What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6:30 am and fasting blood glucose is 10.1.

Bit lower than yesterday.

No sleep last night at all until 4:10 am when I fell asleep and woke at 6:10 am. So 2 hours last night.

I can’t keep this up. I don’t know why I am not sleeping.

I do meditate and it helps me to relax.

But I do have acute angle closure glaucoma which was diagnosed/picked up at a routine check at the eye hospital (I have been going for years but this was for dry eyes due to Sjögren’s Syndrome and I have punctal plugs fitted in both eyes) a couple of weeks ago. And I was given an appointment for laser treatment mid May.

I don’t have any pain or symptoms associated with this. The hospital doctor was sceptical of me when I said I didn’t have any of the pain or symptoms he described.

So, when I came away, I am like this is totally out of the blue. I am like no one is lasering my eyes, I need them to lipread as I am profoundly deaf. My eyes are my ears.

Next day I went to my opticians because I wanted help arranging a second opinion. It was arranged for a week later. And it was all explained better this time. The hospital had been rushed and abrupt and frightening.

Yes I do have it and I do need that laser treatment as soon as possible. Eyes on this are graded 1 to 4. 4 is good. 1 is bad. I am a 1 bordering on a 2, so I do need it. Because I am deaf, the procedure was explained to me at this second opinion as though I was having it, so I would know exactly what to expect because I am not going to be able to lipread someone during the procedure.

So that is on my mind.

I also have a lengthy in depth hospital appointment on beginning May for something else which is preying on my mind, and I have to prepare for that.

Just too much on I think.

And this morning I am chasing up some workmen who were meant to repair my drains. They are not responding by text, and they were supposed to. So I will be on Twitter later when the firm should have someone on. That hopefully will be a kick up their backside to get them into action.

I did check my blood sugar during the day and thankfully it went down 3 points from the 11 point something, but my fingers recoiled in horror at repeated prick tests so I had to stop. But least I know it didn’t stay at that high level which was a relief.

Today is a new day. Windy. Cold. Where is that sun? A sunny day and blue skies cheers me up and relaxes me more than anything.

Hope you all have a good Monday

Take care
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True Blue

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all. Off to the doc for a review of blood pressure, following the 24 hour multi-test faff. I'm losing weight and taking exercise, so BP should come down without drastic meds (hope Doc agrees).

FBG 8.9 just now. Had lunch out on Saturday, some rice with chicken and all that gloopy Harvester mayo salad stuff, plus wines plural. Back in harness now.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 5.7 which is acceptable so breakfast allowed.
@JohnEGreen and @Cumberland hugs for the painful feet, hope that improves.@gennepher oh dear sorry you are still not sleeping well. Hope the drains men spring into action. I find the eye clinic very rushed too and they dont want to have any conversation with you. Next time when I see someone more senior I am going to ask lots of questions and take notes.
Have a good day if possible on Monday. Stay well, stay safe.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
6:30 am and fasting blood glucose is 10.1.

Bit lower than yesterday.

No sleep last night at all until 4:10 am when I fell asleep and woke at 6:10 am. So 2 hours last night.

I can’t keep this up. I don’t know why I am not sleeping.

I do meditate and it helps me to relax.

But I do have acute angle closure glaucoma which was diagnosed/picked up at a routine check at the eye hospital (I have been going for years but this was for dry eyes due to Sjögren’s Syndrome and I have punctal plugs fitted in both eyes) a couple of weeks ago. And I was given an appointment for laser treatment mid May.

I don’t have any pain or symptoms associated with this. The hospital doctor was sceptical of me when I said I didn’t have any of the pain or symptoms he described.

So, when I came away, I am like this is totally out of the blue. I am like no one is lasering my eyes, I need them to lipread as I am profoundly deaf. My eyes are my ears.

Next day I went to my opticians because I wanted help arranging a second opinion. It was arranged for a week later. And it was all explained better this time. The hospital had been rushed and abrupt and frightening.

Yes I do have it and I do need that laser treatment as soon as possible. Eyes on this are graded 1 to 4. 4 is good. 1 is bad. I am a 1 bordering on a 2, so I do need it. Because I am deaf, the procedure was explained to me at this second opinion as though I was having it, so I would know exactly what to expect because I am not going to be able to lipread someone during the procedure.

So that is on my mind.

I also have a lengthy in depth hospital appointment on beginning May for something else which is preying on my mind, and I have to prepare for that.

Just too much on I think.

And this morning I am chasing up some workmen who were meant to repair my drains. They are not responding by text, and they were supposed to. So I will be on Twitter later when the firm should have someone on. That hopefully will be a kick up their backside to get them into action.

I did check my blood sugar during the day and thankfully it went down 3 points from the 11 point something, but my fingers recoiled in horror at repeated prick tests so I had to stop. But least I know it didn’t stay at that high level which was a relief.

Today is a new day. Windy. Cold. Where is that sun? A sunny day and blue skies cheers me up and relaxes me more than anything.

Hope you all have a good Monday

Take care
Take care


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who are growing old disgracefully, not that I am.

A young 5.5 greeted me this morning.

Well today is a chance to make merry, torment doctor's and nurses and generally behave in a manner that means they will remember you, while doing their utmost to sort you out so you never darken their doors again. Of course I never subscribe to philosophy
Whatever your doing extract the most pleasure from it. Must go my mates chaos and mayhem have just arrived.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. 5.7 which is acceptable so breakfast allowed.
@JohnEGreen and @Cumberland hugs for the painful feet, hope that improves.@gennepher oh dear sorry you are still not sleeping well. Hope the drains men spring into action. I find the eye clinic very rushed too and they dont want to have any conversation with you. Next time when I see someone more senior I am going to ask lots of questions and take notes.
Have a good day if possible on Monday. Stay well, stay safe.
The eye clinic need to work on their people skills, and this would help a lot with the well being (and sanity) of their patients. It caused me panic that sudden diagnosis, and could have been dealt with a lot better. But, they are junior doctors still learning (it is a teaching hospital), and so I need to remember/consider that they probably haven’t developed or realised the people skills that are necessary in their job.

Thank you.

You have a good day today.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
5.3 today.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing the low carb word being spread all week in the daily mail and seeing our very own @shelley262 sharing her journey to inspire others.

Dashing to buy one before they sell out!!! One for father in law too... and next door neighbour!! Im taking orders!!! Best get a wiggle on!!!

Happy Monday to one and all.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...after a weekend of sheer over indulgence which included Rice& Chocolate relieved to wake to a 6.2...enjoyed eating the contraband...slumming around & watching some classic black & white films...full on sunshine here but it's still freezing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks, DJC3. All went well at both.:) The only disappointment was despite all my efforts I couldn't get my mum to go to see her sister at the care home. Alzheimer's has a lot to answer for!:bigtears:

Alzheimers is a cruel disease, that’s for sure. I’m glad the scan went well though. Now the waiting game for you presumably, until they’ve reviewed it?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Alzheimers is a cruel disease, that’s for sure. I’m glad the scan went well though. Now the waiting game for you presumably, until they’ve reviewed it?
Thanks, DJC3. The scan was to check for a possible tumor as a cause of nerve damage to my inner ear/ sudden hearing loss on one side. It only took about 10 minutes and they gave me ear protection so all well. Had the cage over my face but that wasn't a problem either. No point in worrying about the results until they arrive. Mum's Alzheimers on the other hand is a constant cause of worry. Thanks again for your kindness. Best wishes.:)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Morning all. 8.0 on this bright but very chilly morning. No evening meal or supper yesterday due to the early afternoon carby/ sugary buffet at the care home's birthday party but did a lot of walking after my hospital appointment to counteract it. Enjoy your day everyone.:)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6:30 am and fasting blood glucose is 10.1.

Bit lower than yesterday.

No sleep last night at all until 4:10 am when I fell asleep and woke at 6:10 am. So 2 hours last night.

I can’t keep this up. I don’t know why I am not sleeping.

I do meditate and it helps me to relax.

But I do have acute angle closure glaucoma which was diagnosed/picked up at a routine check at the eye hospital (I have been going for years but this was for dry eyes due to Sjögren’s Syndrome and I have punctal plugs fitted in both eyes) a couple of weeks ago. And I was given an appointment for laser treatment mid May.

I don’t have any pain or symptoms associated with this. The hospital doctor was sceptical of me when I said I didn’t have any of the pain or symptoms he described.

So, when I came away, I am like this is totally out of the blue. I am like no one is lasering my eyes, I need them to lipread as I am profoundly deaf. My eyes are my ears.

Next day I went to my opticians because I wanted help arranging a second opinion. It was arranged for a week later. And it was all explained better this time. The hospital had been rushed and abrupt and frightening.

Yes I do have it and I do need that laser treatment as soon as possible. Eyes on this are graded 1 to 4. 4 is good. 1 is bad. I am a 1 bordering on a 2, so I do need it. Because I am deaf, the procedure was explained to me at this second opinion as though I was having it, so I would know exactly what to expect because I am not going to be able to lipread someone during the procedure.

So that is on my mind.

I also have a lengthy in depth hospital appointment on beginning May for something else which is preying on my mind, and I have to prepare for that.

Just too much on I think.

And this morning I am chasing up some workmen who were meant to repair my drains. They are not responding by text, and they were supposed to. So I will be on Twitter later when the firm should have someone on. That hopefully will be a kick up their backside to get them into action.

I did check my blood sugar during the day and thankfully it went down 3 points from the 11 point something, but my fingers recoiled in horror at repeated prick tests so I had to stop. But least I know it didn’t stay at that high level which was a relief.

Today is a new day. Windy. Cold. Where is that sun? A sunny day and blue skies cheers me up and relaxes me more than anything.

Hope you all have a good Monday

Take care
Your last sentence shows a very humbling sense of concern for others and warmth of personality. Hope all goes well for you with the eye treatment and sleep becomes more restful. Absolutely in awe at your fortitude/stoicism general loveliness. That post properly sat me on my **se and told me straight.
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True Blue

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Folks. Back from the doc. with some BP reducing tablets. The T2 diabetes discussion was professional. My HbA1c is down to 56 mmol/mol, having been 90 last year. But the doc didn't like the BG metering, "can stop that", "what is the point" etc. Obviously these medics all go to the same schools.

"If you don't know where you're going, you might not get there." Yogi Berra.