It’s been awhile….my morning sugars are always between 5 and 5.5
still doing no dairy carnivore, loving it. According g to Dexcom my average daily readings are 5.8, I have no spikes.
will have my a1c done at the beginning of July but I’m honestly not thinking I’ll be out of the pre diabetes range…we shall see. Watched a very interesting talk with Dr Paul Mason
at the beginning he talks about A1C , how it’s measured and how it’s not overly accurate, a very interesting and easy to listen to talk. He also goes on to talk about statins and more…loved it all!
had a bear in our yard last night, broke the fence and made a heck of a racket but we managed to scare him off. This morning we noticed that our new neighbours had left their garbage out in their backyard and the bear had a big ol party!…leaving garbage outside is a big no no around here.