Type 2s: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning? (very low chat level)

Laurence 123

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
A couple of random questions if I may. Recently ish diagnosed type 2 and (trying) control It via diet. Have had about ten weeks of daily finger prick tests and 90% of the time I am in the borderline numbers, five % normal and five % high. Had a hba1c test today and it was 64. Does that correlate? I know it needs to go down and post Xmas I will be working harder on that - I know where I can improve my diet. I guess my question is if I get my daily tests down to sub/low 7's instead of mid 8's. Would that (probably) significantly change my hba1c in April. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A couple of random questions if I may. Recently ish diagnosed type 2 and (trying) control It via diet. Have had about ten weeks of daily finger prick tests and 90% of the time I am in the borderline numbers, five % normal and five % high. Had a hba1c test today and it was 64. Does that correlate? I know it needs to go down and post Xmas I will be working harder on that - I know where I can improve my diet. I guess my question is if I get my daily tests down to sub/low 7's instead of mid 8's. Would that (probably) significantly change my hba1c in April. Thanks for reading.
Evening @Laurence 123 and welcome back to this fasting blood glucose [FBG] thread for type 2s. We're pleased you could join us again.

Most type 2s here test as soon as we get out of bed in the morning because blood glucose levels rise once we start to move around. We aim for a reading between 4 and 7 mmol/l, ideally in the 4s and 5s. This reading first thing is a useful benchmark.

That said, your FBG readings are often the last to come down. At this stage, you’ll learn most from a reading just before you start a meal and then two hours later. The post-meal reading should be no more than 2 mmol/l higher than the first and not higher than 8 mmol/l. If that's the case, your body dealt with the arrival of glucose in your bloodstream and cleared it relatively quickly. If you can achieve that consistently (by adjusting your carbohydate intake where necessary), your FBG levels first thing in the morning should gradually fall.

What was your HbA1c result on diagnosis circa 12 weeks ago? I'd keep a record of that and today's result because they're a useful yardstick going forward.
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Laurence 123

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening @Laurence 123 and welcome back to this fasting blood glucose [FBG] thread for type 2s. We're pleased you could join us again.

Most type 2s here test as soon as we get out of bed in the morning because blood glucose levels rise once we start to move around. We aim for a reading between 4 and 7 mmol/l, ideally in the 4s and 5s. This reading first thing is a useful benchmark.

That said, your FBG readings are often the last to come down. At this stage, you’ll learn most from a reading just before you start a meal and then two hours later. The post-meal reading should be no more than 2 mmol/l higher than the first and not higher than 8 mmol/l. If that's the case, your body dealt with the arrival of glucose in your bloodstream and cleared it relatively quickly. If you can achieve that consistently (by adjusting your carbohydate intake where necessary), your FBG levels first thing in the morning should gradually fall.

What was your HbA1c result on diagnosis circa 12 weeks ago? I'd keep a record of that and today's result because they're a useful yardstick going forward.
Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
16.4 this morning. I have an appointment with my nurse later today and I expect to be put on insulin injections soon. I don't think I can go as far as keto, but I do try and go as far low carb as I can, but nothing works. I am far from overweight (right in the middle of the green section for BMI) and I exercise regularly. I've drawn a short straw, clearly.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
16.4 this morning. I have an appointment with my nurse later today and I expect to be put on insulin injections soon. I don't think I can go as far as keto, but I do try and go as far low carb as I can, but nothing works. I am far from overweight (right in the middle of the green section for BMI) and I exercise regularly. I've drawn a short straw, clearly.
Hello @David_A_Hughes and welcome back to this FBG thread for type 2s. It's good to see you again. Keeping BGs in check is a daily challenge I know, but well worth the effort and it does get easier. That said, some of us need a helping hand.

I hope today's appointment with your GP's practice nurse proves helpful. Please keep us posted.