What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.4 this morning
Not surprising.
After yesterday's three course lunch follewed by evening cheese and wine fest.
If it was enjoyable and your own choice all is good. Readings come and readings go but
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
Don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand and take it easy

Other views are available but far more stressful and stress raises bg so relax young lady, you got this.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I made @gennepher 's recipe into a pancake which I spread with almond butter. It was delicious. I am going to make another one for breakfast and top it with Greek yoghurt and either raspberries or blackberries.

Have not had a pancake since 2016 so it is so nice to have a low carb option.

Oh wow @Krystyna23040

I liked it very much, and I was worried you wouldn't like it as much as I did.

That has made my day :)

Thank you!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I made @gennepher 's recipe into a pancake which I spread with almond butter. It was delicious. I am going to make another one for breakfast and top it with Greek yoghurt and either raspberries or blackberries.

Have not had a pancake since 2016 so it is so nice to have a low carb option.

I have been doing a search to find @gennepher 's post with the recipe and all I get is "no results." I know it is here somewhere!
(wanders away making a sound that is the opposite of a purr ... )


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Can you please post it again? I can't find it anywhere and it did look delicious.
@SaskiaKC have copied @gennepher recipe below. It is so simple to make.

'I have made a treat which doesn't raise my blood sugars at all. It is probably not to everyone's taste, but it is one egg with two teaspoons ground almonds. Beat the egg well before adding almonds. Cook on griddle. It is like a crumpet (not exactly but you get the picture) and a couple drops of pure Canadian Maple syrup on, and butter of course.

So when everyone on here especially the founder of this thread harps on about crumpets leaking more butter than a leaking oil tanker, this is my go to! And it works for me :)'


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have been doing a search to find @gennepher 's post with the recipe and all I get is "no results." I know it is here somewhere!
(wanders away making a sound that is the opposite of a purr ... )
Aww @SaskiaKC
You can get back to purring again.
Very simple.
What I did was beat one egg, then add two teaspoons ground almonds.
Heat griddle or fry pan (whatever).
Butter on griddle or fry pan.
Cook to how you like it. Just a few minutes probably.
I made mine thick like a crumpet, but @Krystyna23040 said she made a pancake, so either spread it out on pan, or maybe put a bit less ground almonds in.

I added butter and a bit of maple syrup. But obviously you can do anything - a bit of fruit, yoghurt, butter and lemon juice, etc.

I do have some other ideas but haven't tried them yet as I like just the ground almonds and egg. My ideas were to try a bit of ground flaxseeds/linseeds/mixed seeds etc. But it might spoil it completely...I just don't know.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Aww @SaskiaKC
You can get back to purring again.
Very simple.
What I did was beat one egg, then add two teaspoons ground almonds.
Heat griddle or fry pan (whatever).
Butter on griddle or fry pan.
Cook to how you like it. Just a few minutes probably.
I made mine thick like a crumpet, but @Krystyna23040 said she made a pancake, so either spread it out on pan, or maybe put a bit less ground almonds in.

I added butter and a bit of maple syrup. But obviously you can do anything - a bit of fruit, yoghurt, butter and lemon juice, etc.

I do have some other ideas but haven't tried them yet as I like just the ground almonds and egg. My ideas were to try a bit of ground flaxseeds/linseeds/mixed seeds etc. But it might spoil it completely...I just don't know.
Do report back with your experiments - when you do them. I do agree that the ground almonds and egg is delicious.

I had my pancake around 5pm. 3 hours afterwards 5.1. Now at 10.15pm BS 4.3 - so a really good reading.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@SaskiaKC have copied @gennepher recipe below. It is so simple to make.

'I have made a treat which doesn't raise my blood sugars at all. It is probably not to everyone's taste, but it is one egg with two teaspoons ground almonds. Beat the egg well before adding almonds. Cook on griddle. It is like a crumpet (not exactly but you get the picture) and a couple drops of pure Canadian Maple syrup on, and butter of course.

So when everyone on here especially the founder of this thread harps on about crumpets leaking more butter than a leaking oil tanker, this is my go to! And it works for me :)'

Thank you! I look forward to trying it. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Aww @SaskiaKC
You can get back to purring again.
Very simple.
What I did was beat one egg, then add two teaspoons ground almonds.
Heat griddle or fry pan (whatever).
Butter on griddle or fry pan.
Cook to how you like it. Just a few minutes probably.
I made mine thick like a crumpet, but @Krystyna23040 said she made a pancake, so either spread it out on pan, or maybe put a bit less ground almonds in.

I added butter and a bit of maple syrup. But obviously you can do anything - a bit of fruit, yoghurt, butter and lemon juice, etc.

I do have some other ideas but haven't tried them yet as I like just the ground almonds and egg. My ideas were to try a bit of ground flaxseeds/linseeds/mixed seeds etc. But it might spoil it completely...I just don't know.

Thank you. :) It sounds delicious! I wonder if some nuts and some dark chocolate would go well with it too? I've added them to pancakes and oatmeal; also coconut ...

Hmm...in another 12 hours or so it will be daylight and I can go buy some almond flour and some eggs. :) I bet your crumpet would go well with bacon ... or sausage ...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you. :) It sounds delicious! I wonder if some nuts and some dark chocolate would go well with it too? I've added them to pancakes and oatmeal; also coconut ...

Hmm...in another 12 hours or so it will be daylight and I can go buy some almond flour and some eggs. :) I bet your crumpet would go well with bacon ... or sausage ...

Might work well @SaskiaKC
You can only try. It really is whatever tickles your fancy/taste buds.

It doesn't take long to make, just a few moments, so if you didn't like an experiment you did then it is easy to throw it away and make another.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Mmhh...hit 7.5 this am's FBG..:oops:

A good meal last night... And a few late night beers.... Not sure this Saigon beer is agreeing with me.. So tonight's tipple will be red wine or vodka plus a diet drink...see if that makes any difference.

Yesterday was a toddle around town, met a lovely lady, noticed her blood test sensor on arm, got chatting.. Gave us a tip for a nice place to eat.. went and it was lovely. Sunbeds and a nice bit of beach... Water glorious to swim in.. Two sessions of 40/50 mins each time.... So well exercised and relaxed.
Crazy mama sans run the beach massage, so of course Lauren had to make herself known to the coven...:D

Lady doing Lauren smoked continuously while pulling and pummeling her.. Only thing she was missing was an eye patch....;)

Says it was pretty good.. And only 200,000 dong... Sub £10 if my maths are close.

Earlier in day we had visited a market and sat for a coffee in rather poorly named bar,

The coffees iced were very pleasant,
And with the company of two furry friends.. Nice


Back at the did bar, squid on a spicey sauce goes down well.. the two little shack dogs go for a wander.. And we see the end of another glorious day.


Be well everyone.
The day ahead beckons us all wherever we are, so let's make the most of it..xx
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

Have a good day!

I saw this in a restroom yesterday while I was on a little drive...

View attachment 37451

Nice. I learned to type on a four bank Imperial - quite similar. We had to slide our fingers into a shield over the keys and type to either music or the sound of a metronome. Once we had it, it was on to a Siemens t100 teleprinter and then learning five dot Murray code. Still miss that carriage return.


Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morning and a 5.7 for me today.

Other than a visit to MIL a quiet day ahead, time to recharge the batteries.

Fbg 6.7

Have a good day!

I saw this in a restroom yesterday while I was on a little drive...

View attachment 37451

Frightening thing is I still have a similar one which I used to type my poems and short stories on. :) How we have moved on.

Do the best you can with today.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning one and all from the survivors of the mad and crazy recent events due to having a horde of miniature humans charging about for the past few days. They are leaving today to wreak havoc with other grandparents but are being returned after the weekend to stay with us for a few days - aaaagh!

The wonder wheel of trying to catch up came in at 5.7 this a.m.

Have a wonderful weekend. Yet again, the Christmas Pud did not get a look in.

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.1 @ 4.00 ish on this Feast of the Holy Innocents - Coventry Carol anyone? @jjraak standard of your travelogues is maintained as the market leader on here and Lauren of Arabia looks suitably chilled and chic. The force giving a month long bruising that my ego has needed shows no signs of having finished with me as that fbg, early waking, constipation and subtle hints of gout testify. Timely reminder of the frailty of human flesh and the limits of any plans for managing diabetes. Hopefully, December has been the grit that makes a pearl. I do get a strong feeling that Psalm 146 vs 2-3 are hinting at something I really need to learn whilst staying focused on to vvs 7-10. Yes Joni, I am aware of my weakness, love your songs but you are so sub Feuerbach: lesson in survival, spinning out on turns that keep you tough, Guru books the bible only a reminder that you're just not good enough. (I am open to the possibility) Have a great day.
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