What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.8 today, I prefer it lower but hey ho.

Today I found out I have been blocked by the enemy on Twitter. DUK. looks like the truth is hurting. It won't stop me. It will just make me even more determined.

This next week I will be looking at starting to put together my reply to them re my complaint. Although not sending until I've done more experiments with their guidelines. This was my first test. Quite shocking! How they can encourage starchy carbs beats me!!!

Winds have died down here. We escaped carnage but other areas sadly didn't. Very sad to watch.

Hope you all have a good day. I'm decorating BILs this week. He is doing well after a bad year. He doesnt like my low carb cooking though. And tells me! I dont like it myself ;-)

Just a thought @Debandez
You say DUK have blocked you.

I know you will continue the good fight on Twitter.

But they could complain to Twitter about you and your account is suspended for awhile while it is supposedly investigated.

Do you have an alternative Twitter account under another name already lying in the wings just in case?
Because if you have another account ready already with a few followers, then it is much easier using hashtags to explain that your Twitter account was blocked and you can generate support much more quickly.

I am speaking from experience when a nasty person did that to me. I got my account back, but it wasn't quickly. But it was easier because I had that back up account and I could generate support from others....

Just a thought Debs x
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
7.6 this rainy morning. I would like to Blame It On Rio but I have never been there.

@gennepher Thank you for posting both of the paintings. I love the colors of the waters in them. I also love the reflections in your photo of J's painting. It seems very eloquent.

@PenguinMum Congratulations on your FBG this morning. :)

I'm hoping and praying that the weather will get all the rain out of its system today, as tomorrow friends are driving me to the little town I want to move to, to meet with the apartment manager. They had a lot of snow there about a week ago so I'm glad it isn't cold right now, but none of us are looking forward to 4 hours of driving in rain/fog to get there and back again. All prayers and hopes welcome! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
7.6 this rainy morning. I would like to Blame It On Rio but I have never been there.

@gennepher Thank you for posting both of the paintings. I love the colors of the waters in them. I also love the reflections in your photo of J's painting. It seems very eloquent.

@PenguinMum Congratulations on your FBG this morning. :)

I'm hoping and praying that the weather will get all the rain out of its system today, as tomorrow friends are driving me to the little town I want to move to, to meet with the apartment manager. They had a lot of snow there about a week ago so I'm glad it isn't cold right now, but none of us are looking forward to 4 hours of driving in rain/fog to get there and back again. All prayers and hopes welcome! :)

Good luck for tomorrow @SaskiaKC

Thank you for the painting compliments.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
They won't like me when I'm mad ;-)
My latest post (1st of many me thinks) posted on DUK Facebook page!

I see to have upset you DUK on my Twitter. You blocked me. Is it perhaps because I suggested you scrap your high starchy carb (carbs turn to sugar) low fat (loaded with sugar) advice and suggested you change it to advising people to LOWER carb intake and choose healthy fats to avoid THIS! Which the majority of those reversing type 2 do!

This was day 1 of following your type 2 eating plan. I not only didn't make it to day 2 but didn't finish day 1 (this is what 2 slices of seeded toast did and to follow it by eating a 2 slice sandwich as you suggested I felt would be very detrimental to my health, plus 5 fruits and veg spread across my day causing my insulin to be en guard constantly).

Are you trying to make us poorly! Keep us ill! You are walking prediabetics right into type 2. And type 2 to a shortened life of meds and complications.

Have you collated the results of your recent questionnaire 'how did you get into type 2 remission'? I'm sure the results will be conclusive. It won't be high carb low fat for sure! That's why you class it as progressive.

Diabetic forum members say 'avoid the current guidelines, monitor your blood sugars regularly to see which foods suit you and lower your carbs!

You have a donate button on each page. For research into how to beat it. Why dont you start by listening to us diabetics?

BRAVO, BRAVO..(i KNOW you can't see it..but it IS a STANDING OVATION, here )

best post BY far this year.

You KNOW you've hit a soft spot, when the stop listening and try to BLOCK.

but to be fair, the sponsors won't like what your saying, it's like the Meat conversation,
"NO ONE WANTS that kind of talk around here"

(wot, honest open and fact based ?..
YES..now GO AWAY or we'll call the police )..:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

nice idea by @gennepher for the 2nd account, ..:D
i'd block you at every turn and make life as difficult as possible for you, as well... if i was them,
Only way to drown out the obvious, init..

don't want you scaring away the profits, sorry i meant flock
with inconvenient truths, do they :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
7.6 this rainy morning. I would like to Blame It On Rio but I have never been there.

@gennepher Thank you for posting both of the paintings. I love the colors of the waters in them. I also love the reflections in your photo of J's painting. It seems very eloquent.

@PenguinMum Congratulations on your FBG this morning. :)

I'm hoping and praying that the weather will get all the rain out of its system today, as tomorrow friends are driving me to the little town I want to move to, to meet with the apartment manager. They had a lot of snow there about a week ago so I'm glad it isn't cold right now, but none of us are looking forward to 4 hours of driving in rain/fog to get there and back again. All prayers and hopes welcome! :)
Thanks Saskia. Tomorrow is a big day and I hope so much the weather will be kind to you and the journey goes well. I expect you will be leaving a packed lunch for the KC but you will have so much to tell her when you get back. Try not to worry about it and I hope you get answers to all your questions and everything will be what you hoped for. We are all with you in spirit and mind. Look forward to hearing your report.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks Saskia. Tomorrow is a big day and I hope so much the weather will be kind to you and the journey goes well. I expect you will be leaving a packed lunch for the KC but you will have so much to tell her when you get back. Try not to worry about it and I hope you get answers to all your questions and everything will be what you hoped for. We are all with you in spirit and mind. Look forward to hearing your report.

Thank you. :)
I love the idea of the packed lunch too. ^. .^


Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
@gennepher liked that wave, the colour and light is very good. The roughsea picture you purchased to save the day is a wonderfully painted sea, the light and action Is breathtaking.

@SaskiaKC all the best for tomorrow I hope all goes well and works out for you. Fingers crossed for the weather.

@Debandez You rebellious person, good on ya, keep it up

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
@Muddy Cyclist your river plains watercolour is both haunting and so real it couldbe a photo in time.
Thanks PM through Trent Valley a canal and railway line run but those Victorian Engineers knew how to build and they don't flood. Also the river Trent meanders through the valley, no straightening, no flood barriers and so it works. the water can take its time instead of rushing down the modern straightened rivers and dumping itself on unsuspecting villages and towns. So yes an historic feel to the scene.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Inspired by the flood plains in Trent Valley which are doing exactly what they should be doing my watercolour shows them looking west towards Great Haywood and Shugborough Estate. Watercolour Sketch A4 size 20 minutes.

View attachment 38758
I agree with @PenguinMum - a really superb and haunting atmospheric painting.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Inspired by the flood plains in Trent Valley which are doing exactly what they should be doing my watercolour shows them looking west towards Great Haywood and Shugborough Estate. Watercolour Sketch A4 size 20 minutes.

View attachment 38758

I really like this painting @Muddy Cyclist
Also it has the quality of an old fashioned photograph...

Thank you for the compliments on the two paintings. J's is amazing, thank you.

It has been very windy all day here with teeming stair rods rain...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Inspired by the flood plains in Trent Valley which are doing exactly what they should be doing my watercolour shows them looking west towards Great Haywood and Shugborough Estate. Watercolour Sketch A4 size 20 minutes.

View attachment 38758

This is beautiful. Thank you for posting it. I can feel the water and the chill in the air. They remind me of these lines by Gerard Manley Hopkins, that I have loved for years:

What would the world be, once bereft
Of wet and wildness? Let them be left,
O let them be left, wildness and wet;
Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.

The poem is here. https://www.theotherpages.org/poems/hopkins1.html


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
And another for a great journey and a worthwhile visit tomorrow.

lets hope it answers all your questions and doubts.

"Head em up, Ride em out, @SaskiaKC "..:D
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Lol I hope you leave her a more appetising packed lunch. She isnt used to mice annd probably wouldnt like them being a dainty lady.

Don't worry, @PenguinMum . :) She will have a triple serving of her usual Indoor Cat Chow, two bowls of water, a saucer of her favorite treats, and a dish of her current favorite canned food, mixed with a little people tuna.