I hope you find something that's diabetic friendly and affordable tomorrow @cdpm.1 dented can of pasta in sauce
Fingers crossed you find food on special offer that's diabetic friendly and affordable tomorrow @cdpm.Plain boiled yellow potatoes
I feel for you. I was tried on # different ones a couple of years ago. Yes I lost weight but wasn't really overweight at the time, simply by feeling so sick most of the time that I couldn't eat. Not a good time! Hope it turns out better for you.Three scrambled eggs on a homemade oatcake, a cup of green tea and a cup of coffee with cream, not milk. I probably won't have much for lunch - maybe some cheese on a slice or two of rye bread. More coffee and/or tea. Later I will have some fish with whatever green vegetables my wife will provide (or, perhaps, baked beans). I've just been put on that injected drug that so many people have been buying to help them lose weight (can't remember what it's called but I'm sure you'll all know what I'm talking about). It's said that it causes loss of appetite - hence the weight loss. At 11st 12lbs, I don't need that side-effect but I'll have to put up with it. I've only been on it for a few days, so haven't yet seen any effect. What a miserable condition is diabetes!
Unfortunately I will be eating potatoes for at least a week. It was either that or chips again. Found the potatoes 1 dollar a 10 pound bag.Fingers crossed you find food on special offer that's diabetic friendly and affordable tomorrow @cdpm.
We're rooting for you.
Yes, diabetes isn't fun. It affects all our organs and tissues, but It's important to enjoy our meals and you'll find plenty of low-carb recipe ideas here on this thread and in the Food and Nutrition neighbourhood of this forum.I feel for you. I was tried on different ones a couple of years ago. Yes I lost weight but wasn't really overweight at the time, simply by feeling so sick most of the time that I couldn't eat. Not a good time! Hope it turns out better for you.
It must be a tricky balancing act coping with dietary restrictions as well as financial ones @cdpm.Unfortunately I will be eating potatoes for at least a week. It was either that or chips again. Found the potatoes 1 dollar a 10 pound bag.
A break yes and diabetic friendly @cdpm. Fingers crossed it settles well.Pulled pork from the family.
A break from my potatoes.