What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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I hadn't realised just how stressed I was getting until he 'went'. Vet rang and said that psyllium husks were fine to give him if he is delayed again. We have an appointment to see her on Monday so she can check his foot.

He has just decided that he wants to take the bandage off so we will have to watch him closely over the next couple of days. Every time I tell him to leave it alone he grins at me then waits until I leave the room before having another go at it.
I just have to remind myself that this is not a human.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I find myself predisposed to feel a certain sympathy for the views exressed here. It doesn't help that PP is such a smug, unlikable thing. She blatantly exploits the minority and gender cards and makes us all aware she knows we know what she is doing.
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Diet only
It helped that Lodger went to work today (I didn't see him at all ystd so no idea if he chucked a sicky or just had a day off) but it also meant I could go bleach the downstairs toilet as well!

If it makes you feel any better I indulged in another mission of Command and Conquer and then remembered how irritatingly hard some of them could be so after a bit of earthy anglo saxon and a few re-do's I managed to get it.. so now I feel I need to be productive to make up from this morning's gaming!
Your post did make me feel better, In the end I just flew through the pile of paperwork on my desk and now feel ready for teaching my Zoom classes. It is a lovely feeling with all the work done.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
My painting for today. But not happy with it. Started it in ZenBrush3, and moved it over to Procreate

I think I lost something in the overdoing of it. Yes I saved it at different stages, but I wasn't satisfied when I looked back at an earlier version of it. So I stopped. I prefer painting in the very early hours of the morning...it works well as a meditation then to set my day, I don't want to meditate in the late afternoon/evening....

When I had my nap earlier my brain was drawing pictures in my mind...black and white intricate line drawing. I wouldn't be able to hold a pen to do that now, and it would give me a visual migraine. But I was enjoying watching them in my mind. Then Popeye decided he wanted to go in the potting shed, and so woke me up with his whiskers. So, I put harness and lead on him, but before we got to the potting shed, the heavens opened, and he turned and high tailed it back to the bungalow...

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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
A brilliant strategy @gennepher and good that you have fun with it and it lifts your mood, especially when the medical profession shouting at you would definitely drag your mood down.

Thanks @Krystyna23040

For some reason, they don't understand the concept of deafness. To particularly obtuse people with this, I can definitely have fun with them...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Painting for today, started yesterday and left to dry overnight, included phase 1 and finished scene.

Cannock Chase Larch trees have been beautiful this Autumn. I am always fascinated by their light, it's as though the light is generated by the Larch tree itself. In some of the valleys they glow against the background of Douglas Firs, sadly Larch and Douglas Firs are suffering from disease and may vanish from our forests. I know in Afan Valley where I do a lot of more serious Mountain Biking they have removed most of the Larch a great shame although the views have now opened up.

So here it is, A4 abstract style watercolour about 90 minutes....

Background from yesterday evening
View attachment 45545
Finished Larch Tree Impressions against Douglas Firs in steep valley.
View attachment 45546
Luminous glow. I absolutely love larch trees @Muddy Cyclist
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A nice fishing scene with lots of detail and good depth. Then are you getting into wallpaper design? If so can I order 4rolls please and what is the drop on that pattern? :)
Thank you @Muddy Cyclist - drop on the pattern is a bit like time - a variable influenced by the observer as well as circumstances. Just popped into my head - if you were carrying the roll of wallpaper on a train and walking from the rear to the front - would the drop differ from if you were walking from the front to the rear - asking for a bloke standing on the station, observing.
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Muddy Cyclist

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Thank you @Muddy Cyclist - drop on the pattern is a bit like time - a variable influenced by the observer as well as circumstances. Just popped into my head - if you were carrying the roll of wallpaper on a train and walking from the rear to the front - would the drop differ from if you were walking from the front to the rear - asking for a bloke standing on the station, observing.
I'll settle for the standard 18" then.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Painting for today, started yesterday and left to dry overnight, included phase 1 and finished scene.

Cannock Chase Larch trees have been beautiful this Autumn. I am always fascinated by their light, it's as though the light is generated by the Larch tree itself. In some of the valleys they glow against the background of Douglas Firs, sadly Larch and Douglas Firs are suffering from disease and may vanish from our forests. I know in Afan Valley where I do a lot of more serious Mountain Biking they have removed most of the Larch a great shame although the views have now opened up.

So here it is, A4 abstract style watercolour about 90 minutes....

Background from yesterday evening
View attachment 45545
Finished Larch Tree Impressions against Douglas Firs in steep valley.
View attachment 45546
Nice luminous nose - does it belong to the Dong?
Good row of larch trees - I like the authentic colours of the trees set against all those shades of blue. Trific.
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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My painting for today. But not happy with it. Started it in ZenBrush3, and moved it over to Procreate

I think I lost something in the overdoing of it. Yes I saved it at different stages, but I wasn't satisfied when I looked back at an earlier version of it. So I stopped. I prefer painting in the very early hours of the morning...it works well as a meditation then to set my day, I don't want to meditate in the late afternoon/evening....

When I had my nap earlier my brain was drawing pictures in my mind...black and white intricate line drawing. I wouldn't be able to hold a pen to do that now, and it would give me a visual migraine. But I was enjoying watching them in my mind. Then Popeye decided he wanted to go in the potting shed, and so woke me up with his whiskers. So, I put harness and lead on him, but before we got to the potting shed, the heavens opened, and he turned and high tailed it back to the bungalow...

View attachment 45547
Looks good to me, I like the way you have underlit the leaves, maybe add a bit of splatter. :)
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Type of diabetes
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My painting for today. But not happy with it. Started it in ZenBrush3, and moved it over to Procreate

I think I lost something in the overdoing of it. Yes I saved it at different stages, but I wasn't satisfied when I looked back at an earlier version of it. So I stopped. I prefer painting in the very early hours of the morning...it works well as a meditation then to set my day, I don't want to meditate in the late afternoon/evening....

When I had my nap earlier my brain was drawing pictures in my mind...black and white intricate line drawing. I wouldn't be able to hold a pen to do that now, and it would give me a visual migraine. But I was enjoying watching them in my mind. Then Popeye decided he wanted to go in the potting shed, and so woke me up with his whiskers. So, I put harness and lead on him, but before we got to the potting shed, the heavens opened, and he turned and high tailed it back to the bungalow...

View attachment 45547
Still came out OK I think - the detail of the green leaves picked out by that moonshine - nice.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Nice luminous nose - does it belong to the Dong?
Good row of larch trees - I like the authentic colours of the trees set against all those shades of blue. Trific.
Thankyou, Probably the red wine I was drinking last night, damb I didn't think it was that obvious. Now the inspiration for the background was the luminous nose of the Dong.:)

This painting is so not my style but fun to do.


I find myself predisposed to feel a certain sympathy for the views exressed here. It doesn't help that PP is such a smug, unlikable thing. She blatantly exploits the minority and gender cards and makes us all aware she knows we know what she is doing.
These people only fool themselves when they lie and cover up the truth. We all know what they are doing so why do politicians pretend otherwise.
Give them enough rope.
I think honest politicians must be pretty sick of this dishonesty, but didn't Boris sack all the ones who didn't speak with forked tongues?


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football, both the game and the culture.
7.55am FBG 5.9.
Glad to be back in the fives, but still need to do better.
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good evening all :)

4.7 yesterday and 4.1 today

fell asleep after we got back from our couple of hours volunteering yesterday evening and woke up in time to go to bed :hilarious: ee bah gum it wer cowd during the night :D and I had my wooly bed socks on ;)

We took mum to pick up her pension and her hair done today so that took up the middle of our day.

Hope your day is treating you kindly :)

@Muddy Cyclist - so glad your test was negative.
Your stroke and colour work in the finished sunburst painting are fantastic, a splendid advert for using a rigger :) and today's larch trees are sunlit and vibrant, interesting how you use the base of colour you had created to shine through :)

@JohnEGreen - Hugs to brother Ade, glad that they are looking after him though :)

@dunelm - nice gorge painting, the use of colour has worked well for you there :) and two very different styles of painting today, I enjoyed both :)

@gennepher - I loved the colour palette you used on your setting sun painting and the moon has turned out very nicely on today's as has the back lighting on the foliage :joyful:

@Krystyna23040 - hugs for Archie, but at least he doesn't mind going to the vet, hugs to you too for the waiting ;)

@Alien Aspie - hugs - It's irritating that some people feel they can be so slipshod when it comes to other people's health concerns, hope your quarantine is symptom free and that further testing is not needed.

art bit -
@gennepher - don't start me off on intricate black and white, I'm all too inclined to spend ages fiddling once I start :sorry: I do find painting with watercolour has helped

bit of a fail this one, I was trying to do an evening snow scene and ended up with too much colour in the reflections on the ground so it looks a bit muddy :sorry: never mind, it's all a learning experience ;)



A few views from the Whinlatter of Thornthwaite forest, Bassenthwaite Lake and Skiddaw.
Unfortunately the Sun stopped shining when we were out.


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