COVID 2019 Comorbidity with Diabetes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
All the research to date shows that it is an absolute: No fever means No COVID.
Exclusion - not inclusion.

Cough is initially present in a high percentage and may not be present in early stages.

Fever has been the first symptom and present in all those who subsequently prove positive.
Possible though that without Fever some are not tested.

Now for a panic buy of thermometers. .... or are they all already gone?

Just off to the shops myself, want me to have a look for ya..?



Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
You made it an absolute with that #336 statement. I did not.

I'll try to find the link to my reading, as it was an absolute

Edited to add, I may have read the same paper/article as Bill above, as he makes the same statement.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
And there's people like me who, even when I had pneumonia (three times), blood poisoning, and and abscessed kidney stone - all different occasions, Not at the same time, do NOT have a raised temperature.

It is on my medical records now. I may be in the minority, but the hospital who realised my body goes cold, not hot with infection said a number of patients do this.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I hate the way these things are always presented as 'the fit and healthy aren't at risk' . Oh that's Ok then. The rest of us obviously aren't any use to society and don't matter. And if you happen to be obese as well as having underlying conditions then....

So upsetting when it's probably the 'fit and healthy' who are spreading the disease more.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
And there's people like me who, even when I had pneumonia (three times), blood poisoning, and and abscessed kidney stone - all different occasions, Not at the same time, do NOT have a raised temperature.

It is on my medical records now. I may be in the minority, but the hospital who realised my body goes cold, not hot with infection said a number of patients do this.
And then there's others like me who have a basal temperature that is almost 2C lower than 'normal'. A fever in me shows as a slightly raised temperature, I am routinely told I am not ill with an infection as my temp isn't high enough. Grrr


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
And then there's others like me who have a basal temperature that is almost 2C lower than 'normal'. A
So have I. Mine is slightly lower than yours.

I wonder if there could be a link with lack of weight loss and lower basal temperature?


For me, I am a bit concerned that some of the mainstream messaging out there is unhelpful for those who havent dug a little deeper into the available information.

For example, I was in a supermarket a couple of days ago. I was far from home, so the ladies I overheard were toyal strangers to me, however one of them said:
"This visur is a real worry. With my chest it's going to be horrible. I'm not looking forward to it."

The tone was one of certainty that she would develop the virus, not that it could be around. I worry that we will have many talking themselves into being unwell - whether or not with COVID-19.

One thing we should all recall is when reading symptoms, the stand-out for me is all diagnosed cases experienced fever, then they may have other symptoms. That isn't to say that the horrible colds, flu and other viruses around in winter aren't a concern, Of course they are, and of course anyone who has experienced "proper" flu, knows just how horrid that is.

However, my point is no fever = no COVID-19. Let's not talk ourselves into hypersensitivity.
The problem is the figures of 80% of the population being affected are being put out by talking heads in the media.

I hope it is a lot less and the politicians decide to hold it, like they are trying to do in Italy.
It seems they are not going to do this here but we will have to wait and see?

It looks from China, Iran and the Italian experiences, a fair measure of isolation by the vulnerable and elderly would be prudent.

Don't lets follow Trump where minimal testing is taking place and they have a big mass not seen that is coming to light.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I hate the way these things are always presented as 'the fit and healthy aren't at risk' . Oh that's Ok then. The rest of us obviously aren't any use to society and don't matter. And if you happen to be obese as well as having underlying conditions then....

So upsetting when it's probably the 'fit and healthy' who are spreading the disease more.

Thank god your not in washington state, @zand


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
now i look back @lucylocket61 .
it does say ENGLAND

sure if you search there is probably a welsh and Scottish one , maybe ?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have only just learnt that a sore throat may be a symptom too. I was assuming my sore throat and mild temperature was just a normal sore throat as I tend to be prone to them ( and I am sure that's all it is). Most news items mention the fever and cough and breathlessness but not the 5% of cases on Chinese who had a sore throat.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have only just learnt that a sore throat may be a symptom too. I was assuming my sore throat and mild temperature was just a normal sore throat as I tend to be prone to them ( and I am sure that's all it is). Most news items mention the fever and cough and breathlessness but not the 5% of cases on Chinese who had a sore throat.
try the checker @zand ?
it says wales but i ran through with my london post code ok
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
try the checker @zand ?
it says wales but i ran through with my london post code ok
Hmm checker not much use really. I have been in a large crowd twice in the last 10 days...both a fair distance from my home and coronavirus is known to be in my area anyway. There's no way I could know if any of the people I have been in contact with have now been confirmed as having the virus. I normally tend to self isolate when I have any virus, the last thing I need when I have even just a cold is to catch something else on top. Pretty sure I am OK though.

Edit: the checker didnt mention a sore throat as a symptom yet it was present in 5% of cases in China. I would have thought all symptoms were relevant.
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