What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Breakfast - the remainder of the pork mince from yesterday. Cup of coffee. I don't often have coffee but this morning the effort to reach the tea was too painful and there was a jar of instant coffee beside the kettle. Could just have had hot water to heat me up but needed something with a bit more body. There's a loose pile of tea bags beside the kettle now.

2nd meal will be salmon. If I can get to the cupboard with the store of greaseproof paper it will be "en papillote" - otherwise just baked. Can't find the frozen leeks I put in one of the freezers last week, so it may be with fried onion and a tomato.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello all,

A nice dry day today, and I got the lawnmower out as who knows when the next chance will be! This time last year I was unable to walk more than a few steps at a time, and I found ways to do almost everything sitting down. It's hard to believe that losing just over a stone and cutting out carbs has brought about the change to me now working on the garden for several hours with just a brief rest once in a while for a cup of tea. My muscles are working without pain again, I did have a little soreness in the ones just above my hips but nothing terrible.

As I was busy and happy I fasted until 4.30 so that was about 22 hours.

One rather drawn out meal today then:

Small glass of kefir
Beef mince with some cheddar and a few dots of tomato puree (14 carbs per 100g, I probably had about 15g if that.
Greek yogurt with sour cream
Pork crackling
Maybe more pork crackling later, will see how I feel.

Hope everyone has had a great day and here's to a lovely weekend for everyone too.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Brunch -cold chicken mayonnaise (Hellmann's of course).
Pre-dinner - small container of nuts - almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, brazil nuts.
Dinner imminent - steak and salad. WHAT a salad! Lots of different green leafy things, cucumber, spring onion leaves (husband has other bits) green pepper, several different herbs from garden, olive oil & cider vinegar dressing.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello all,

A nice dry day today, and I got the lawnmower out as who knows when the next chance will be! This time last year I was unable to walk more than a few steps at a time, and I found ways to do almost everything sitting down. It's hard to believe that losing just over a stone and cutting out carbs has brought about the change to me now working on the garden for several hours with just a brief rest once in a while for a cup of tea. My muscles are working without pain again, I did have a little soreness in the ones just above my hips but nothing terrible.

As I was busy and happy I fasted until 4.30 so that was about 22 hours.

One rather drawn out meal today then:

Small glass of kefir
Beef mince with some cheddar and a few dots of tomato puree (14 carbs per 100g, I probably had about 15g if that.
Greek yogurt with sour cream
Pork crackling
Maybe more pork crackling later, will see how I feel.

Hope everyone has had a great day and here's to a lovely weekend for everyone too.
Wow inspirational 're your progress well done you such wonderful improvements. I also got out mover out today and could hear many others! There really haven't been many non wet days so - as you say - needed to go for it while we could.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Annb well done on adapting to a difficult situation. It's laudable that you are adapting and staying low carb despite challenges.
@RosemaryJackson well done you too for keeping as low carb as you can. It's hard when not feeling well but you keep getting back to it.
Today's food
Before going out for coffee with friends a small kefir.
Lunch same as yesterday a slice of ham, sauerkraut and avocado salad with a few nuts then three organic strawberries with hm yoghurt
Dinner salmon with English asparagus and a couple of hm previously cooked and frozen new potato chips. Glass of dry white wine. Just had 100% chocolate and decaffeinated coffee.
Trying to get jobs done today before head off to Wales for a few days. Will post a food summary when back beginning of next week.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Wow inspirational 're your progress well done you such wonderful improvements. I also got out mover out today and could hear many others! There really haven't been many non wet days so - as you say - needed to go for it while we could.
Thank you @shelley262 you're always a great friend with your encouragement! Yes I could hear mowers all over the place, there will be many garden bins full this collection day! They're making us pay for ours now, what a cheek.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Porchetta and tomatoes
Cheese, corned beef tomatoes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No breakfast, and no bg testing. I woke feeling well but then had nasty stomach upset out of the blue. Back to bed and slept until 11.

Meeting some old friends for lunch who are understanding of my low carb, so even on an Italian meun full of pasta and pizza we went for shared antipasti of meats and some wonderful buffalo mozzerella. I had one white wine with a lot of soda.

Later 2 chocolate biscuits :(

D: cheese and seedy crackers. 1 cc chocolate pot with 2 teaspoons cream


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Annb well done on adapting to a difficult situation. It's laudable that you are adapting and staying low carb despite challenges.
@RosemaryJackson well done you too for keeping as low carb as you can. It's hard when not feeling well but you keep getting back to it.
Today's food
Before going out for coffee with friends a small kefir.
Lunch same as yesterday a slice of ham, sauerkraut and avocado salad with a few nuts then three organic strawberries with hm yoghurt
Dinner salmon with English asparagus and a couple of hm previously cooked and frozen new potato chips. Glass of dry white wine. Just had 100% chocolate and decaffeinated coffee.
Trying to get jobs done today before head off to Wales for a few days. Will post a food summary when back beginning of next week.
Hope you have a wonderful trip @shelley262 x


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner at a friend‘s house, she type 2 too and always cooks lovely food, tonight was chicken breast stuffed with chorizo, mozzarella and Basil with low carb pasta and a pesto sauce (too much pasta for me I only ate half of it!), followed by strawberries and cream.
Edit for typo

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all. Yesterday went out for lunch and had Hunters Chicken with chips and peas. I didn't eat the chips (well I did 2) and for tea chicken drumsticks with a few baked beans. So I didn't do too badly foodwise.
It's my grandson's 26th birthday and I'm going to take him some mince for when he finishes work. In a couple of months he is going over to my son's in USA and he would like to stay and work there. He is a qualified personal trainer so I'm keeping my finger's crossed for him even tho I will miss him. The funny thing is, my granddaughter, who lived in USA has come back to England to live because she doesn't like it there! Have a good day all. :)
Is Hunter's chicken another name for chicken cacciatore @RosemaryJackson? If so, I reckon it's fairly low carb.

I lived and worked in the USA for a time before I was married; a wonderful experience which I wouldn't have missed for the world, but I was glad to come home to old Blighty.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Lovely sunny morning and met with a few friends for coffee outdoors - cafe is an enclosed South facing walled herb garden - so uplifting and much better than the non stop rain of yesterday. I had ginger and lemongrass tea though rather than coffee as fancied a change. Meeting different friends tomorrow in same place so crossing fingers for more sun. Had small hm kefir before walking to the herb garden cafe.
Lunch slice of ham with hm sauerkraut and avocado salad plus a few nuts.
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Then had a few squares of 100% chocolate.
Dinner slow cooked beef with green beans and glass of red wine. Pudding LC Blondie with decaffeinated coffee.
Edit question for @Rachox I ordered some of the pizza bases you use from the low carb company and put in freezer just wanted to ask do you defrost them before topping and also how long do you cook them for once topped?
That lunch looks so colourful and appetising @shelley262. Can I come over and join you?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning all from beautiful Switzerland, in Bern atm. Interailling going well, trains run exactly on time here. Low carb pluses, various combos of eggs,cheese,meats,chicken and salad plus seed crackers and nuts I brought with me.Lots and lots of walking.Low carb minuses,tempted by a piece of sourdough to have with a soft boiled egg and those fiendish Swiss give little chocolates with a coffee. On the whole though a good week. Off to Milan later,it’s going to be very warm, can I resist the gelato, watch this space! Have a lovely weekend everyone.
What an exciting itinerary! @sueh21 Thanks for the update.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all,


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado, seasoned with black pepper plus Duckett's Caerphilly.
Water to swallow tablet.
Double espresso.

L: Packed lunch made with leftover frittata.
Romano peppers, celery sticks and baby plum tomatoes with lettuce cups for scooping and a dollop of home-made mayonnaise for dipping.
Prawns and brown shrimps.
Almonds, hazelnuts and pecans.
Water to drink.

Mid-afternoon: black filter coffee

D: Smoked salmon and cream cheese salad made with lettuce, celery, baby plum tomatoes, salad onions and Romano peppers, dressed with olive oil, flat-leaf parsley and a touch of lemon juice, with toasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
Water to swallow tablets.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m so behind I’m not sure I’ll ever catch up! Our hotel break was cut short by a bit of a crisis at home. Since then food has been erratic. Not high carb per se. I don’t think I’ll ever be tempted in that direction again, but I do still comfort eat - too many snacks of nuts and cheese.
Trying to get back on track but it’s not my kitchen so I don’t want to clutter it up with my stuff. I’ve bought a few things from home and the rest, cooked meat, cheese etc bought from little Coop.
Today breakfast boiled eggs
L-prosciutto, slices of Emmental and roast beef followed by yoghurt with seeds and a chopped tasteless Spanish strawberry.
D- l/c roll. One half with pate, other half with roast beef. Few Montezuma’s buttons.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m so behind I’m not sure I’ll ever catch up! Our hotel break was cut short by a bit of a crisis at home. Since then food has been erratic. Not high carb per se. I don’t think I’ll ever be tempted in that direction again, but I do still comfort eat - too many snacks of nuts and cheese.
Trying to get back on track but it’s not my kitchen so I don’t want to clutter it up with my stuff. I’ve bought a few things from home and the rest, cooked meat, cheese etc bought from little Coop.
Today breakfast boiled eggs
L-prosciutto, slices of Emmental and roast beef followed by yoghurt with seeds and a chopped tasteless Spanish strawberry.
D- l/c roll. One half with pate, other half with roast beef. Few Montezuma’s buttons.
You've been missed and sorry to hear that you've been dealing with a family issue. Well done you though on staying with eating well despite the challenges. It's all much harder when you can't plan and also away from your own kitchen. Hope the situation settles soon thinking of you.


Well-Known Member
Is Hunter's chicken another name for chicken cacciatore @RosemaryJackson? If so, I reckon it's fairly low carb.

I lived and worked in the USA for a time before I was married; a wonderful experience which I wouldn't have missed for the world, but I was glad to come home to old Blighty.
I honestly don't know. It's chicken wrapped in bacon and some cheese, served sizzling. Very tasty.