Congratulations on persuading her to test .Mrs M has a HbA1C of 47 and has decided to test regularly before and 2 hrs after meals. First readings just before breakfast this week were 4.9, 5.2, and 5.1.
It wasn't me! She met with friends for coffee on Sunday and was advised that it was better to test voluntarily now with the full help of a supportive husband than be required to test, take meds, inject and see an irreversible decline in health!Congratulations on persuading her to test .
Hi Julie, I'm new on here so don't know all the answers, but Mrs M's range is usually 4.9 to 5.6. I think the best way to test is just before a meal, then 2 hours after. The second reading should be no more than 2 higher in ideal circumstances.My fasting is 5.1 it normally ranges from 4.4 - 5.2 i dont know what the ideal target is, can anyone let me know please thank you
HelloMrs M was 5.4 this morning.
The general consensus seems to be, test just before a meal, then test again two hours after a meal. If you don't test just before a meal you have no way of knowing how far you blood sugar has risen, you only know what it has risen to. This can be very useful information; lets say you are going to eat a sandwich. I you only check your blood 1 and 2 hours later you may find out that your blood sugar has risen to 7 and then 8, but you don't know what it has risen from. If you test just before the sandwich then 2 hours later and get readings of 5 and 8, you know that your blood sugar has risen by 3. This would indicate that something in your sandwich caused a spike of 3 in your blood sugar (anything more than 2 is considered a spike). Hope this makes sense.1hr and 2hr pass meals then once before bed, is this too much?
Thank you Martin yes it does i will do it that way from now on.The general consensus seems to be, test just before a meal, then test again two hours after a meal. If you don't test just before a meal you have no way of knowing how far you blood sugar has risen, you only know what it has risen to. This can be very useful information; lets say you are going to eat a sandwich. I you only check your blood 1 and 2 hours later you may find out that your blood sugar has risen to 7 and then 8, but you don't know what it has risen from. If you test just before the sandwich then 2 hours later and get readings of 5 and 8, you know that your blood sugar has risen by 3. This would indicate that something in your sandwich caused a spike of 3 in your blood sugar (anything more than 2 is considered a spike). Hope this makes sense.
5.4 for me bit higher than normal but most of today i have been 4.4 - 5.6Mrs M was 5.0 this morning.
Morning 4.7 for me, have a good day.5.1 this morning