What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
That is my point about LC being a very good weight loss tool but weak for bg control - certainly for me. A tad frustrated.
Hi Ian, think I have similar issues. I'm a little bit slimmer than you but of late my blood sugar levels have been higher than in a while. Yesterday was a pretty active day. Cutting wood in the morning , a couple of hours of tennis in the afternoon which felt really good. No terrible tiredness, Im enjoying the pyhsicality of being active in a way I cant remember. I started the day with sugars of 6.4 and they stayed that way pretty much all day . I ate at around 6 pm , the only meal of the day ( a guinea fowl soup/stew, with 2 x glasses of red wine, pronbaly 1000 calories and 10 - 15 grams carbs, and by 7 my sugars had dropped to 5.4. Fell asleep really tired ( 14,500 steps on the fit-bit) at 10 and am awake again at 4 . Sounds a bit like you from what I read?? Maybe its a winter thing?
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Well-Known Member
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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
Morning all

Woke to another 6.4 on the sugar scale meter..... Its Monday and I'm aiming to get that under control....then it will be Tuesday...Have a great day all


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So, is walking football just like what Leicester City does only you can't move out of a walk? On a smaller pitch? Same ball? I want to pitch the idea here (pun fully intended).


But check out the footie clubs too. The session I attend was only listed on the Arsenal website. It was also one of the few that runs outside of office hours. Same ball, smaller pitch.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hi Ian, think I have similar issues. I'm a little bit slimmer than you but of late my blood sugar levels have been higher than in a while. Yesterday was a pretty active day. Cutting wood in the morning , a couple of hours of tennis in the afternoon which felt really good. No terrible tiredness, Im enjoying the pyhsicality of being active in a way I cant remember. I started the day with sugars of 6.4 and they stayed that way pretty much all day . I ate at around 6 pm , the only meal of the day ( a guinea fowl soup/stew, (pronbaly 1000 calories and 10 grams carbs) and by 7 my sugars had dropped to 5.4. Fell asleep really tired ( 14,500 steps on the fit-bit) at 10 and am awake again at 4 . Sounds a bit like you from what I read?? Maybe its a winter thing?
Thanks @OrsonKartt. Your day does sound familiar but looking at Hba1c records it doesn't seem to be purely a winter issue. I have tended to feel LC was all about weight loss which then helped bg levels from my first involvement. Enjoy the tennis and generally being active.


Well-Known Member
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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
Thanks @OrsonKartt. Your day does sound familiar but looking at Hba1c records it doesn't seem to be purely a winter issue. I have tended to feel LC was all about weight loss which then helped bg levels from my first involvement. Enjoy the tennis and generally being active.
I have to confess that my last HBa1c was higher than last years (45 last years 43) when my activity levels have increased over the year and my carbing is lower.
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A whopping (for me) 6.0 this morning. Can’t blame food. Can’t blame illness. Maybe stress. 40 minutes sleep is all I’ve managed as up most the night with my poorly girl, who is now much better and insisting on going to school even though she’s only had 3 hours sleep. So, as she’s such a tough cookie, so will I be, and I shall not let this miserable Monday beat me. So a smile on my face and off to the coffee pot I go


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5.6 today and I'm happy with that. Hubby's birthday so taking him out for dinner tonight. Might not be so good tomorrow. New restaurant. I can see some good choices on the menu though.

My bit of chat is another of my long social media posts! Just sharing....cos I love to share......and it might make someone smile and i love that too... have a good day everyone.

Ladies (and some gentlemen!), you know the feeling when you treat yourself to a new handbag because your old one you absolutely loved has finally fallen apart, and everything, yes everything fits in perfectly (i almost needed furniture removals to help today) ........ and you STILL have space.

Pockets for pens (lots of these....could open a bingo hall), mobile phone (It's not small!), makeup (need all the help I can get), purse (All the change seems to have escaped* yet it's still bursting at the seams... and not with money!), diary 2018 (hit and miss as to whether I remember to fill this in anyway), sunglasses for days like today, 4 pairs of expensive poundland readers, half a packet of no sugar polo mints, 3 paper clips (you just never know when you might need one or three), £4.78 in lose change (see above*), tweezers for that rogue chin hair (hubby's not mine ;) .), multiple old shopping receipts, 3 lists of things to do.... now out of date, 2 hair slides (one broken) and a hair bobble (for those bad hair days), a nail file, hand cream, Sainsbury's vouchers galore, a pair of earings I've been looking for forever, my beloved Chanel no. 5 perfume......deep breath carry on......a teaspoon, mascara, lippy x 3, keys galore, blood sugar monitoring kit!!!!. :) bits and bats, more bits and bats, and some more bits and bats. And when it's all in you just sit staring at its beauty. Pulling on the handles. Looking inside again just to check nothing has moved and everything is right where it should be. Throwing it over your shoulder to check the style still suits and it feels comfy. Walking up and down like your lounge is a catwalk. Swaggering in fact. Yes, indeed, you know you have made the right choice when you have done the transfer and you are smiling like a cheshire cat throwing out your old beloved bag. And to think I used to say to my dear mum 'It's no wonder you have a bad back carrying all that around' .

I think you know exactly how elated I'm feeling right this minute!!! Plus STRICTLY Blackpool this weekend and Armenian kebab time. Joyful and triumphant weekend. Must be the time of year .


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
5.6 today and I'm happy with that. Hubby's birthday so taking him out for dinner tonight. Might not be so good tomorrow. New restaurant. I can see some good choices on the menu though.

My bit of chat is another of my long social media posts! Just sharing....cos I love to share......have a good day everyone.

Ladies (and some gentlemen!), you know the feeling when you treat yourself to a new handbag because your old one you absolutely loved has finally fallen apart, and everything, yes everything fits in perfectly (i almost needed furniture removals to help today) ........ and you STILL have space.

Pockets for pens (lots of these....could open a bingo hall), mobile phone (It's not small!), makeup (need all the help I can get), purse (All the change seems to have escaped* yet it's still bursting at the seams... and not with money!), diary 2018 (hit and miss as to whether I remember to fill this in anyway), sunglasses for days like today, 4 pairs of expensive poundland readers, half a packet of no sugar polo mints, 3 paper clips (you just never know when you might need one or three), £4.78 in lose change (see above*), tweezers for that rogue chin hair (hubby's not mine ;) .), multiple old shopping receipts, 3 lists of things to do.... now out of date, 2 hair slides (one broken) and a hair bobble (for those bad hair days), a nail file, hand cream, Sainsbury's vouchers galore, a pair of earings I've been looking for forever, my beloved Chanel no. 5 perfume......deep breath carry on......a teaspoon, mascara, lippy x 3, keys galore, blood sugar monitoring kit!!!!. :) bits and bats, more bits and bats, and some more bits and bats. And when it's all in you just sit staring at its beauty. Pulling on the handles. Looking inside again just to check nothing has moved and everything is right where it should be. Throwing it over your shoulder to check the style still suits and it feels comfy. Walking up and down like your lounge is a catwalk. Swaggering in fact. Yes, indeed, you know you have made the right choice when you have done the transfer and you are smiling like a cheshire cat throwing out your old beloved bag. And to think I used to say to my dear mum 'It's no wonder you have a bad back carrying all that around' .

I think you know exactly how elated I'm feeling right this minute!!! Plus STRICTLY Blackpool this weekend and Armenian kebab time. Joyful and triumphant weekend. Must be the time of year .
Say happy birthday to your rock @Debandez and enjoy the birthday meal love an excuse for treats on a Monday !
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.6 today and I'm happy with that. Hubby's birthday so taking him out for dinner tonight. Might not be so good tomorrow. New restaurant. I can see some good choices on the menu though.

My bit of chat is another of my long social media posts! Just sharing....cos I love to share......have a good day everyone.

Ladies (and some gentlemen!), you know the feeling when you treat yourself to a new handbag because your old one you absolutely loved has finally fallen apart, and everything, yes everything fits in perfectly (i almost needed furniture removals to help today) ........ and you STILL have space.

Pockets for pens (lots of these....could open a bingo hall), mobile phone (It's not small!), makeup (need all the help I can get), purse (All the change seems to have escaped* yet it's still bursting at the seams... and not with money!), diary 2018 (hit and miss as to whether I remember to fill this in anyway), sunglasses for days like today, 4 pairs of expensive poundland readers, half a packet of no sugar polo mints, 3 paper clips (you just never know when you might need one or three), £4.78 in lose change (see above*), tweezers for that rogue chin hair (hubby's not mine ;) .), multiple old shopping receipts, 3 lists of things to do.... now out of date, 2 hair slides (one broken) and a hair bobble (for those bad hair days), a nail file, hand cream, Sainsbury's vouchers galore, a pair of earings I've been looking for forever, my beloved Chanel no. 5 perfume......deep breath carry on......a teaspoon, mascara, lippy x 3, keys galore, blood sugar monitoring kit!!!!. :) bits and bats, more bits and bats, and some more bits and bats. And when it's all in you just sit staring at its beauty. Pulling on the handles. Looking inside again just to check nothing has moved and everything is right where it should be. Throwing it over your shoulder to check the style still suits and it feels comfy. Walking up and down like your lounge is a catwalk. Swaggering in fact. Yes, indeed, you know you have made the right choice when you have done the transfer and you are smiling like a cheshire cat throwing out your old beloved bag. And to think I used to say to my dear mum 'It's no wonder you have a bad back carrying all that around' .

I think you know exactly how elated I'm feeling right this minute!!! Plus STRICTLY Blackpool this weekend and Armenian kebab time. Joyful and triumphant weekend. Must be the time of year .
Wow. Great you have found pleasure - you just described my vision of hell on earth. Being trapped with Julie and her mum cooing over handbags while watching Strictly. Would never happen - neither are quite that brave:angelic:
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Wow. Great you have found pleasure - you just described my vision of hell on earth. Being trapped with Julie and her mum cooing over handbags while watching Strictly. Would never happen neither are quite that brave:angelic:
One man's meat is another man's poison they say (very apt on this forum haha). You make me smile every day. Thank you.
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