What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Who'da thunk tea and toast would have seemed such a feast.
I would...it took me a long time to find a way to have a slice of toast for breakfast despite all the helpful suggestions about bacon, eggs, cold plates, last nights leftovers etc etc. and whatever the future holds for me that will be the last to go, probs with me lol.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I would...it took me a long time to find a way to have a slice of toast for breakfast despite all the helpful suggestions about bacon, eggs, cold plates, last nights leftovers etc etc. and whatever the future holds for me that will be the last to go, probs with me lol.
I very much hope to read of you enjoying toast and tea at breakfast for decades to come. Buttered toast fits the Coco's little black dress, see ball hit ball ideas (KISS) that work for me. Good old Polonius: This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. T2 and LC have really forced me to think long and hard about what mine own self is. That has evolved rapidly over the last year as this WOE seems to have unravelled. You really started something with that comment but it is very useful:arghh:
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Well-Known Member
Made some changes today partly for pleasure and partly for experimentation. Had breakfast - 2 slices of well buttered skinny bread toast with 2 large mugs of tea. Can't lie, very few things I have eaten in last 4 years have given as much pleasure. Had cheese after swimming then egg (1) and avocado salad. Piece of cheddar whilst visiting no 1 son and 10 cal jelly quite late when we came home. Quite concerned by how much cheese I am eating but until gout has disappeared from rear view mirror not willing to try anything else. Who'da thunk tea and toast would have seemed such a feast.

I think your ‘too much cheese’ is my little cheesy snack ianpspurs. ;))
I’ve just decided to stop eating pork here. So many pigs kept so squashed together can only be unhealthy for anyone eating them - antibiotics to stop diseases (according to Jamie Oliver) and unhealthy for the poor animals.
Hardly any lamb available. There isn’t much choice apart from organic which is difficult to find and v expensive, and not available in supermarkets.
Ah, I could eat cheese!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I think your ‘too much cheese’ is my little cheesy snack ianpspurs. ;))
I’ve just decided to stop eating pork here. So many pigs kept so squashed together can only be unhealthy for anyone eating them - antibiotics to stop diseases (according to Jamie Oliver) and unhealthy for the poor animals.
Hardly any lamb available. There isn’t much choice apart from organic which is difficult to find and v expensive, and not available in supermarkets.
Ah, I could eat cheese!
Plenty of pigs roaming as free as they can when being farmed in Breckland where we are relocating. Pretty sure they will be well dosed with antibiotics and yield enhancers Enjoy your cheese. I like it but can't rid myself of the idea that there are far better things I should be using my carbs/cals/money on. Not sure analysis of the milk in most of it would be comforting either. For me it is essential that I keep repeating to myself "must not go native" when reading this thread:angelic: No criticism of anyone who posts here as I am full of admiration for what you guys achieve and your determination to combat diabetes. I just feel it is mostly very wrong for me but fascinating to see how others go about things. Not quite participant observation, more anthropologist. On topic. only tea (lots) up to 11.15.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
My daughter-in-law and grand daughter brought me two heart shaped, smallish quiches they had made for me last night. I thought I would only eat the filling for my breakfast, but I didn't. I ate, and enjoyed, the pastry as well.

Lunch - I have been hanging around for the lady who comes to clean my floors every week (that's the only bit I just can't manage, involving standing and pushing a broom, vacuum cleaner or mop around the floor. All the rest of the housework I can manage, bit by bit with frequent rests/dozes throughout the day). She didn't come this morning and I have done nothing but hang around waiting. So I just took whatever was available for my lunch - which was, of course, the second quiche. BG has been hovering around 10 - 12 all day so far. Lisa has phoned to say she will be here this afternoon some time. More hanging around and no time for food prep - probably shan't have anything anyway. Been feeling a bit queer for the last couple of days anyway, so perhaps best not.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Food eaten today

Cashew nuts and bits dark chocolate
Coffee black x2

Eggs and cheese thrown in microwave

Cup Tea

But when I went to make lunch some prepacked meat still well in date had obviously gone off. It was developing black bits. So I chucked it

So looked at the next date one to use.
That was duck and orange pate. Never tried it before. But one teaspoon told me it was far too rich and upset my tummy.

In the end cooked some mushrooms and put them in lettuce leaves. But couldn’t eat it. The black meat and duck and orange pate had turned my stomach. So threw that away.

On cups of tea now and a tiny packet of pork scratchings (2pm) which agreed with tummy.

No food until tomorrow now.

Cups of tea for rest of day and water.



Well-Known Member
Plenty of pigs roaming as free as they can when being farmed in Brecklnad where we are relocating. Pretty sure they will be well dosed with antibiotics and yield enhancers Enjoy your cheese. I like it but can't rid myself of the idea that there are far better things I should be using my carbs/cals/money on. Not sure analysis of the milk in most of it would be comforting either. For me it is essential that I keep repeating to myself "must not go native" when reading this thread:angelic: No criticism of anyone who posts here as I am full of admiration for what you guys achieve and your determination to combat diabetes. I just feel it is mostly very wrong for me but fascinating to see how others go about things. Not quite participant observation, more anthropologist. On topic. only tea (lots) up to 11.15.

They use antibiotics when lots of animals are kept together in stalls to stop disease spreading between them. Surely if they are kept outside, as I see from the train and car, in Norfolk and Suffolk, there must be less necessity to dose them. ???
Did anyone see Jamie Oliver’s pig campaign in 2008? It was an eye opener and v interesting.
You’re right about the milk too ianpspurs. Grass fed would always be better- it we could find it.
At this moment I believe that the food we eat is contributing enormously towards the ill health of the modern population. They’re still spraying crops with glucophosat, which is actually banned in Germany for private use, it’s ‘only’ still allowed to be used on our food, animals are routinely given antibiotics in order to stop disease among them in too small pens, they have hormones to make them grow faster and for the cows to produce more and more milk per head. It will take something resembling mad cow disease again for the health of the public to have any kind of chance against the money fueled modern practices. And it isn’t even as though the farmers are able to make any money- many of them are apparently barely keeping their heads above water. Someone somewhere is making shed loads of money, but apparently it isn’t the farmers, who are hardly paid a living wage for their hard work. Suicide is apparently quite common among farmers.
Sorry, that was a bit intense. I do get very aggravated about it all sometimes.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
They use antibiotics when lots of animals are kept together in stalls to stop disease spreading between them. Surely if they are kept outside, as I see from the train and car, in Norfolk and Suffolk, there must be less necessity to dose them. ???
Did anyone see Jamie Oliver’s pig campaign in 2008? It was an eye opener and v interesting.
You’re right about the milk too ianpspurs. Grass fed would always be better- it we could find it.
At this moment I believe that the food we eat is contributing enormously towards the ill health of the modern population. They’re still spraying crops with glucophosat, which is actually banned in Germany for private use, it’s ‘only’ still allowed to be used on our food, animals are routinely given antibiotics in order to stop disease among them in too small pens, they have hormones to make them grow faster and for the cows to produce more and more milk per head. It will take something resembling mad cow disease again for the health of the public to have any kind of chance against the money fueled modern practices. And it isn’t even as though the farmers are able to make any money- many of them are apparently barely keeping their heads above water. Someone somewhere is making shed loads of money, but apparently it isn’t the farmers, who are hardly paid a living wage for their hard work. Suicide is apparently quite common among farmers.
Sorry, that was a bit intense. I do get very aggravated about it all sometimes.
It is mostly arable here so will be an interesting change. We do have relatives who are livestock farmers in Wales but have diversified into holiday homes. i have long chats with farmers whilst walking the dog and they are very cynical about grass fed/organic claims. There are times of the year when one can smell the spray in the air for days so how livestock could avoid inhaling any baffles me. Watch documentaries on how UK fed itself on cheap food after the war and look at the changes to the shape of cows. pigs and sheep to know what we eat now is nothing like this mythical deamtime of yesteryear. You can't expect to buy fruit and veg at e.g Aldi prices grown naturally. On topic,have just eaten yogurt and comte so I fully expect to change shape and glow in the dark but what's a fella to do?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I nearly did but didnt in the end buy the Instant Pot!
Breakfast: usual slice HiLo toast, butter, tea x2.
Lunch: slice of homemade quiche at a friends (left the outside crust of buttery pastry) with tender lettuce leaves. Water then coffee.
Supper: meatballs in chilli tomato sauce with courgetti. Might have a G&ST as a reward cos its watering night!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just CWC this morning. Dennis and I off to puppy class and meet some new chums for him. He didn’t disgrace himself so a good morning.
L: M&S Masala salmon burger (<4g carbs) with green salad and h/m French dressing. SF jelly
D: all this talk of Instant Pots has made me realise I haven’t used mine for a few days while I was away. Couldn’t decide what to have for tea and only just caught butcher before he shut so snap decision a gammon joint. 33 mins in IP delicious. Had mine with cauliflower cheese and fried courgettes. Put Mr C some new pots and carrots back in the IP for 4mins. 1 glass red ( so far)
@Viv19 couldn’t agree more with the farming comments. I don’t know who is doing well out of our current set up but someone is and it’s certainly not us the consumers nor the farmers. I feel really sorry for them.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Never mind, @PenguinMum - BlackFriday will be along depressingly soon!

Mine from Prime Days was delivered yesterday evening. I have opened the outer box, but must unpack it tonight and do the standard water test, which is always the first thing. Then it can be in proper use.

I have eaten already today, as I was out from first thing, until mid afternoon, at the Research Centre. I've been a research participant! I have never, ever qualified for anything there, on the basis I'm atypical everything they want to study, but this was a study on why people do or don't participate in research.

Anyway, my evening meal tonight was the leftover chicken thighs I marinaded (and froze) the other day, along with roasted cauli, the raspberries with Greek yoghurt and double cream. That's probably my first dessert this year.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@DJC3 good to hear about Dennis at school. Has he got homework?
I like the sound of and carb count of the Masala salmon burgers. Will seek them out, are they new?
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Well-Known Member
I nearly did but didnt in the end buy the Instant Pot!
Breakfast: usual slice HiLo toast, butter, tea x2.
Lunch: slice of homemade quiche at a friends (left the outside crust of buttery pastry) with tender lettuce leaves. Water then coffee.
Supper: meatballs in chilli tomato sauce with courgetti. Might have a G&ST as a reward cos its watering night!

I’m quite excited waiting for my Instant Pot. It is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Throwing things in and cooking for the freezer suits my way of thinking.
I used to make quiche quite often- the pastry was something that I worked hard at to get light, without soggy bottoms, and I liked eating that as much as the filling.
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Well-Known Member
Just CWC this morning. Dennis and I off to puppy class and meet some new chums for him. He didn’t disgrace himself so a good morning.
L: M&S Masala salmon burger (<4g carbs) with green salad and h/m French dressing. SF jelly
D: all this talk of Instant Pots has made me realise I haven’t used mine for a few days while I was away. Couldn’t decide what to have for tea and only just caught butcher before he shut so snap decision a gammon joint. 33 mins in IP delicious. Had mine with cauliflower cheese and fried courgettes. Put Mr C some new pots and carrots back in the IP for 4mins. 1 glass red ( so far)
@Viv19 couldn’t agree more with the farming comments. I don’t know who is doing well out of our current set up but someone is and it’s certainly not us the consumers nor the farmers. I feel really sorry for them.

Well done Dennis. Always a great feeling when your children and dogs make you look good! ;))
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m quite excited waiting for my Instant Pot. It is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Throwing things in and cooking for the freezer suits my way of thinking.
I used to make quiche quite often- the pastry was something that I worked hard at to get light, without soggy bottoms, and I liked eating that as much as the filling.
I am a bit jealous about the IP. Can you let me know how you get on with it? One of the issues I had was we are trying to downsize and dont know what sort of situation I will find myself in. Though I am very aware that if we need to put in a new kitchen the IP could be our saviour while its happening.
There is no comparison between h/m quiche and shop bought IMO my friend was fine about me leaving the crust and the base was very thin but she did give me a generous slice filled with roasted tomatoes and basil. Glorious. Havent tested bg probably best for now.