What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all on another day with the prospect of 23°C in the deep, deep blue Eatanswill heartlands for vote early, vote often day episode one. @JohnEGreen I hope all goes well today. @Annb I hope leg day goes well. bandaging not the gym I guess. I hope Neal can persuade the powers that be to change the location to nearer home. @Krystyna23040 good news on a more leisurely Thursday. @gennepher thank you for sharing another example of your amazing skill with those quick sketches. Remember to do your duty and save our Rishi or goodness knows who the backwoodsmen will foist upon us even for a few months. The Dark Lord returns?? Be afraid, be very afraid.:bigtears::bigtears:
Thank you @ianpspurs. It is so good to have more time to do stuff


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon everyone from a once sun shining day here in the dark and dangerous north. A very good, uneventful journey home yesterday with trains, trams, planes etc., all lining up nicely. First chore on return - coup de grass - it’s garden bin day today so, to appease the frantic local lawn trimmers of the bowling green gods - there, done. Well, as much as it does when I do it. Think old mechanical hair clippers in the hands of a blind person with arthritic hands. I suppose I could stick a little notice in the ground declaring a display of local rare meadow flowers and grasses and just leave it all be. But, that would spoil the joy of rooting about with small garden implements whilst displaying knee pads, fancy gloves, a floppy hat and a trug for Mrs Miggins. I still fancy tall grasses and then we could have a lion to help keep down the neighbours. Not much else done since returning from an hour into the future but did manage a quick sketch of yet another tree - there are lots of them about I am told. Hope your day is going well. Wonder if should have an afternoon koffy?


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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Well colonoscopy all done slight hiccup or two firstly I stop at reception and notify them of my arivy ok mister Green I have booked you in make your way to the ct waiting area an hour later I am still waiting so I ask one of the nurses Have I been forgotten answer who are you your not on our list receptionist had booked me in but neglected to notify the radiologists so they where blissfully unaware of my existence that got sorted second hiccup the inability they had in getting a cannulae into vein both arms tried then finally succeeded in back of hand then the realisation that as I have MG I cannot have buscopan so that’s going to make things a lot more uncomfortable which it was anyway now at home with a coffee and food.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well colonoscopy all done slight hiccup or two firstly I stop at reception and notify them of my arivy ok mister Green I have booked you in make your way to the ct waiting area an hour later I am still waiting so I ask one of the nurses Have I been forgotten answer who are you your not on our list receptionist had booked me in but neglected to notify the radiologists so they where blissfully unaware of my existence that got sorted second hiccup the inability they had in getting a cannulae into vein both arms tried then finally succeeded in back of hand then the realisation that as I have MG I cannot have buscopan so that’s going to make things a lot more uncomfortable which it was anyway now at home with a coffee and food.
Extra hugs for all the horrible wait and discomfort the poorly run receptionist staff caused you @JohnEGreen


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good afternoon everyone from a once sun shining day here in the dark and dangerous north. A very good, uneventful journey home yesterday with trains, trams, planes etc., all lining up nicely. First chore on return - coup de grass - it’s garden bin day today so, to appease the frantic local lawn trimmers of the bowling green gods - there, done. Well, as much as it does when I do it. Think old mechanical hair clippers in the hands of a blind person with arthritic hands. I suppose I could stick a little notice in the ground declaring a display of local rare meadow flowers and grasses and just leave it all be. But, that would spoil the joy of rooting about with small garden implements whilst displaying knee pads, fancy gloves, a floppy hat and a trug for Mrs Miggins. I still fancy tall grasses and then we could have a lion to help keep down the neighbours. Not much else done since returning from an hour into the future but did manage a quick sketch of yet another tree - there are lots of them about I am told. Hope your day is going well. Wonder if should have an afternoon koffy?
Gorgeous tree @dunelm

Afternoon coffee? Yes!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Just back. Legs all trussed up again for another week. Delivered a urine sample to Reception at the Health Centre and just received a phone call from them to say there is a prescription being e-mailed to our pharmacy for more antibiotics - they've found another (or the same) UTI. Not going to get it now but will ask Alistair to pick it up for me tomorrow when he delivers mail to the pharmacy. Could that have caused all this trouble? I wouldn't know. I really dislike taking antibiotics. but if I have to, I have to...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Well colonoscopy all done slight hiccup or two firstly I stop at reception and notify them of my arivy ok mister Green I have booked you in make your way to the ct waiting area an hour later I am still waiting so I ask one of the nurses Have I been forgotten answer who are you your not on our list receptionist had booked me in but neglected to notify the radiologists so they where blissfully unaware of my existence that got sorted second hiccup the inability they had in getting a cannulae into vein both arms tried then finally succeeded in back of hand then the realisation that as I have MG I cannot have buscopan so that’s going to make things a lot more uncomfortable which it was anyway now at home with a coffee and food.
Shame they couldn't get their act together John. More left hand/right hand disco-ordination (I don't think that is a word, but it should be, meaning something more than unco-ordination with a hint of ineptitude). Hope you are feeling allright now though. At least it's over and done and you can have food and the all important coffee.:)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Shame they couldn't get their act together John. More left hand/right hand disco-ordination (I don't think that is a word, but it should be, meaning something more than unco-ordination with a hint of ineptitude). Hope you are feeling allright now though. At least it's over and done and you can have food and the all important coffee.:)
Turns out that dis (or dys) coordinated is a word but it doesn't mean what I think it should. There should be a word for my definition though.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon everyone from a once sun shining day here in the dark and dangerous north. A very good, uneventful journey home yesterday with trains, trams, planes etc., all lining up nicely. First chore on return - coup de grass - it’s garden bin day today so, to appease the frantic local lawn trimmers of the bowling green gods - there, done. Well, as much as it does when I do it. Think old mechanical hair clippers in the hands of a blind person with arthritic hands. I suppose I could stick a little notice in the ground declaring a display of local rare meadow flowers and grasses and just leave it all be. But, that would spoil the joy of rooting about with small garden implements whilst displaying knee pads, fancy gloves, a floppy hat and a trug for Mrs Miggins. I still fancy tall grasses and then we could have a lion to help keep down the neighbours. Not much else done since returning from an hour into the future but did manage a quick sketch of yet another tree - there are lots of them about I am told. Hope your day is going well. Wonder if should have an afternoon koffy?
Good that you had a lovely time away @dunelm and that you had a good and uneventful journey home.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Well colonoscopy all done slight hiccup or two firstly I stop at reception and notify them of my arivy ok mister Green I have booked you in make your way to the ct waiting area an hour later I am still waiting so I ask one of the nurses Have I been forgotten answer who are you your not on our list receptionist had booked me in but neglected to notify the radiologists so they where blissfully unaware of my existence that got sorted second hiccup the inability they had in getting a cannulae into vein both arms tried then finally succeeded in back of hand then the realisation that as I have MG I cannot have buscopan so that’s going to make things a lot more uncomfortable which it was anyway now at home with a coffee and food.
Who are you?
Are you just a wallflower, nobody notices?

Do you get the message? Nobody cares!!!!!!! Ha!

We all luv ye mate.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Shame they couldn't get their act together John. More left hand/right hand disco-ordination (I don't think that is a word, but it should be, meaning something more than unco-ordination with a hint of ineptitude). Hope you are feeling allright now though. At least it's over and done and you can have food and the all important coffee.:)
around here we use choice four letter words!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.4 this Thursday.
Today was heavenly.
Twenty degrees, blue skys, with a little breeze.
#7 & #8 came around, played on footie pitches, let's hurting now.
Voted, safe seat for our mayor.
Shopped, Mrs L wanted some fresh stuff. I got some salad.
Also bought a small rose bush as the bluebells and daffs beginning to fade now. And there is a space developing.

Watched the first in a new series called 'The Bletchley Circle' it was on Drama channel. I enjoyed it.

It was just nice to sit and play in the sunshine.

More please.

Nice trees and figures as per.
Hugs for those who battle with hospitals for treatment.
And of course those who have really noisy neighbours. When the sun comes out, and then don't sit in the garden. Like mine!!

My best wishes to all you lot.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Got some brilliant neighbours lady next door comes round most days in the evening and sits with us as her husband has to work in the evening and since her stroke she doesn’t want to be on her own when she had a big party for her 50th birthday a few years ago we were invited.
And there is an elderly lady across the way from us who always keeps an eye out for my bedroom light coming on as she says when I turn the light on she knows all is well if she doesn’t see me around she gets worried and asks Melody if I’m alright very nice person.