What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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I think you may be right. I remember @ianpspurs posting something along these lines a few years ago after noticing finger prick BG was higher after washing his hands with a particular brand of hand wash ( can’t remember which).
DIL noticed the same thing. Not sure which handwash she was using either but she found one that didn't have that effect. I always use Pears soap which doesn't do that.


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Could you perhaps make your tea in a thermos so you only have to access the tea station once?
I bought myself a thermos jug for that very purpose some months ago, but it makes everything taste odd, so I gave up on it. Might have another go - have to see if the pain goes away overnight. If it doesn't I suspect I won't be able to go to get my legs bandaged tomorrow.


Retired Moderator
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A well deserved no cooking day after 4 days of proper meals with plenty of veggies. :)

Besides, one of our two female ducklings from this year has apparently laid her first egg today, a perfect reason for celebrating with bacon, eggs and cheese on a slice of low carb bread.
One egg isn't enough for a meal so the other one was one of those cute small chicken eggs my neighbour down the road gave me for givig her a ride yesterday.

I think our young duck was completely surprised by her first egg, it was smaller than the duck eggs from last year, and I found it in a random spot in the mud in the middle of the garden, looks like she needs some practice on how to duck. :hilarious:
It tasted fine though!



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Friday 2 February - bed 7 4 FBG 7.8. Order is slowly being restored. I was still trying to get grandson to choose one 'fun' subject, but he's not having it at all. I was a very academic track as well. I did feel that you needed something relaxing to do. My choice was art, and I actually took it all the way to Higher. I also played hockey for the 1st XI. He has loads of friends, so I guess we'll just have to give up. At least his choices give him quite a few career options. I agree @MrsA2 over the cooking. I taught Hubby & then son to cook. I also made sure they could iron! DIL is teaching the boys to cook & bake and ensures they do household chores.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with rare brisket and coleslaw. Benecol dairy free.

L. A couple of M&S cheesy crackers and a bit port salut.

D. Ostrich burger with a cheese slice (mustard underneath), coleslaw, stir fried remains of cauliflower rice, a a few GF scampi. CC little chocolate pot.

Gin & soda.

Saturday 3 February - bed 7.8 FBG 7.4 I got an early start to get my shopping done. That let me return to progress the reorganisation a bit further.

B. TAG and a slice of SRSLY toast with pate. Benecol dairy free.

L. Nothing

D. Cold cuts - roast leg of pork, ox tongue, 1/2 slice of gam, mini German sausage, pork & egg. Coleslaw and veggie salad. CC little chocolate pot.

No gin!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sunday 4 February - bed 7.7 FBG 7.4. Swimming lesson day.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with pate. Benecol dairy free.

L. Nothing - at swimming lessons.

D. I got a thick piece of sirloin yesterday to roast. I made celeriac dauphinoise (I had loads of gruyere). A mix of sprouts and green beans. Had to have horseradish. Campari and soda. CC little chocolate pot.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A disappointing food day, didn’t really enjoy any of it for some reason.
Black coffee and goat milk kefir this morning ( enjoyed both of these)
Aquafit class then home for lunch. Tried a new recipe: Blueberry and cinnamon omelette topped with a handful of pumpkin seeds, from the Freshwell site. It was pretty bland, doubt I’ll bother again. A handful of nuts about an hour later.
Dinner was pasta bolognaise with a salad of green leaves dressed with ACV and Evoo. Pasta from low carb food co. I didn’t mind it last time I tried but was unimpressed this time, didn’t finish it or the ragu. View attachment 66043
Evening @DJC3.

How disappointing! It looks so pretty.

I've tried blueberries from different countries it must be said and, although they look attractive, the flavour has never lived up to my expectations. They taste sweet, but that's all.

I prefer soft fruit that has a bit of a kick like raspberries and blackcurrants., but doubt either would work well in an omelette!


Retired Moderator
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I prefer soft fruit that has a bit of a kick like raspberries and blackcurrants., but doubt either would work well in an omelette!
I think it would, if you think of the omelette a a kind of pancake or crepe. A thin omelette with cream and strawberries starts to sound better and better while I'm typing.


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I've made omelettes with raspberries and with cream in the eggs. That was years ago though - Neil couldn't eat it (intolerant to everything in it) but Alistair enjoyed it as did Tom and I. Haven't made it for years though. Might do sometime soon. Might leave the cream to be served with it rather than in it this time.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Doesn't tickle my taste buds, but did remind me of a conversation just yesterday where various friend were bemoaning the hard and tasteless blueberries that seem to be around at the moment. I assume it's it's seasonal/transportation/ import thing?

I find a bag of frozen blueberries to be more cost effective except when good juicy 9nes are on special offer.

I shan’t bother with that recipe again. I think you’re right about the blueberries being tasteless though, I bought them as a treat as they were reduced, but not worth it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
That omelette looked really nice; it's a shame that it didn't taste better. My non-stick pans are definitely becoming sticky, unlike yours.

I've tried some LC pasta, but was very unimpressed, like you.

Me, I had just chicken for lunch. Two big legs.
View attachment 66044

My frying pan behaved itself today - it has phases of sulking and refusing to release the food it’s cooked. I made pancakes for my grandchildren yesterday though, my mum always said pancakes will help clean a pan. The first one is always dreadful as it absorbs all the gubbins and the rest are then ok. Maybe there’s something in this.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sunday 4 February - bed 7.7 FBG 7.4. Swimming lesson day.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with pate. Benecol dairy free.

L. Nothing - at swimming lessons.

D. I got a thick piece of sirloin yesterday to roast. I made celeriac dauphinoise (I had loads of gruyere). A mix of sprouts and green beans. Had to have horseradish. Campari and soda. CC little chocolate pot. View attachment 66052

That beef looks fantastic.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening @DJC3.

How disappointing! It looks so pretty.

I've tried blueberries from different countries it must be said and, although they look attractive, the flavour has never lived up to my expectations. They taste sweet, but that's all.

I prefer soft fruit that has a bit of a kick like raspberries and blackcurrants., but doubt either would work well in an omelette!

I agree, raspberries and blackcurrants are much nicer. I think I’ll give up on the idea of a fruit omelette though.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I agree, raspberries and blackcurrants are much nicer. I think I’ll give up on the idea of a fruit omelette though.
I seem to remember my Mum doing soufflé omelette, filled with jam/ fruit.
Where the white is whisked up first, then the yolks folded through. Think the filling was warmed separately. That could work with berries perhaps?


Retired Moderator
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@Antje77 and @Annb please report back on the raspberries/strawberries and cream crepe/ omelettes. I might be tempted to have another try if you have success.
Wait, what?
How did I suddenly become the one to test this? I don't even do dessert like food ever!

On the other hand, I think there is a bag of frozen berries of some type in the darkest depths of my freezer, likely at least 3 years past its use by date, and I did buy cream for a hot chocolate experiment but won't need all of it for that. And there are those eggs I received as a thank you for giving a neighbour a ride...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Wait, what?
How did I suddenly become the one to test this? I don't even do dessert like food ever!

On the other hand, I think there is a bag of frozen berries of some type in the darkest depths of my freezer, likely at least 3 years past its use by date, and I did buy cream for a hot chocolate experiment but won't need all of it for that. And there are those eggs I received as a thank you for giving a neighbour a ride...

Can’t give a ‘funny’ as I use the app which only has ‘like’, but this did make me laugh. Time to get those berries out of the depths.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I seem to remember my Mum doing soufflé omelette, filled with jam/ fruit.
Where the white is whisked up first, then the yolks folded through. Think the filling was warmed separately. That could work with berries perhaps?

Yes! My mum did those with bananas and brandy sauce and I’ve made them more recently ( I know @ Maglil55 has too) with cheese. I did wonder if it might be nicer as a soufflé/ fluffy omelette but with the fruit cooked down to a sauce.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes! My mum did those with bananas and brandy sauce and I’ve made them more recently ( I know @ Maglil55 has too) with cheese. I did wonder if it might be nicer as a soufflé/ fluffy omelette but with the fruit cooked down to a sauce.
For some reason you have reminded me of bananas sprinkled with brown sugar and a splash of brandy baked in the oven which was one of the few desserts I used to love, in my previous life. Maybe a last ever meal option with toffee ice cream lol. I’m not even fond of bananas and never liked pancakes.