What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Just to add the accident on the edge of my village resulted in 1 fatality - a woman in her 80s. The mini bus was full of people aged 60-80. Maybe now action will be taken. Rather like diabetes advice why does it take something so tragic to stir the powers that be?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Finally home from work and this site is up and running ...getting to miss it when I can't log on :). A not so happy bg this morning a 7 ...haven't managed to climb back up on the wagon ( I wobbled off it whilst visiting daughter for 5 days ) . It is in sight I just need to take a run and jump so to speak to get back on lol .


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Finally home from work and this site is up and running ...getting to miss it when I can't log on :). A not so happy bg this morning a 7 ...haven't managed to climb back up on the wagon ( I wobbled off it whilst visiting daughter for 5 days ) . It is in sight I just need to take a run and jump so to speak to get back on lol .
You are testing and posting so no attempt to hide away which in my eyes means you are clambering back on the wagon. Intent. action, improved numbers seems to be the order so you are on the way back. I look forward to celebrating you firmly on the wagon and saying told ya so.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Finally home from work and this site is up and running ...getting to miss it when I can't log on :). A not so happy bg this morning a 7 ...haven't managed to climb back up on the wagon ( I wobbled off it whilst visiting daughter for 5 days ) . It is in sight I just need to take a run and jump so to speak to get back on lol .

Come on and run with me! :)

(Sorry no wagon but you know this is what it feels like and all about the hurdles we face!) :)
(And note it's a TEAM chase.) ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Finally home from work and this site is up and running ...getting to miss it when I can't log on :). A not so happy bg this morning a 7 ...haven't managed to climb back up on the wagon ( I wobbled off it whilst visiting daughter for 5 days ) . It is in sight I just need to take a run and jump so to speak to get back on lol .

I agree @mojo37
I woke up yesterday morning to have a read and chat, and alas this site was playing up and it lost each message I tried to send. :(

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morning and a 5.4 for me after an evening at my sons, daughter and all granddaughters were there, much food, board games and music enjoyed.

@ianpspurs enjoy, relax and keep safe, I truly hope you both have a wonderful time.

Time to recoup for me today before the onslaught of next weeks hectic program.

Have a good Saturday or Wicked if you wish.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning/evening folks, a 5.5 on the dice of doom today, 5.6 yesterday my posting failed, a trip to Kent beckons although Cyprus sounds a bit more promising, hope you have a good time there Ian, have a lovely weekend all, I do believe it's stopped raining.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from the quiet and momentarily rain free dawn that is the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of log fires and not watching fake fun on the beeb last night heralded a warm and glowing 5.1 this am

Mrs Miggins was out last night to a town hall dinner for foster carers with her twin sister so I was left unsupervised with the TV remote - film it is then.

Hygiene inspection this morning at the GP surgery - no, not me, the rooms and corridors at the surgery - I have been carefully hosed down this week already. After that, it’s a hunt for some small batteries that power the lights inside a few wooden Christmas decorations. Yes, seasonal objects have been dragged, kicking and screaming, from their hidy holes in the attic for inspection prior to being assigned stations in three or four weeks time.

Have a great day if you can, enjoy Cyprus @ianpspurs


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is as much as I can muster this morning...feeling awful so another day of Beechams Vicks & lounging on the sofa ...sipping my coffee although I can't really taste it...no idea how with all the sugar & syrupy cold cure medicine I've taken woke to a 5.8
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
After that, it’s a hunt for some small batteries that power the lights inside a few wooden Christmas decorations. Yes, seasonal objects have been dragged, kicking and screaming, from their hidy holes in the attic for inspection prior to being assigned stations in three or four weeks time.
Wow! Your household is well organised, our Christmas stuff stays firmly in the loft until the day we decide 'Let's do it' causing much panic looking for batteries and purchasing yet another set of tree lights that have failed, what ever happened to tree lights that lasted a life time?
Love the new picture, one of yours?
@HarryBeau poor you, keep warm and I wish you a speedy recovery.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning...urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is as much as I can muster this morning...feeling awful so another day of Beechams Vicks & lounging on the sofa ...sipping my coffee although I can't really taste it...no idea how with all the sugar & syrupy cold cure medicine I've taken woke to a 5.8
Keep warm, lots of fluids
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