What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No idea if everyone experiences the same but I always expect a bounce back after IF or fasting. It seems only logical to me - but then I am an utter clownshoe

Maybe that’s it then.
I was beginning to wonder if the very air down here is suffused with pasties and cream teas.
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Karen I’m raising your 3.4 to my 3.6

Ruddy awful sweetie isn’t it

I’m ok now and hope you are too
ive brought my paperwork home cumbs my heads banging had another hypo in work but im fine now im actually in bed on my laptop il do paperwork later this diabetes lark is a nightmare at times have you had your appointment yet ? sending hugs and hope all went/goes well xx
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning :)

Fell down the stairs at 4am, as I have upped bedtime jab I figured hypo but....

7.8 booooooooo!

Have a great day :)

Hope you are OK...did you check your blood pressure and are you on any BP meds? Need to be careful with that if lifestyle changes prompt natural reduction in BP which is then accelerated by meds.

Providence 62

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Not riding my bike
I love writing and keep thinking of penning a book. I’m currently writing my second PhD but think I’d love to write a book next. Although I bet another course will spark my interest
Steady on!! two PhDs. You must slow down and allow me to catch up. Love writing when it gets beyond that first draft stage, though the research stage is fascinating. What's your field?
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Providence 62

Well-Known Member
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Not riding my bike
Good to hear the news about your under-8 # and that Mr P is doing better.
I would be interested to hear about your book (if you want to post about it) as I am trying to put together a poetry chapbook before Christmas.
Very dull, it's about town planning. How to object to a planning application. Written with the layperson in mind so he or she can know what to do if they have an application in their locality they want to try and stop.

Poetry sounds much more lovely and interesting.

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
5.5 today so very happy.

Here's my bit of chat for today:

Another PR success. I was invited to tell the story of my journey with diabetes to a national magazine. Simply you, sister mag of Take a Break. About real women and their real stories (their words). How i reversed my type 2 diabetes, (which is how I like to think of it, it makes me feel like I have beaten the beast, but I'm not complacent, my way of eating I know has to be permanent) . And how I lost almost 4 stone during that time. Approximately 6 months. I was in an article with 2 other ladies who had also lost weight and regained their health. One with the Cambridge Diet, the other with the help of Rosemary Conley diet. We made the front page. Its funny to see your face on a mag in a local Tesco or newsagents. It felt like a massive step. This mag will be in a lot if Drs surgeries, hairdressers, beauty salons etc etc. It's a very popular choice with ladies of any age, and I'm sure men too. I'm thrilled.

Still have a goal of getting to sit next to Holly and Phil on gmtv! Tell them that the powers that be are giving out bad advice. Shocking in fact.

Got to have dreams.

It seems our PR team are extremely busy at the moment with diabetes awareness month but they are doing their best for us with the ltd resources they have. Meanwhile we are all doing what we can behind the scenes. My next PR exercise is giving a talk to fellow diabetics in January at the local Tesco. Detailing my journey. Telling them what worked for me. Blood monitoring, eating to my meter which basically meant low carb high fat way of eating. I would always suggest they discuss speaking with their gp before following in my footsteps though. I'm looking to contact the gp surgeries in the area to see if I can drum up a bit of interest. That said my weeks of late have been manic. My life seems to be all or nothing!

I have my 6 monthly bloods due next week on 16th and I'm going armed with all I have educated myself on. I hope to get feedback from all the info I dropped off at the surgery, inspirational stories, blood glucose monitoring leaflet, low carb recipes booklet, 1936 diabetic guidelines, Dr Unwin papers. I know it has circulated within the 2 surgeries. I asked that all drs/hcp's etc see the pack. I did have it confirmed that the contents were to be discussed at a clinical meeting. I am so looking forward to hearing what they have to say. Fingers crossed its positive.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Good morning chums. Off on holibobs tomorrow so I’ve already started. 7.7 this morning but I don’t think I took my evening injection. Stupid I know but I was reading and I woke up this morning with my book in my hand still oops so farewell for a week can I assume 5.8 every morning next week if someone would be good enough to post it please .
Have a lovely time
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
It could be coincidence but I havent had a leg cramp while I took it. Mind you I took a whole bunch of other stuff too. Who knows what did what but as long as it works its fine. I've layed off them all now as I'm feeling better....
Sometimes we have to go with trial and error. Glad you are feeling better, OrsonKartt. :)


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Available fast foods in Supermarkets
I was sure you had a plan so great it is working for you. How does one train the body to be super insulin sensitive? Also, like the conformation of the rise after fasting/extended IF.
I believe that there are several pathways which either help or hinder Type 2 and all insulin related ailments, some we can directly influence "direct variables" and others downstream "indirect variables". I think if we stimulate all of the areas within our control to the maximum we can, and then build this into a lifestyle plan we can create a pseudo cure for Type 2.

So get the mind right - what is it one wants to achieve? An obvious question, some say diabetes reversal, mine was a six pack on my 50th birthday last year. I set this, as I new that by working towards the body beautiful would lead to diabetes control naturally - so aim for the stars.

I decided not to settle for good numbers. So my next strategy was to go extreme e.g. I built up to 5 mile walking at under 12 minute pace. Static cycled at 90 rpm for 45 minutes and then weight trained for 3 sets for 15 minutes, twice a day, again built up.

All the time with my wife improving my diet (removed soda bread, sweet potatoes, essentially Paleo type carbs).

Set about trying to get maximum bang for my buck, so that life can be led. So for me I have almost set my protocol:
OMAD, 5 days a week, 100 push ups a day, up to 2 workouts a day including medium walking with sprinting, focused heavy weights for 20 minutes max (sometimes more), 2 day extended fasting with heavy weights 20,000 steps (this seems to muscle spare for me whilst dumping weight).

So my view in summary: go extreme and don't settle (when I was getting 5's for fbg, I decided to push for 4's, so that I had more leeway. I believe once at the optimal for you extreme, throttle back to preserve the body. So now I only do 5 mile walks once or twice a week, but mainly 3 miles with sprints dotted around. Inspiration is important to me. I watched Dr Shawn Baker do 20 deadlifts in a row with good form at 183.5 kg - this was a wow for me and kicked me to stop playing at 5 @ 115 kg. I have now gone to 10 at the same weight, and did a one rep max of 170 kg a couple of weeks ago (next morning fbg was 3.9). Once I improve should flexibility I will incorporate squats with a bar bell, these 2 exercises will smash it for me. There's lots more pm me if required.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I believe that there are several pathways which either help or hinder Type 2 and all insulin related ailments, some we can directly influence "direct variables" and others downstream "indirect variables". I think if we stimulate all of the areas within our control to the maximum we can, and then build this into a lifestyle plan we can create a pseudo cure for Type 2.

So get the mind right - what is it one wants to achieve? An obvious question, some say diabetes reversal, mine was a six pack on my 50th birthday last year. I set this, as I new that by working towards the body beautiful would lead to diabetes control naturally - so aim for the stars.

I decided not to settle for good numbers. So my next strategy was to go extreme e.g. I built up to 5 mile walking at under 12 minute pace. Static cycled at 90 rpm for 45 minutes and then weight trained for 3 sets for 15 minutes, twice a day, again built up.

All the time with my wife improving my diet (removed soda bread, sweet potatoes, essentially Paleo type carbs).

Set about trying to get maximum bang for my buck, so that life can be led. So for me I have almost set my protocol:
OMAD, 5 days a week, 100 push ups a day, up to 2 workouts a day including medium walking with sprinting, focused heavy weights for 20 minutes max (sometimes more), 2 day extended fasting with heavy weights 20,000 steps (this seems to muscle spare for me whilst dumping weight).

So my view in summary: go extreme and don't settle (when I was getting 5's for fbg, I decided to push for 4's, so that I had more leeway. I believe once at the optimal for you extreme, throttle back to preserve the body. So now I only do 5 mile walks once or twice a week, but mainly 3 miles with sprints dotted around. Inspiration is important to me. I watched Dr Shawn Baker do 20 deadlifts in a row with good form at 183.5 kg - this was a wow for me and kicked me to stop playing at 5 @ 115 kg. I have now gone to 10 at the same weight, and did a one rep max of 170 kg a couple of weeks ago (next morning fbg was 3.9). Once I improve should flexibility I will incorporate squats with a bar bell, these 2 exercises will smash it for me. There's lots more pm me if required.
Brilliant stuff. Thanks so much for this and all the other PMs. Am I right in assuming the extreme will be an individual target as that routine is obviously beyond many but the framework is applicable. You are a top man - both for the efforts you have put in and taking the time to post.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1.5
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Hope you are OK...did you check your blood pressure and are you on any BP meds? Need to be careful with that if lifestyle changes prompt natural reduction in BP which is then accelerated by meds.
Thankyou, I am on bp meds but pretty sure I just slipped half asleep, im fine thanks just a bruise from my armpit to my elbow, meant it as a funny story didnt expect you guys being so nice :)


Well-Known Member
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Type 1.5
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Good morning all. Blood sugars were 5.9 today. High for me. Might have been too many sweet potato fries last night, three days without workout on the elliptical trainer (though plenty of walking), lack of sleep, stress or any combination thereof. Seems a bit of fasting might be called for.

@shelley262 - - Sounds as if you have a couple of stressful days ahead of you. Hugs.
@Fenn - - Sorry to read about your fall. It's good that a big bruise is the worst of it. I hope your wife will spoil you a bit today. You deserve it.
@Canvaspic - - Good luck with your endo appointment today. Hope it's all good news.
@karen8967 - - Hugs. These hypos are awful. Glad your blood sugars are better now.
Thankyou to be honest she spoils me anyway so... :)


Well-Known Member
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Type 1.5
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@Fenn so sorry about your fall I fell down the bottom 5 steps 2 weeks ago thanks to our ever helpful cocker. I managed to re tear a ligament in my left foot. I’m relieved as last years falls ended up with me having torn rotor cuffs. I am a bit of a liability but please be careful ( famous last words )
Oh dear that sounds awful :( I hope you have recovered, im all fine but for a bruise, we have a cockapoo, hes a lovely nutcase hehe