Working and Diabetes (Sugar Levels)


Hi, I’ve currently been working at McDonalds along side University part time. Every time that i’m put into kitchen work when it’s really hot and fast paced my bloods always seem to rise high.. 20’s at the most! This is after i’ve washed hands, before i’ve ate anything at all for dinner breaks. I can start at 10am check before i start and they can be 6, but then going up to 20’s at my break at 12/1.
When I'm on holiday they constantly rise due to the heat and always have to keep injecting and testing to manage them.

Does anyone reckon the heat and fast paced environment is the reason they are going really high? I’m not ill or showing any signs of infection and i’d have injected before for my breakfast and still before work, im showing good blood sugar levels. Thankyou

Marie 2

Well-Known Member
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I'm sure some others will come along. I don't seem to have a problem with heat in my "weather" raising my BG levels except when I try to take a shower they skyrocket. If it's a hot kitchen maybe that is more like how I react to a hot shower? If the temp is too high in a shower for me I can go up 3 mmols in 30 minutes. Others use showers to lower their BG level.

Work and fast pace usually lower your Bg level, but stress for a lot of people makes it go up? But maybe the other issue is hydration? When you are really busy sometimes you aren't drinking fluids, and lack of fluids can raise your BG level too.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I thought of dehydration straight away - having haunted various lists for a few years, heat stress and dehydration have got quite a few mentions. One person used a chill vest which was frozen overnight and worn to prevent overheating - in their case out of doors, but it might help in a kitchen environment.


I'm sure some others will come along. I don't seem to have a problem with heat in my "weather" raising my BG levels except when I try to take a shower they skyrocket. If it's a hot kitchen maybe that is more like how I react to a hot shower? If the temp is too high in a shower for me I can go up 3 mmols in 30 minutes. Others use showers to lower their BG level.

Work and fast pace usually lower your Bg level, but stress for a lot of people makes it go up? But maybe the other issue is hydration? When you are really busy sometimes you aren't drinking fluids, and lack of fluids can raise your BG level too.

Yeah, I thought hydration, sometimes it may be, but usually working there you can go and get a drink of anything water/pop whenever you want. And when im on a da job (dining room clean shift) my bloods are fine throughout? It’s a mystery haha


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Is the kitchen the most stressful place to be in the work....? what about serving?

I suspect it may be stress thats doing it.....although you should try and confirm the basal is good when you have a day of from work...


Is the kitchen the most stressful place to be in the work....? what about serving?

I suspect it may be stress thats doing it.....although you should try and confirm the basal is good when you have a day of from work...
Yeah, when Ive been off work i’ve been fine with my blood sugar levels at the moment and yeah its most stressful in the kitchen, but even with it being quiet they can get high. Serving etc is completely fine but when Ive mentioned this to try and serve more etc, they still end up placing me into kitchen. I have a secure other job on the side when I'm home from uni, Ive been told by others (friends) to quit as the managers are wanting me to work way to much along with not listening to my needs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
As a Diabetic you are covered by the disabilities act, the company has to make "reasonable" adjustments for you, I'd say working the till or floor is reasonable, approach your manager again and if it's not successful escalate to HR, mention of discrimination might work wonders for a more considerate attitude


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What Lessci said is right. I found this great article on Monaco Solicitors under disability and discrimination that explains how reasonable adjustments work and how to confront them if they refuse to do so!


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I'm sure it's stress. Causes your body to raise sugar levels. Chill. It's a burger. Customer gets burger 30 seconds later, no big deal. Your employer needs to make allowances for your "disability" so don't stress about that either!


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Oh, and for God's sake don't eat them yourself. I was forced to eat a Macdonalds a few years ago at Charles de Gaulle airport because everything else was closed. Did what I thought was a suitable injection, but 30 minutes later was over 15. Maccy D's fill the food with sugar because it make children want more. Avoid!

Marilyn 222

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Hi having problems with type 2 diabetes most meds I've tried makes me ill, been type 2 for 6 years now, all I can take is one metformin and trulicity once a week injection, sugars rising, tried humulin made me so ill then tried levemir insulin same reaction very ill I'm at a loss, got to see diabetic doctors tomorrow, anyone out there who has had bad reaction as I have to diabetic meds and insulin, Help this is all scary for me


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi having problems with type 2 diabetes most meds I've tried makes me ill, been type 2 for 6 years now, all I can take is one metformin and trulicity once a week injection, sugars rising, tried humulin made me so ill then tried levemir insulin same reaction very ill I'm at a loss, got to see diabetic doctors tomorrow, anyone out there who has had bad reaction as I have to diabetic meds and insulin, Help this is all scary for me
Hey @Marilyn 222 ,

I think you'd get more responses if you started a post of your own, instead of replying to someone's old post concerning a different type of diabetes than yours. (@Antje77 , can you help us out here?). Anyway, I don't do well on most medication either Not just for diabetes, but just, you know, medication in general. Side effects tend to kick my ****. So my only real option, as it kind of sounds like it might be for you too, is a rather radical change in diet. If you know practically all carbs turn to glucose... You cut out the carbs! (Yeah, it is that simple.) They're in a lot more foods than you might think though, as it's not just sugar you have to look out for, but starches too. That means no bread, spuds, underground veggies, cereals, pasta, corn, etc etc... <-- have a read, this might make your life one heck of a lot easier. I have been T2 medication free for about 4 years now, my blood sugars usually hovering between 4 and 5. And I'm not the only one here who's pulled that off just with diet. Provided your pancreas is still producing insulin, you should be able to get blood sugar control and maybe cut down some on the medication you're on.

Good luck eh!
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi having problems with type 2 diabetes most meds I've tried makes me ill, been type 2 for 6 years now, all I can take is one metformin and trulicity once a week injection, sugars rising, tried humulin made me so ill then tried levemir insulin same reaction very ill I'm at a loss, got to see diabetic doctors tomorrow, anyone out there who has had bad reaction as I have to diabetic meds and insulin, Help this is all scary for me
Hi @Marilyn 222 , and welcome to the forum!

Like @JoKalsbeek said, your post would get more attention as a thread on its own

I'd be happy to move your post to its own thread so it will be seen by more people, just let me know if you want me to.
Alternatively, you can start your own thread with your questions. Just give a shout out if you need help doing so by reacting on this thread.

Whenever you want to post a new thread, go to 'Forums', choose the forum where you like to post, like 'Ask a Question', where I moved your post to, and find the green 'Post New Thread' button at the top right :)

I hope things will improve for you shortly!