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I haven't yogaed since becoming T1 so anything I write will be pure guesswork.
But, hey, isn't that all of diabetes! So here's my guess:
It would depend on the type of yoga.
If I was doing something that stresses my body like hot yoga or holding a pose for a long time or trying a head stand for the first time or trying to balance when I am not used to it, I would expect my BG to rise.
Likewise, if I hadn't done yoga before and was nervous about it, I would expect a slight rise.
If my yoga was more relaxed, concentrated on breathing, the poses were not too strenuous, I would not expect my BG to change.
If I was doing a yoga movement/flow like sun salutation, I may expect my BG to lower. For me, this is more likely than for others because I had a tendency to do "fast yoga".
Not being good at going slow is probably why I don't do yoga any more ... that and resisting the temptation to snigger when the instructor started to tell us some spiritual stuff and I glanced at my friend across the room. An example of this was one lesson when the instructor told us hold hands and those of use who felt strong should transfer some of that strength through our hands to those who were weaker.

What was your experience?
Of your BG not sniggering because I think you said your instructor was a friend ... and you are not so childish to do that :)
I am that childish, you know ;)

It’s Hatha yoga, so concentrating on strength and flexibility rather than getting sweaty. Although my Fitbit(ch) says my heart rate went up to 187 at one point... shortly after that my BG rose from the high 5s to the mid 7s, so I took a tiny correction of 0.3u to stop it going higher, and it was back in the 6s at the end. My friend isn’t big on the woo, and she knows I’m liable to wet myself laughing at it anyway, so it was fine on that front!


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Good evening people. Seems yoga is big today:). Can’t vouch for the affect of yogA on BS. As for yogURT well I can definitely say it seldom, mostly nearly always affects my BS slightly.
Busyish day.
Making a bespoke corner shelf at the wife’s request ( re. nagging ). Interesting how working out of your comfort zone affects sugars. Christmas goodies came in handy a few times.
We are now the proud owners of a lovely, new, poppy red front door. Far better than the cheap upvc rubbish we inherited when we moved in. Having mates in the trade made for a good deal.
Every intention of chilling out for the evening now. Get this 3.6 sorted and everything should go according to plan from here on in.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I haven't yogaed since becoming T1 so anything I write will be pure guesswork.
But, hey, isn't that all of diabetes! So here's my guess:
It would depend on the type of yoga.
If I was doing something that stresses my body like hot yoga or holding a pose for a long time or trying a head stand for the first time or trying to balance when I am not used to it, I would expect my BG to rise.
Likewise, if I hadn't done yoga before and was nervous about it, I would expect a slight rise.
If my yoga was more relaxed, concentrated on breathing, the poses were not too strenuous, I would not expect my BG to change.
If I was doing a yoga movement/flow like sun salutation, I may expect my BG to lower. For me, this is more likely than for others because I had a tendency to do "fast yoga".
Not being good at going slow is probably why I don't do yoga any more ... that and resisting the temptation to snigger when the instructor started to tell us some spiritual stuff and I glanced at my friend across the room. An example of this was one lesson when the instructor told us hold hands and those of use who felt strong should transfer some of that strength through our hands to those who were weaker.

What was your experience?
Of your BG not sniggering because I think you said your instructor was a friend ... and you are not so childish to do that :)

Well? They do say laughing is good for the soul... :)
But then, when I tried it in the late 1980s. In was "offered outside" by a Yoga teacher dressed like the silver surfer..


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Does anybody know if you can leave a libre on while having a CT scan?
Well FINALLY had my CT scan (4weeks after fracturing my shoulder in Motorbike crash) and I can confirm.....

You CAN wear a Libre sensor during a CT scan, the radiographer noticed it on my arm, gave it a funny look and then just carried on.

I was also not asked to remove any piercings etc, so guessing a CT scan isn't the one that uses strong magnets like I thought.


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Well FINALLY had my CT scan (4weeks after fracturing my shoulder in Motorbike crash) and I can confirm.....

You CAN wear a Libre sensor during a CT scan, the radiographer noticed it on my arm, gave it a funny look and then just carried on.

I was also not asked to remove any piercings etc, so guessing a CT scan isn't the one that uses strong magnets like I thought.

No, that’s the MRI. I know nowt about radiography but I have an image of being firmly stuck on the ceiling of the imaging machine if wearing certain metals in the MRI.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Well FINALLY had my CT scan (4weeks after fracturing my shoulder in Motorbike crash) and I can confirm.....

You CAN wear a Libre sensor during a CT scan, the radiographer noticed it on my arm, gave it a funny look and then just carried on.

I was also not asked to remove any piercings etc, so guessing a CT scan isn't the one that uses strong magnets like I thought.
Aye, it’s MRI that uses the magnets - makes the red ink in my tattoos tingle “interestingly”, it’s the iron in the colour. I was told by the radiographers last time I had one (we had words about my platinum nose stud that can’t cone out) about the lady who wore her “white gold” shiny new engagement ring into the MRI, only for it to fling her hand towards the walls of the chamber because it was fake gold... her fiancé got quite an earful!

Had an entertaining CFR shift, first call to an old lady exploding from both ends - turns out I have a stronger stomach than I thought! Then on the way back to our lurking point (ie coffee and pee stop at McDonald’s) we saw what looked awfully like a child face down on the roundabout by the entrance to a fairly notorious estate. Keeping all our self defence training in mind, 999 ready to go on my phone and the panic button on our comms gadget, we checked it out only to find it was clothes stuffed to look like a body. WTAF is wrong with people? Whether it was kids doing it for a joke, or as a lure to rob anyone who stopped, I don’t know. Anyway, we chucked it in the bin so hopefully they won’t do it again. There were a few kids lurking around when we passed by a bit later. No noticeable adrenalin spike though, must be getting used to it...
Type of diabetes
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Good morning Saturday colander's. I have been up early, a restless night and awoke on double figure's,:banghead::rolleyes: just going to have a second cuppa and read a couple of chapter's of my book.

Well done @Mel dCP , you are doing such a good job :)


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Good morning teabags.
Tea and coffee now imbibed and my head’s back on again. A good night, but my brain doesn’t kick in until the caffeine’s there and the slow awakening’s completed (ish).
I was thinking about the ‘body’ you came across, Mel; it’d be interesting to know why it was put there. Horrible if it’s a robbery lure. More understandable if it was kids looking for reactions. Kids are mad, and what kind of stimulus is there near their homes where I imagine the bricks and concrete don’t leave much room for the imagination.
I’m amazed you didn’t get much of an adrenaline spike! Mine rose just reading about it.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Good morning teabags.
Tea and coffee now imbibed and my head’s back on again. A good night, but my brain doesn’t kick in until the caffeine’s there and the slow awakening’s completed (ish).
I was thinking about the ‘body’ you came across, Mel; it’d be interesting to know why it was put there. Horrible if it’s a robbery lure. More understandable if it was kids looking for reactions. Kids are mad, and what kind of stimulus is there near their homes where I imagine the bricks and concrete don’t leave much room for the imagination.
I’m amazed you didn’t get much of an adrenaline spike! Mine rose just reading about it.
I suspect it was kids looking for reactions. Someone calm in a hi-vis jacket approaching carefully with a police spec torch, prodding it gently after asking if it could hear me and then calmly putting it in a neat pile behind the bus shelter probably isn’t going to go viral on YouTube!


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Morning all, feeling slightly pleased with myself today. Went to the pub for dinner last night with a group of friends and neighbours, steak burger and chips followed by ice cream - not at all what I usually eat - so guesstimating like mad. Corrected a 9 at bedtime, overslept and woke to 6.4. After much recent playing with morning bolus as I kept going low after walking, finally got that right too (for today anyway!) and came back on a tidy 5.8. Smug Saturday!


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black jelly beans
I am getting the hang of this low-low carb high fat diet and the BSLs are behaving them selves. It is just the need to sleeep and the tolerate slight nausea. Still I know the drill and will press on. Tried some seaweed snacks and apart from getting used to the saltiness I found them great! Onward and steady wins the race. Tortoise over and out!!


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After a holiday couple of weeks where I've ached like mad, where I've eaten more carbs of all varieties than has been normal for me, I'm happily reverting to a more low carb way of eating which suited my whole body best! I'd long connected achy joints to too much sugar and had noted during the two years where I was pretty strict with myself that all such aches had not been present.

Back to Main Paid Job on Monday, so having a lazy day today. Off on an outing after church tomorrow, and want plenty of energy for that.


Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Evening all - just heading back from a week skiing in France and now stuck in the ‘fuel tax’ protest on the A1.. been a week of not too massive highs but a few lows and a bad one of 2.7 stuck above a red run, it’s funny how the legs can shake when starved of glucose. T1 has been a bit of a drain this week more than others but only because the cold was slightly bad some days and more draining on the glucose levels than I could of predicted. Still the Dexcom came in handy as I got alerts on my phone so was still able to shake off a few lows before they got too low.

Hope everyone’s had a good week.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Evening all - just heading back from a week skiing in France and now stuck in the ‘fuel tax’ protest on the A1.. been a week of not too massive highs but a few lows and a bad one of 2.7 stuck above a red run, it’s funny how the legs can shake when starved of glucose. T1 has been a bit of a drain this week more than others but only because the cold was slightly bad some days and more draining on the glucose levels than I could of predicted. Still the Dexcom came in handy as I got alerts on my phone so was still able to shake off a few lows before they got too low.

Hope everyone’s had a good week.

Nuisance lows but you survived!


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My Libre reader shows 15% below target over the last seven days. I have no idea what happened, just a week ago it was about 5%. I changed sensor, and this one is reading lower than actual finger prick tests, mostly my sensors do that, but also I think I have to reduce the basal, just a few days ago my blood sugar was resisting staying below 8, and now it's just gone weird. I think the new sensor is exaggerating the lows a bit, but something weird has happened.

Anyway, going to have to get it sorted, as got a hospital appointment at the end of January, and I want my readings to look good, and 15% below target won't.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Thanks @Fairygodmother there’s a toss up between surviving without broken limbs and surviving t1 on the slopes, I have to admit I got in quite a panic with my 2.7 as I just wanted to get to a cafe to warm up and treat, regardless of whatever you do it always manages to catch you out.


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A nice, relaxing Saturday for me after the hecticness of xmas/NY.

A leisurely Chinese buffet, pork ribs to die for, then on to an early afternoon showing of The Favourite, about the machinations of two cousins to get close to the 18th century Queen Anne. Don't normally like period dramas that much, or stuff to do with royalty, but, hey, Olivia Colman was playing the queen, so that was a good enough reason to go!

And the deliberate overbolus for the buffet led in nicely as a sort of extended pre-bolus for a tub of Haagen Dazs praline and cream at the movies.

I'd recommend the movie. A lot of decadence and excess ("Let's race some lobsters, then eat them"), and women in period costume being handy with guns - what's not to like...

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