What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Turns out I do like halloumi, provided I don't burn it :)

Had it with the leftover beetroot salad and string beans with a cheese-mushroom sauce :hungry:.
Which is a fancy way of saying I put monday's leftover mushroom dish together with tuesday's leftover cheese sauce to save myself the hassle of reheating two pots :D. Worked out very well!

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
10:00 50g ff greek with 6 blueberries

Then drum roll please....a day out.
Went to the tulip festival at Hampton Court. Lovely in the sunshine and didn't feel at all crowded.
Took picnic of cheese and ham roll ups, boiled egg, olives, 2 cherry tomatoes, 2 large strawberries. Also add a handful of almonds
When hubby had coffee and a cake I limited myself to 4 bites (double my usual 2 bite rule). Did taste more of sugar then of what it was supposed to. My tastes are definitely changing, but when will my brain learn to say No before trying these things ?

D: tuna, 1 hard boiled egg, cheese, mayo, 4 olives. Lc brownie and cream
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Usual bacon and cheese omellte for breakfast, and a spoon full of forbidden mango sorbet.
Low carb ham and salad wrap, couple of pieces of licorice I scrounged off of the apprentice.(have to pay him back with a packet).
Dinner was curried pork and veggies.

Still no side effects from the covid vax, just a itchy spot where I took the bandaid off.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
B: FF Greek yog with 3 blueberries and chia seeds.

l: 3 egg omelette with cheese and spinach (with no added sugar almond milk). Followed by cup of tea with almond milk

dinner: 2 slices of beans on toast. and tea with no sugar almond milk. Not having a good day. bmi now 19 and family worried as haven’t been diagnosed diabetic but had gestational diabetes and fasting numbers still high. suffered after the beans on toast but don’t want family admitting me to hospital.


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suffered after the beans on toast but don’t want family admitting me to hospital.
In what way do you mean you suffered after the beans on toast, and why do you think your family would you take you to the hospital?
What was your BG after the food?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and coffee chia pudding
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: takeaway coconut cappuccino and and Fibre One caramel protein bar.
Dinner: chicken drumsticks, leafy salad, coleslaw and a small packet of Cheesies followed by SF jelly, cream and LC chocolate and raspberry granola.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
In what way do you mean you suffered after the beans on toast, and why do you think your family would you take you to the hospital?
What was your BG after the food?

had an awful stomach and ended up on the loo for ages. Now In bed. They worried I’m not eating enough doing low carb and I’m v depressed not taking anti depressants. They ward to put me back in mental hospital saying I’m crazy doing low carb against nhs advice etc etc. Bs went to 8 something and 7.2 unsure how many hours after that was.


Retired Moderator
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had an awful stomach and ended up on the loo for ages. Now In bed. They worried I’m not eating enough doing low carb and I’m v depressed not taking anti depressants. They ward to put me back in mental hospital saying I’m crazy doing low carb against nhs advice etc etc. Bs went to 8 something and 7.2 unsure how many hours after that was.
Are you eating enough?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Are you eating enough?

I eat 2 ‘meals’ a day normally. Breakfast 3 tablespoons of FF Greek yog, x3 blueberries and chia seeds followed by tea with no sugars almond milk

then before 2.30pm x3 egg omelette with cheese, almond milk and spinach sometimes I pop a tiny bit of onions with it. Cup of tea again with no sugars almond milk. Fasting from 2.30pm (part from taking my tablets) is only way I can get fasting numbers down in the am.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I eat 2 ‘meals’ a day normally. Breakfast 3 tablespoons of FF Greek yog, x3 blueberries and chia seeds followed by tea with no sugars almond milk

then before 2.30pm x3 egg omelette with cheese, almond milk and spinach sometimes I pop a tiny bit of onions with it. Cup of tea again with no sugars almond milk. Fasting from 2.30pm (part from taking my tablets) is only way I can get fasting numbers down in the am.

my eyes are blurry, feet cold, tingling and sometimes hands and hair falling out and have fungal nail infection on my feet. Recent a1c was 28.


Retired Moderator
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I eat 2 ‘meals’ a day normally. Breakfast 3 tablespoons of FF Greek yog, x3 blueberries and chia seeds followed by tea with no sugars almond milk

then before 2.30pm x3 egg omelette with cheese, almond milk and spinach sometimes I pop a tiny bit of onions with it. Cup of tea again with no sugars almond milk. Fasting from 2.30pm (part from taking my tablets) is only way I can get fasting numbers down in the am.
Doesn't sound like enough food to me.
From your other posts I understand you have a history with eating disorders and a hba1c in the 20's, a long way below getting close to even pre-diabetes. I also understand you are on the verge of being underweight.

Having had gestational diabetes doesn't automatically mean you have or will get diabetes any time soon, and you don't have it at this moment.
I can understand why your family is worried.
Please take care of yourself!


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my eyes are blurry, feet cold, tingling and sometimes hands and hair falling out and have fungal nail infection on my feet.
I'd make an appointment for blood tests based on those symptoms. Not for diabetes but because something obviously isn't right.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I'd make an appointment for blood tests based on those symptoms. Not for diabetes but because something obviously isn't right.

Thank you, I appreciate your replies. My CPN was round today, I said to her but she said I’m not eating enough and she’s concerned about my weight. I just feel like surely I must be at least pre diabetic as fastings 5.5-6.9 unless I stop eating at 2.30pm eating those meals.

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
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Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Brunch - greek yoghurt with mixed berries & a little double cream drizzled over the top. Mug of earl grey tea. 1 square Lindtt 90%

Dinner - Large mushroom & onion omlette and a few naughty chips. I am missing not having any DGF left but I have re-ordered tonight so will receive my "fix" early next week - they are so handy and addictive ...

Ordered more SLC but not sure if/when I will receive order as they have sent me an e-mail saying I have still to complete my order ... although I got a confirmation and order no. and as far as I am aware my payment went through fine ... so wait and see I suppose - I do love SLC but there always seems to be a drama with my orders - if it's not one thing it's another ...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: ff greek 2 strawberries, milled linseed
L: 2 egg omelette with cheese.2 sqs 100%. A lc hot chocolate
Some normal shopping, so pleased to try on in an actual changing room with helpful assistant. Made my year.
D: hubby cooking again which means it will be late. 2 glasses wine and 10 olives. Lamb balti with a very acceptable lc naan. 2 tiny spoons of real ice cream (because the alcohol removes all my will power)
Naan was 50g ground almonds, 50g yoghurt, 1 egg, half teaspoon baking powder. Mix together. Add flavourings, we had chopped coriander, garlic and poppy seeds. Divide into 4 for Easy handling. Fry in dry nonstick pan 1 minute then turn over for up to another minute until golden.
Very easy, very quick.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Wednesday bed 7 FBG 6.7. Another busy day. Wanted to be all organised for tomorrow. Got grandsons to school and eldest has now reached 11am. Picked up Hubby and we headed up to recycling with the latest loads from the house. Meantime my furniture polish vanished. I remember where I had it last but I can't find it. I even checked the freezer just in case Still had home schooling to do.
B. TAG and a slice of SLC toast with Dairylea
L. Nothing
D. Beef bourguignon with one of my broccoli/cauliflower things which I've just restocked. Another grenade bar from my temperamental freezer (they're still so frozen I have to let them thaw a bit). Ice is still melting though.