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1st ever Talking About Diabetes conference + paleo diet and the honeymoon period
Type 1 diabetes has been on the agenda of many healthcare professionals across the UK this week, as London’s Imperial College hosted the first-ever Talking About Diabetes conference.

The conference, organised by a team of diabetes consultants, including Dr. Partha Kar, from Portsmouth Hospitals, set about creating “patient power” and increasing communication between patients and doctors.

Type 1 diabetes treatment has a hot topic among the diabetes community this year following a news report in late-2015 that a nine-year-old boy with type 1 diabetes was able to come off insulin injections for 19 months by following a Paleolithic ketogenic diet.

Many community members attributed this success to a honeymoon period, but was this really the case? We spoke to Hungarian physician Dr. Csaba Tóth about what the findings really mean.

In other treatment news Scottish researchers are using highly-sensitive blood testing techniques to identify people most at risk of developing life-threatening side effects of the disease.

This pioneering research could change the way the condition is treated as complications cannot currently be predicted following a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.

Our hearts were warmed this week following the story of Jedi, a diabetic alert dog. Jedi spotted that seven-year-old Luke Nutall was having a hypo despite his continuous glucose monitor (CGM) reporting that his blood sugar was 5.6 mmol/l.

After Luke’s mom took heed of Jedi’s behaviour, she tested Luke’s blood sugar, which turned out to be 3.2 mmol/l. After giving Luke glucose tablets to raise his blood sugar, Jedi faithfully lay by his side as he recovered.

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If you missed it on Friday, make sure you check out episode #2 of the News Round-Up. Among the topics discussed were Maria Sharapova’s use of the drug meldonium, the benefits of metformin and pancreas transplantation in type 1 diabetes.

If you missed it, the new 10 Low Carb Breads recipe book is available free to download. You can log-in or sign up here to download it (and 17 other cookbooks).

Have a great Tuesday... only 10 days until Good Friday!

PS. Want some new food ideas? Take a read of What have you eaten today? and post your recipes here.

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