What do we love/hate/like about this festive time ..



Yes the first Christmas without a loved one is so very, very sad. I lost my son 16 years ago aged 36 and my mum 18 years ago but it still hurts like hell and the memories of Christmases past in happier times makes it extra difficult at this time of year. Really feel for your b-i-l. xxx
Liked in respect of your sons memory X
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Hi. Time is NOT a good healer - as the saying go's! It's 5 years since I lost my Mum, I cared for her for 9 years - she had Alzheimer's. I just want this Christmas day to be spent with my partner, and visit the family on boxing day - but they say I'm going against tradition! And so, as always I have given in to them.
It's hard trying to please all ..
Make sure you have one day to call your own with your partner .. There are four to choose from .. I would make one a really good day for you both , you sound like you need it .. And it is your Christmas .. :)
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Listened to radio 2 yesterday about how people feel about christmas who have lost their loved ones this year.
My brother in law lost his wife 7 weeks ago and is deciding to have xmas at home with his "wife's" memories by himself.
The only child they had commited suicide 20 years ago...so it is people who have lost their loved ones that I truly feel sad for. Ones with children etc have some joy hopefully. To have lost someone this year and to have your first xmas by yourself seems really sad to me. I feel for all those people.
It's early days for your brother in law .
I don't think it ever gets any easier .. Loss .. Just people cope .. How I really don't know .. So many lonely prople.... Life can be sad .. Then I also admire those that put on a brave face and cope and do things to feel better .. It's hard
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What I like , now is looking at my string of lights , little houses , wooden ones with a white roof .. And a heart in the house ..
They look so pretty .. 12 little houses .. Hsve put them on my stairs ..

What I like .. Would be a few snow flakes or a frosty Christmas Day ..

What I love .. Well that's hard .. I love Santa of course .. :rolleyes:

What I hate is all the stress for one day
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First Christmas on a Diabetes regime - feeling the pressure already!
Hi , my first one was only three years ago .. I hated it ..
Now my third one .. I feel,fine about it .. No pressure about food , but more pressure re shopping .. Still a few days to go :)
Nice to meet you .. Kat


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Yes the first Christmas without a loved one is so very, very sad. I lost my son 16 years ago aged 36 and my mum 18 years ago but it still hurts like hell and the memories of Christmases past in happier times makes it extra difficult at this time of year. Really feel for your b-i-l. xxx

As you know, you and I both share the loss of a child - my son was 28 when he died unexpectedly last year, I lost my mum 3 years ago. The hardest part is how the world keeps on turning when the pain is so bad isn't it? Time dulls the rawness but that ache never goes away. My thoughts are with you xx

When our kids grew up, and had their own partners, children, we were adamant that on Christmas day, they should spend it with their own families, not with us. There was a level of selfishness with that too, we had done the 4am wake up call and all the other such delights for many years, now we wanted to flop around in pyjamas until silly o' clock and eat when we wanted to eat. But more than anything, we felt that there is too much pressure placed on both sides to be together on Christmas Day, when what people really want to do is their own thing! The fact that it is one of the worst times of year for arguments and domestic incidents also backs that up.

I guess I'm like most, I loathe the commercialism. But what I love about it is the fact I'm still here to see it. I nearly lost my life last year and it makes me more appreciative of what is important, and what's not.
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As you know, you and I both share the loss of a child - my son was 28 when he died unexpectedly last year, I lost my mum 3 years ago. The hardest part is how the world keeps on turning when the pain is so bad isn't it? Time dulls the rawness but that ache never goes away. My thoughts are with you xx

When our kids grew up, and had their own partners, children, we were adamant that on Christmas day, they should spend it with their own families, not with us. There was a level of selfishness with that too, we had done the 4am wake up call and all the other such delights for many years, now we wanted to flop around in pyjamas until silly o' clock and eat when we wanted to eat. But more than anything, we felt that there is too much pressure placed on both sides to be together on Christmas Day, when what people really want to do is their own thing! The fact that it is one of the worst times of year for arguments and domestic incidents also backs that up.

I guess I'm like most, I loathe the commercialism. But what I love about it is the fact I'm still here to see it. I nearly lost my life last year and it makes me more appreciative of what is important, and what's not.

My thoughts are with you too Ladybird xxx It's so hard to feel festive when you have that heaviness in your heart.

I've never put any pressure on my family as I know it can get stressful for them (even heard of people having to have 2 Christmas dinners to appease parents and in-laws). I'm all for everyone doing what suits them best and now at my time of life I'm happy just slobbing out without having to keep everyone else topped up.

I've started feeling a bit "sniffly" so it's a relief to know that if I do go down with a cold (can't count all the Christmas meals I've cooked and couldn't taste a thing, or had raging toothache over Christmas) I can just curl up without letting anyone down.
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What I hate , is that suddenly the week before Christmas , shops can reduce their prices on everything ..
I think Christmas does start to early , but for people who have to shop and most of us do , why can't the shops sell at the sale prices when the gifts and food comes in the shops .. More people might benefit ..


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What I hate , is that suddenly the week before Christmas , shops can reduce their prices on everything ..
I think Christmas does start to early , but for people who have to shop and most of us do , why can't the shops sell at the sale prices when the gifts and food comes in the shops .. More people might benefit ..

Nice idea Kat but unfortunately that's not the way it works. I think most shops depend on the Christmas rush to boost their sometimes flagging yearly profits. The sales are only to off-load the stuff that they don't want to be left with after.


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Ps... The sales start the day after xmas!!! Yaaaay!! Got £100 unexpected voucher to spend and can't wait for the sales....
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Ps... The sales start the day after xmas!!! Yaaaay!! Got £100 unexpected voucher to spend and can't wait for the sales....
Hi sounds like great fun ..
I to love the sales ..
It's sort of less stressful I find ..
I shall be having a city day . Enjoying the shops ..

Enjoy your spend lol .. And happy Christmas


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Hubby ruined my thoughts of spending £100 unexpected voucher in sales!! It's valud for 4 years so has to sit in drawer somewhere toward something practical when it goes wrong!!!! Gggggggrrrrrr!!!!!!
Oh well- he did pick up 5 pairs of skechers for £24 last weekend in his work sale so really shouldn't moan!!!

Definitely will have to put on my happy face when hiding the voucher!! And avoiding sales!! :):);)
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Hubby ruined my thoughts of spending £100 unexpected voucher in sales!! It's valud for 4 years so has to sit in drawer somewhere toward something practical when it goes wrong!!!! Gggggggrrrrrr!!!!!!
Oh well- he did pick up 5 pairs of skechers for £24 last weekend in his work sale so really shouldn't moan!!!

Definitely will have to put on my happy face when hiding the voucher!! And avoiding sales!! :):);)
#sales go go go


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Roy Wood singing on GMTV this morning, time to put Wish it Could be Christmas Everyday to bed :rolleyes:
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Lamont D

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We love chrimbo, especially with six grandkids and seeing them as we all have busy lives.
Christmas is so special to the kids, and we always spoil them.

However, the drawback and its something that we have lived with in our adult life.
The father in law and other members of her big family are alcoholics and have regularly tried to spoil Christmas. The wife is so good at stamping on it and sending them home or to their rooms! Nobody likes a drunk with kids around!
Why do they have to do it?
I know they can't help it!
That is the only hate I have at Christmas!

I think it is a time to celebrate the end of a probable trying and rueful year!
You have good ones and bad ones! And some awful ones!
How many of our family and friends are missing and I always like to think of them at this time!

It's started, the FIL went out this morning and has been drinking!
The wife's just put the Christmas eve spread and sat down to watch the choir on the beeb. He is singing and being a bloody nuisance!
He does it on purpose, the wife has threatened him with chrimbo with the salvation army!
Hate it!

Spent afternoon with one of grandkids, I'm so excited for him! (And me!!!!!!)
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