What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Looks amazing I'd also recommend cauliflower mash if you use a stick blender to puree it really does taste a lot like potato mash. I pureed two cooked cauliflowers into mash yesterday with plan to leave in container in fridge and reheat portions over next few days but when went to get from fridge before dinner it had gone missing. of course I'd accidentally shoved it in freezer and not portioned so had to give it a miss!
Thank you. It was quite nice. I've had cauliflower rice, but will have to purée it and see what it's like as mash.


Well-Known Member
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Hello all, I have eaten quite a lot today! Kept grazing, but LC.

Matcha green tea
Sparkling water
Glass kefir

2 slices home made low carb flaxseed with spelt bread
2 eggs
2 slices bacon

Square of creamed (solid) coconut - reminds me of coconut ice from childhood except not toothachingly sweet! It's a lovely treat when you're itching to get your fingers on something with sugar Edit: there's no sugar in it, it just tastes decadent

1 slice LC HM bread with cream cheese, tomato onion and cucumber
with leafy greens

4 walnuts and 4 macadamia nuts

Harissa fried chicken (coconut oil) with onions over cauliflower and buttered green beans

Greedy me! Must do another fast soon. Kept moving all day, so I don't feel too guilty.
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: coffee shop coconut cappuccino and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: LC pizza base with tomato and bacon toppings with coleslaw.

2024-03-01 19.17.33.jpeg


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Took some almonds up to bed last night so I could have them first thing with the vertigo tabs which need to be taken with food.
Still had second breakfast of scrambled eggs a couple of hours later.
L- a tuna melt muffin and a couple of squares Montezuma’s absolute black with orange.
D- sort of hotpot. venison mince made into a ragu, I use spring onions in it rather than the normal brown onions as they have fewer carbs. topped with thin celeriac slices brushed with butter. Steamed greens to accompany. The celeriac looked a bit burnt but tasted fine. H/m yoghurt with raspberries.
@shelley262 I did wonder about the wisdom of wine tasting when I was already dizzy! They were tiny bottles though and I only had a tiny sip of each, Paul obligingly had the rest. It was good fun and very informative. Apparently Prosecco is a major cause of middle aged women having to go to the dentist- each bottle contains 40-65g sugar! All of these wines were organic and fully fermented so no residual sugar and no added sugar. Most of the bigger wine companies add sugar, even to red wine.


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I forgot to mention, I only use a fraction of the quantity of erythritol in the recipe. I find the cream cheese and almond flour gives a little sweetness, so I only add a small amount - a spoonful or 2.
Same here @DJC3. Some nice menu suggestions on Diet Doctor, but somebody on the recipe creation team tends to be a bit heavy handed with the erythritol; for my palate anyway. Still, the recipes are meant as a guide only.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hello all, I have eaten quite a lot today! Kept grazing, but LC.

Matcha green tea
Sparkling water
Glass kefir

2 slices home made low carb flaxseed with spelt bread
2 eggs
2 slices bacon

Square of creamed (solid) coconut - reminds me of coconut ice from childhood except not toothachingly sweet! It's a lovely treat when you're itching to get your fingers on something with sugar Edit: there's no sugar in it, it just tastes decadent

1 slice LC HM bread with cream cheese, tomato onion and cucumber
with leafy greens

4 walnuts and 4 macadamia nuts

Harissa fried chicken (coconut oil) with onions over cauliflower and buttered green beans

Greedy me! Must do another fast soon. Kept moving all day, so I don't feel too guilty.

I have these days too, but I think as long as we keep low carb, no great harm is done. I love the sound of your harissa chicken dish.
I also love to snack on those blocks of coconut cream, I can’t be trusted around them though so tend not to buy them any more


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I have these days too, but I think as long as we keep low carb, no great harm is done. I love the sound of your harissa chicken dish.
I also love to snack on those blocks of coconut cream, I can’t be trusted around them though so tend not to buy them any more
I'm often not able to resist scoffing the lot but it was a snacky day so I wasn't very hungry - will still have to be careful though


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Took some almonds up to bed last night so I could have them first thing with the vertigo tabs which need to be taken with food.
Still had second breakfast of scrambled eggs a couple of hours later.
L- a tuna melt muffin and a couple of squares Montezuma’s absolute black with orange.
D- sort of hotpot. venison mince made into a ragu, I use spring onions in it rather than the normal brown onions as they have fewer carbs. topped with thin celeriac slices brushed with butter. Steamed greens to accompany. The celeriac looked a bit burnt but tasted fine. H/m yoghurt with raspberries.
@shelley262 I did wonder about the wisdom of wine tasting when I was already dizzy! They were tiny bottles though and I only had a tiny sip of each, Paul obligingly had the rest. It was good fun and very informative. Apparently Prosecco is a major cause of middle aged women having to go to the dentist- each bottle contains 40-65g sugar! All of these wines were organic and fully fermented so no residual sugar and no added sugar. Most of the bigger wine companies add sugar, even to red wine.
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What's the company who do the organic fermented wine please I'll take a look.


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Know how you feel there have been lots of grey days.I got so excited when sky suddenly went blue and Sun came out mid morning I rushed out to take a picture of one of my garden daffodils - well it is St David's Day and thought time to have a new flower of the month for my avatar.
Me too @shelley262. Unfortunately, here in London the sun vanished in the blink of an eye and further rain clouds gathered on the horizon.

Your photo makes a cheery new avatar for St David's Day. Is it Narcissus 'Jetfire'? Whereas the colour of most flowers tend to fade with age, I find the cups of this charming Narcissus hybrid darken to a striking deep orange as the flowers mature.


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Evening all,


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter and avocado, seasoned with black pepper and a wedge of Teifi (unpasteurised cow's milk cheese from Wales).
Water to swallow tablet.
Double espresso.

L: Packed lunch made with leftover mushroom and spinach frittata.
Celery sticks and baby plum tomatoes with chicory boats for scooping and a dollop of home-made mayonnaise for dipping.
Prawns and brown shrimps.
Toasted, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios.
Water to drink.

Mid-afternoon:black filter coffee

D: Smoked salmon and cream cheese salad made with lettuce, celery, baby plum tomatoes, salad onions, Halkidiki olives and Romano peppers, dressed with olive oil, lemon verbena and a touch of lemon juice, topped with pecan halves.
Water to wash down tablets.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: full fat greek with seeds and 6 blackberries
L: out with friends, a very good burger with cheese and bacon. Left the bun but did eat all the chips. Ate later than usual after a very wet journey and had missed my usual cwc. A white wine
4ish, tiny slice of shop bought Victoria sponge (just to be polite). It was offered by a T2 with very high numbers, on fixed insulin twice a day. They ate a large slice :banghead:

19:30 some cheese


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Wow - take most of the day off and look what happens - dozens of posts to read through.

Didn't eat anything until about 1900 today. Got involved in trying to sort out family history which the website had managed to mess up for me and didn't think to eat anything, or take pills. I did have a few cups of tea - not enough, and a glass of the second type of komboucha that I bought (the first turned out to contain sweetener so I gave the box of them to my friend who can take it). This one is from Biona and is organic and no artificial sweetener. I've never tried it before and am not really sure about it. It is very herbal and floral but it smells and looks like beer.

The meal that I did eventually have was spinach wilted down in a couple of knobs of butter, then topped with 2 small salmon fillets which then steamed for about 7 minutes. Quite a lot there but I ate it all.


Well-Known Member
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A white wine 4ish, tiny slice of shop bought Victoria sponge (just to be polite). It was offered by a T2 with very high numbers, on fixed insulin twice a day. They ate a large slice :banghead:
Evening @MrsA2.

What prompts this behaviour I wonder? A close relative (no longer with us) was forever plying me with cakes and jam tarts, then feigned surprise when I declined. As a type 2 herself, she really ought to have known better.

I can't relate to it myself. If we knew that particular foods made a friend ill, offering them that food is the very last thing we'd do. It's tantamount to handing a woolly jumper to somebody who's allergic to wool!


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Thank you. It was quite nice. I've had cauliflower rice, but will have to purée it and see what it's like as mash.
I purée it very thoroughly with a stick mixer, and add a generous knob of butter, cream or cream cheese, and usually some herb stock powder/cube. Doesn't exactly taste like potato mash, but it does taste a lot more like potato mash than like cauliflower. :)
Works very well together with any type of slow cooked meat/stew, or as a 'stamppot' (Dutch way of mixing mash with various veggies). It even works together with a bolognese type sauce you'd usually have with spaghetti!

My adventures with my neighbour-in-the-garden (https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/what-have-you-eaten-today-low-carb-forum.75781/post-2682287) were a week ago yesterday. All week I've been contemplating. I wanted him to now what a special experience it was for me, and how I've never felt as safe sharing a bed and cuddling with anyone as I did with him that night, despite us not being sexually or amourously attracted to eachother.
Not an easy talk, giving compliments isn't a straight forward thing, especially not if it touches on such intimate subjects, and I wanted to talk without alcohol, which would have been the easy way out.
He also got back in touch with a mutual friend he's been completely in love with for years (mutual), and who is now in the middle of a slow separation with her husband, which adds to the complicated situation.

So I picked up my courage and went.
And it went well!
I think our relationship has changed from being neighbours who much appreciate eachother (technically I'm his landlord, if somewhat illegally :hilarious:) to true friends.

We also discussed his meal plans, and mine, and decided neither of us wanted to cook. So we ordered food. There is only one place delivering where we live, so I went with a Turkish pizza, extra döner to reduce the carbs to meat ratio, and ate half of it with a wild guess at insulin dose. Looks like it was my lucky day!
Still, my carbs over the day stayed well below 150, so still on topic in this thread. :)

We parted with a very good long hug. :happy:



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I purée it very thoroughly with a stick mixer, and add a generous knob of butter, cream or cream cheese, and usually some herb stock powder/cube. Doesn't exactly taste like potato mash, but it does taste a lot more like potato mash than like cauliflower. :)
Works very well together with any type of slow cooked meat/stew, or as a 'stamppot' (Dutch way of mixing mash with various veggies). It even works together with a bolognese type sauce you'd usually have with spaghetti!

My adventures with my neighbour-in-the-garden (https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/what-have-you-eaten-today-low-carb-forum.75781/post-2682287) were a week ago yesterday. All week I've been contemplating. I wanted him to now what a special experience it was for me, and how I've never felt as safe sharing a bed and cuddling with anyone as I did with him that night, despite us not being sexually or amourously attracted to eachother.
Not an easy talk, giving compliments isn't a straight forward thing, especially not if it touches on such intimate subjects, and I wanted to talk without alcohol, which would have been the easy way out.
He also got back in touch with a mutual friend he's been completely in love with for years (mutual), and who is now in the middle of a slow separation with her husband, which adds to the complicated situation.

So I picked up my courage and went.
And it went well!
I think our relationship has changed from being neighbours who much appreciate eachother (technically I'm his landlord, if somewhat illegally :hilarious:) to true friends.

We also discussed his meal plans, and mine, and decided neither of us wanted to cook. So we ordered food. There is only one place delivering where we live, so I went with a Turkish pizza, extra döner to reduce the carbs to meat ratio, and ate half of it with a wild guess at insulin dose. Looks like it was my lucky day!
Still, my carbs over the day stayed well below 150, so still on topic in this thread. :)

We parted with a very good long hug. :happy:

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This brought a lump to my throat, how brave you were to have this awkward conversation, and what a wonderful outcome.
To stay on topic, I’ve just had my first black coffee ( and fibre fix) of the day. At least two more to follow shortly.


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Yesterday evening, last night and this morning didn't go too well. Not sure of the reason, but I have my suspicions. I tried the komboucha that I had bought online and it may have been that, or it may have been that it took me so long to drink a glass of it, that I was short of fluids for the day, or it may have been something else that I am unaware of. Whatever the reason it led to very fast heart rate and breathlessness (low oxy sats) which lasted all night and into this morning. Improved now, as long as I don't move around too much. So I had some breakfast - slices of Lorne sausage with fried eggs. Not full, but reasonably satisfied. I may eat again later but not sure about that. Must make sure to keep drinking though.