What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Julie's has morphed into a streaming cold but eyes seem to be getting better. Grandson only needed collecting from school, feeding and ferrying to and from Beavers. DIL home last evening but back for haematology in Cambridge - not West Suffolk - on Thursday so we have granddaughter all day :):)and probably collect grandson from school:):):) Hope your bloods come back as you would like and thanks for enquiring.

Quite a busy time for you then. Thank goodness you are close by now and can help out. Would Julie enjoy settling in front of the TV watching The Saint maybe?
I’m not really concerned about the blood tests, maybe I’m just meant to be on the low side. - normal ranges are just a guide really. Thanks for the good wishes though.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I wonder which one you had? Think I’d rather have the bruise. I also had a blood test this morning, not for HbA1c butFBC and Haemoglobin as it was a bit low last time. Surprising considering the amount of red meat and spinach I eat. It wasn’t very low, and I feel fine so not really concerned. My nurse today was cheerful, chatty and neither hurt nor bruised. Full marks to her. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for your Thursday results.
I saw a brand new girl, I say girl because she seemed so young, no pain, no bruise, very friendly, tried to sell me flu and shingles injection but I was not in the market :joyful:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It is good that you have found a way to get out of your depression.

I do like your painting - it really reflects your mood.

Last night there was a stunning sunset in a really wild sky and it made me wish that I was like you and @Muddy Cyclist and could paint it.

Thank you very much @Krystyna23040

The sky is very good at painting her own sunsets!
All I can do is paint an impression of that sunset. I do love sunsets though.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Quite a busy time for you then. Thank goodness you are close by now and can help out. Would Julie enjoy settling in front of the TV watching The Saint maybe?
I’m not really concerned about the blood tests, maybe I’m just meant to be on the low side. - normal ranges are just a guide really. Thanks for the good wishes though.
TV for Julie perhaps - Farmers Country Showdown would be acceptable; Countryfile maybe and at a push Endeavour if I had dozed off:angelic:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I hope you can manage to lift yourself out of the depression spiral @gennepher , if sleeping helps then that’s most certainly the best thing for you. I loved the ethereal quality of today’s painting and your postcard story.

Thank you @DJC3

I have had a good day today. I ended up going for a drive after. It was beautifully sunny earlier (the weather has turned to rain now). The sun and blue skies are a really good uplifting healer. Thank you for the painting compliment.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher I am glad and relieved to see you back here. Thank you for posting your painting this morning. I like it very much, especially the steep hillsides. I also like the colors. To me it looks very Spring-like.
I was sorry to read about your father and your paintings. I cannot imagine that kind of pain. I do remember that when I was at Auburn University (my father went there too, and loved it), I wrote a poem about it and sent my only copy to my parents.
They didn't keep it.
Thank you @SaskiaKC
Thanks for the painting compliment.
That must have hurt that they didn’t keep your poem.
Hugs for you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've just been over on YouTube watching Judge Rinder for the first time. Since I've never watched Judge Judy or any other US versions of this show, I'll just ask, Are these cases real? :)
As far as I am aware @SaskiaKC those cases are real, but obviously Judge Rinder is making an interesting performing tv show out of it. I understand ITV (the broadcasting company) pay the winner of the case up to £5,000.

Does that help? I don’t have a telly, but I have watched it on You Tube as well as you. But I am not sure of the ethics of all this, because I think he puts down some of the people putting their cases forwards.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@DJC3 and Dennis: I just saw this and thought of you:

Happy Walking the Dog Day! :)



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
As far as I am aware @SaskiaKC those cases are real, but obviously Judge Rinder is making an interesting performing tv show out of it. I understand ITV (the broadcasting company) pay the winner of the case up to £5,000.

Does that help? I don’t have a telly, but I have watched it on You Tube as well as you. But I am not sure of the ethics of all this, because I think he puts down some of the people putting their cases forwards.

Thank you. :) Yes, that helps.
How are you and Popeye doing this afternoon?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am going to have a nap now...it was a beautiful sunny day today so I went for a drive along the coast after breakfast. Then I will try and read back on the posts. I will make a cup of tea first...that might wake me up...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have just opened an envelope from another post crossing person.
It is beautiful. She has sent me not one postcard but two, and a bookmark with a quote either side, and two teabags!!
Just going to make the camomile and lavender one! And some lovely messages and quotes she likes on the other side of the postcard.
Here is the photo.