What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3
Treatment type
Diabetes and injections
4.4 a little shaky so ate a few custard creams and up to 5.8

Sorry about my rant yesterday

Have a good day folks
@Cumberland i had a 4.4 the other day and felt quite sick wonder if my body is not used to being that low and don’t worry about yesterday it really isn’t healthy to obsess over bgs


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Morning all. Question: How can one small mug of water, accidentally knocked over whist attempting to reach for/ take my 2 blood pressure tablets, soak absolutely everything in my bedside drawer?:arghh: To make it more annoying I'd only sorted and organised it yesterday! :rolleyes:At least this lovely sunshine means everything should dry out quickly.:) Oh, and in my fluster I omitted to test my fbs so sorry no score today.:angelic: Blame the amitripyline I take at night for my back pain. It always leaves me with a morning brain fog.:confused: I hate pills but then life would be worse without them I suppose. Rant over.:sorry: I wish you all a safe, happy and "unflustered" day.
:) P.S. I just found a fuzzy blob which I think is the remains of the 2nd blood pressure tablet 'I should have taken before my breakfast. LOL :D Enjoy your weekend one and all. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
@Cumberland i had a 4.4 the other day and felt quite sick wonder if my body is not used to being that low and don’t worry about yesterday it really isn’t healthy to obsess over bgs
Good morning @Cumberland / Ziggy2017. I too have been experiencing hypo-like symptoms recently with bloods in the 4's which isn't officially classed as in the hypo range but unusually low for me. Thank goodness for jelly babies! Best wishes to you both.:)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Good morning @Cumberland / Ziggy2017. I too have been experiencing hypo-like symptoms recently with bloods in the 4's which isn't officially classed as in the hypo range but unusually low for me. Thank goodness for jelly babies! Best wishes to you both.:)

Thank you for this
Jelly Babies oooh I’d like to eat a full packet now you’ve mentioned them lol.

You any plans for today
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
@Cumberland i had a 4.4 the other day and felt quite sick wonder if my body is not used to being that low and don’t worry about yesterday it really isn’t healthy to obsess over bgs

We can all experience hypo symptoms at different readings
They are beastly when they occur and I sometimes get a bit panicked and overdo the treatment and zoom right up with readings

Have a good day Ziggy
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
@Cumberland No rant ever took place. Custard creams sounds like my kinda medicine:angelic:

I love dipping custard creams and other biscuits into a cup of tea

I eat them as a treat now but I used to empty the biscuit tin and scoff as many as I could like my life depended on it lol


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
I love dipping custard creams and other biscuits into a cup of tea

I eat them as a treat now but I used to empty the biscuit tin and scoff as many as I could like my life depended on it lol
Ha, ha! I used to do the same with chocolate digestives! Happy days, ey? @ Cumberland


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Thank you for this
Jelly Babies oooh I’d like to eat a full packet now you’ve mentioned them lol.

You any plans for today
I know! It's hard to stop once you've started gulping those jelly babies! They are the only good thing about the dreaded hypos. My plans, alongside looking after my 89 year old mum, are to carry on sorting out my junk room and turning it back into a bedroom as I have relatives from the USA coming to stay soon and I have nowhere for them to sleep! The local charity shops and the recycling centre are doing really well as a result of my endeavours. If it's not too hot I might put a few colourful plants in the garden which has been neglected since my slipped disc. Enjoy your day, whatever you choose to do.:)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
I know! It's hard to stop once you've started gulping those jelly babies! They are the only good thing about the dreaded hypos. My plans, alongside looking after my 89 year old mum, are to carry on sorting out my junk room and turning it back into a bedroom as I have relatives from the USA coming to stay soon and I have nowhere for them to sleep! The local charity shops and the recycling centre are doing really well as a result of my endeavours. If it's not too hot I might put a few colourful plants in the garden which has been neglected since my slipped disc. Enjoy your day, whatever you choose to do.:)

Gosh sounds like you have an incredibly busy day planned

Bless your mum a grand age.

Go steady if you plant up some flowers careful with your back

Sorting stuff out tell me about it
I moved 2 years ago and despite offloading around 5 car fulls of stuff to charity shops we still have 2 cupboards stored with all sorts of items hidden away so it really needs looking at

Whereabouts in USA do your family members live? Hope our good weather continues when they arrive

I’m going to look around a garden centre this afternoon something I often do


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
I usually feel quite poorly if I drop down into the fours but have been down to 2.2 and that was awful.

Know what you mean it’s ghastly
My lowest was 1.8 gosh I felt dreadful and panicked glugging down lucozade galore

Hope you have a decent day
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Know what you mean it’s ghastly
My lowest was 1.8 gosh I felt dreadful and panicked glugging down lucozade galore

Hope you have a decent day
my lowest has been 1.3 and it was the scariest thing for me since diagnosis and i never want to feel like that again and it took a hell of a lot to bring levels bk up needless to say ended up sky high its like a never ending rollercoaster at times :(


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3
Treatment type
Diabetes and injections
We can all experience hypo symptoms at different readings
They are beastly when they occur and I sometimes get a bit panicked and overdo the treatment and zoom right up with readings

Have a good day Ziggy
Thanks cums I will
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3
Treatment type
Diabetes and injections
I usually feel quite poorly if I drop down into the fours but have been down to 2.2 and that was awful.
My lowest was 2.7 I didn’t know at this point in time not to use chocolate so I ate a big bag of m&ms which got me to 3.0 and my mum had to go buy me Capri suns
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