What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Disappointing 7.7 this morning on the plus side diabetic review went quite well she was pleased that I had managed to lose 12 pds in weight and more or less halved my FBG in 5 weeks . Didn't push statins on me though did suggest adding Dapaglifozin into my meds . I asked for another HbAc1 and she agreed it was good idea so got one booked for nxt month and a follow up. The negative side ( always one lol ) was she thought my carb intake was way too low and recommended 130 carbs a day and of course low fat no butter and very little cheese . I let it go and will carry on my own course . That said I m out for meal and drinks tonight ...letting my hair ...so FBG will be high tomorrow .


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.1 this morning, hopefully back on track. @flonvic "self inflicted" is good in my opinion as you know why it is high and it is in your own hands to control it. The ones I hate are the unexplained highs that many of us seem to get with no apparent reason and tend to dent the confidence. Keep smiling as tomorrow will be a better day. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.1 this morning, hopefully back on track. @flonvic "self inflicted" is good in my opinion as you know why it is high and it is in your own hands to control it. The ones I hate are the unexplained highs that many of us seem to get with no apparent reason and tend to dent the confidence.
Might be an idea to keep a food diary @ChrisT2 for 2-4 weeks. Sometimes a pattern emerges which isn't obvious if we rely on our memory.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Might be an idea to keep a food diary @ChrisT2 for 2-4 weeks. Sometimes a pattern emerges which isn't obvious if we rely on our memory.

I have been keeping a food diary on google sheets (easy) forever (for long). It has just become my hobby now and indeed it helps me to control my BG!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Might be an idea to keep a food diary @ChrisT2 for 2-4 weeks. Sometimes a pattern emerges which isn't obvious if we rely on our memory.
I do keep a food diary as I need to know my carb intake and what foods are good/bad. I find Myfitnesspal is a app great for tracking the good, bad and the ugly when it comes to food as well as measuring quantities wherever possible. Unfortunately though my BS readings do still throw up unexplained highs especially first thing which to me just seems to be a weird feature of my diabetes. It is not really a "pattern" but just an unexplained irregularity and looking at the results of others on here I am not alone in those irregularities. One day maybe I will crack the reason but until then I will continue to be baffled.