s. Need to shake my tree but not sure how. IF seems the only option but I am miserable without food.
@dogslife well done from me too. Defo the right choice.
@Traceymac23 good FBG with hospital food!
@alf_Josiah hope your little procedure goes well and you and your mates behave.
@jjraak loving the travelogue ....will you ever want to return?
Anyway have a great Thursday. Stay well, stay safe, wrap up warm.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen.
Well folks, I have a minor ( very minor ) hospital procedure planned for tomorrow and in preparation for it I have to play games with my diabetic medication also my anti rejection drugs, which will make any blood sugar readings totally irrelevant, therefore please can I have permission not to post my readings, but to continue to post the usual nonsense and pet recipes.
Hand and foot note
I shall ignore anything said by the pet brigade, just so nobody feels left out ( my politically correct bit ) and everybody else hehehe.

The whole diabetes thing can drag us down, so I enjoy the lighter moments, and your frippery and posts.
So do drop scores if needed, still be nice to read your views, and see your doing ok.

Good luck with op


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning from a frosty NW England.
My bg at 6am was 4.1. Awoke at 4.30 with a migraine 3rd night in a row. I am beginning to wonder if low BG is the cause of my night time migraines. I suppose I should test when I wake with one.
My waking BG a month ago before starting on low carb was 10.6! Low carbing has been a real revelation to me and I wish I had known years ago.
Have a good day

Didn't have headaches but felt absolutely dreadful when first DX and getting my BGs down.

Lasted a month or so then one day I woke up feeling great...
and most days are now like that, and that's my new NORMAL.

Fully agree on low carbs
Must admit to being amazed at difference it makes to others suffering from secondary illnesses .

And personally .I suffered asthma since 11 ...49 years later this OTHER progressive disease, seems to have almost disappeared...

I also got tendernitus / swollen joints on a seemingly regular basis (very 6 months or so )
Not had one bout since August 2018..

So yeah, amazing and I also wish I'd found out earlier.

Good luck..hope headaches ease
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. 6.5 in a week of 6s. Need to shake my tree but not sure how. IF seems the only option but I am miserable without food.
@dogslife well done from me too. Defo the right choice.
@Traceymac23 good FBG with hospital food!
@alf_Josiah hope your little procedure goes well and you and your mates behave.
@jjraak loving the travelogue ....will you ever want to return?
Anyway have a great Thursday. Stay well, stay safe, wrap up warm.
Help's that I work here I reckon but yeah......big shout out to my nutrition team!!!
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Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
I'm there now, tired of trying. I have an A1C appointment in two weeks, also to check cholesterol, and I have no idea where either number will be. I quit LCHF in hopes of bringing my LDL # down and I'm worried it is bringing my A1C up. I've been eating oats for "heart health" but oats are carbs. At least my weight's stayed "down," but I wanted it to be lower by now. I haven't lost a pound since last summer.

I'm also tired of trying to calibrate different components for different ratings, since I am NOT a machine and I am not made up of components. Sigh. :)
Aw, SaskiaKC. It is hard sometimes especially when dealing with more than one condition. You are doing your best and sounds to me you are doing well. Please don't be so hard on yourself and who knows your scores may be better than you imagine. I wish you well.:)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. 6.5 in a week of 6s. Need to shake my tree but not sure how. IF seems the only option but I am miserable without food.
@dogslife well done from me too. Defo the right choice.
@Traceymac23 good FBG with hospital food!
@alf_Josiah hope your little procedure goes well and you and your mates behave.
@jjraak loving the travelogue ....will you ever want to return?
Anyway have a great Thursday. Stay well, stay safe, wrap up warm.

Scores good, but I hear the angst.

I would have said I'd miss food a few months back..and while I feel the physical need to eat, I do find I can miss out on food much better then I could now
(Still not sure I could do a long fast, but it's on the horizon, once we get back just to try it for size ,)

I found it was more a mindset of a routine of eating at set times that was holding me back. .the skip of breakfast unless starving to 11-12 noon was a good choice for me.
And the earlier evening meal before 8pm, gave me a shot at the 16/8 day I've heard many use.

Holiday ...Hahaha. short answer. ..NO..lol
But needs must . ( This time. ;) )

Have considered, once work done .long stay. 3 months plus.
But that'll have to be for another year or so, I think.

Take care @PenguinMum
Hope numbers start to turn for you .:)


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Wow! Thanks everyone for your supportive / encouraging comments and responses after yesterdays post. Just what I needed.:happy: I apologise for it's length ( I actually cut my original post down considerably,:D). Have a good day one and all. It's nearly Friday.:singing: Still a couple of challenges to face today but off to Wales tomorrow for one night's break to celebrate our anniversary so will catch up when we get back. Best wishes.:)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Aw, SaskiaKC. It is hard sometimes especially when dealing with more than one condition. You are doing your best and sounds to me you are doing well. Please don't be so hard on yourself and who knows your scores may be better than you imagine. I wish you well.:)
Well done @dogslife for sticking to your guns in your review. Better times lie ahead I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
A wonderful, superb day yesterday.
Got myself a long walk on the beach while missus and friends had lunch ..(off my food yesterday)
Got in my first 10k steps in a long while 11k
(Beach walk sub 6 k..1 hour 12 mins)

Then out with our guests for genuine Indian in family dhaba.
Absolutely fabulous..2nd meal with lads.
.( 1st was samosas, pav Barji, assorted bites with delicious sauces....yum..all for the princely sum of ...£2.35..yep..all four of us ate well and total bill.£2.35....lol. )

Last night..proper meal, beers, etc...£16...stung ?..maybe..but value ..deffo.

Fbg 7.0...(a digitally challenged, slightly dyslexic.. James bond...mmhh ? )

Not too shabby after another night of heavy bar work, met a whole load of nutters last night..
.so nice to meet those who understand and have a similar outlook...hahaha

Pics of the day, ..
the delight as we stopped so lauren could coo and ahh over some piglets....(another animal, to add to her menagerie of pets ..lol )
The view from our room...
And all of us with our new beach friend.
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What a fantastic time you are having, jjraak. One you will always remember. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@alf_Josiah good luck with your procedure and adjusting your meds - sounds v complicated, your posts always make me smile though so please carry on popping in here even without a number to report.
@PenguinMum I’m the same, not eating makes me miserable and it’s not necessarily to do with hunger. I keep trying to skip breakfast but bg usually rises quite a lot if I do. I’m now trying to squash meals into a smaller eating window so breakfast a bit later and dinner a bit earlier. That is more do- able. Dinner time works well for Mr C too as he gets up at 5:30 so likes to eat early in the evening then retire early. Good luck with it.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
@jjraak just read the article below on your signature...I believe every dismissive GP/DSN we have in our health service should be provided with a copy...considering how devastating T2 can be without adequate control our health care professionals should really take responsibility for the piece meal inconsistent advice regularly dished out to T2 diabetics which if they follow would be to their absolute detriment...considering @dogslife review the view that type 2 complications will 'get us eventually' has to be removed from the equation...take the medicine & run is not an option for me.

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning All. 6.5 in a week of 6s. Need to shake my tree but not sure how. IF seems the only option but I am miserable without food.
PM don't go without food if it makes you miserable...you may be in one of those phases where our BG's go up for no apparent reason...I've had a couple of them where without any explanation my BG's have risen...it could be anything or nothing...give it a little more time...watch & monitor.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@jjraak just read the article below on your signature...I believe every dismissive GP/DSN we have in our health service should be provided with a copy...considering how devastating T2 can be without adequate control our health care professionals should really take responsibility for the piece meal inconsistent advice regularly dished out to T2 diabetics which if they follow could be to their absolute detriment...considering @dogslife review the view that type 2 complications will 'get us eventually' has to be removed from the equation.


Agree wholeheartedly @Bubbsie

Newish in respect to many, but I can see benefits in my own levels.
And the perception of ongoing decay is I truly believe DRIVEN by the very advice and medicines given to every diabetic around the world of eat the same toxic foods, just eat less of them..:***:

Utter stupidity.

EVERY Measure for that very decay, is BASED I believe on previous years of BAD ADVICE..

I likened the carbs to nuclear radiation once.
Our advice was radiation will kill you,
so don't stand next to it..

stand at least a foot away ..lol

When even the most moronic can see the BEST solution is to get as far away from the radiation as possible.

Carry on eating high carbs...
hahaha....stupid doctors.

Eat LESS carbs...
Because we ARE ALLERGIC...simples, init.

We are the forerunners in a civil insurrection, railing against the status quo of nonesense given to us.

Hopefully it's the beginning of our health "Arab Spring" & "velvet revolution"..
That helps bring down those imposing a detrimental way of life to So many.

Viva la revolution.

Ps.... Take care,..good to see your felling better.:)
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Well-Known Member
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Eat LESS carbs...simples, init.
Given the DSN in @dogslife review who recommended the food plan put forward by another forum which is carb loaded it's no wonder many T2's are continuing to suffer with increased blood sugars & complications as a result...T2 is I believe still very much seen as fault based...deserved for the lifestyle we've led...I don't subscribe to that view...certainly obesity & the lack of exercise may hasten a diagnosis...however one comment I saw here a year or so ago has stayed with me...the question posed was 'did my obesity cause my diabetes or did my diabetes cause my obesity' a valid point...surely what is more important for those already diagnosed is not how we 'got it' it should be how we manage & many of us if diagnosed in time can manage it.
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Well-Known Member
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Hopefully it's the beginning of our health "Arab Spring" & "velvet revolution"..
That helps bring down those imposing a detrimental way of life to So many.

Viva la revolution.
Made me laugh jjaark...if those that could gave credit for how many of us do manage our diabetes it would indeed be a revolution...until then unfortunately it has to be baby steps...the likes of the NHS and the leading diabetes charity still advocating the eat well plate is a major flaw in any consistent overall control of T2...the inconsistency in advice given by DSN/GP's must be addressed...some cogent studies on the real benefits of low carbing or other alternatives … prescribing testing strips & meters for T2's who want to test their BG's...who commit to managing their diabetes...that's what we should all be aiming for.