What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

Breakfast: Vanilla 2 egg omelette (dusted with Splenda) and 40g squidgy blackberries

Lunch: I forgot :banghead: which seems strange as I am only eating 800 calories a day and should have been starving

Dinner: Chilli filled baked marrow (from my garden)

Drinks: Black coffee with breakfast and mid morning then sparkling mineral water for the rest of the day
Never had a sweet omelette for ages. Did you do it with the stiffly beaten egg whites?
Stuffed marrow always makes me think of Deirdre in Coronation Street although I'm sure yours was a lot better!

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Never had a sweet omelette for ages. Did you do it with the stiffly beaten egg whites?
Stuffed marrow always makes me think of Deirdre in Coronation Street although I'm sure yours was a lot better!

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Yes, separate whites and yolks, mix yolks with vanilla and splenda, whisk egg whites then fold in to the yolks - they fry in butter. Dust with more Splenda then drizzled the squidged blackberries over. Very yummy.

And, yes, the marrow stuffed with chilli was lovely. Its been ages since I had chilli and years since I had marrow. It turned out that one of our courgette plants was wrongly labelled and grew marrows instead of courgettes. Very nice though if I weren't doing ND I would have had it drizzled with melted butter. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
It's been a strange day food wise for me.... we left home early to go help my bro and family pack up tent etc
as they were off home today :)

B- choc. chia pud (got to use it up!!) camomile tea
Brunch- Hard boiled egg + coconut dessert (Alpro)
L- (Pub meal) Lg Jacket potato with Tuna mayo + salad (Only ate half potato!) (unexpected meal out with my bro and family)
D- Mackerel with chopped hard boiled egg + sesame sticks - Dessert- Choc chia pud!! :hungry: (only 2 x servings left!)

I have drunk approx. 4L of still water


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning! :wideyed:
I hope to get my low carb diet back on track now my bro and family gone back home! :rolleyes:
B- soft boiled egg with GF toasted soldiers!
L- (as little as poss and LC!) Salad and Dessert- Choc chia pud (one more serving to go!) :hungry:
D- I'm going to make a vegan lasagna with some aubergine instead of maize pasta (1st attempt!) :nailbiting:

As usual I will probably have about 4L still water with the mug of camomile tea :cat:


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
A 2 shake 1 meal day today
B - shake
L - shake
D - 1/2 grilled Lidl roll with low carb version of welsh rarebit on it, (mixed egg, extra mature cheddar, worcester sauce, dijon mustard and black pepper then under the grill until browned and bubbly) 1/4 avocado and a green salad
Drinks - 2 x nespresso with extra thick single cream, 2 litres water
930 cals, 47g carbs
What shakes are you having?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
B: (out with a friend) 2 bacon, 2 poached eggs, grilled tomato, beans, mushrooms & granary toast
L: Corned beef butty on Burgen, melon slice & Light & Free yogurt
T: Pork chop & Tilda Caribbean rice & glass of red
Tea throughout the day


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Good morning all

Yesterday I had
B - yoghurt with jelly ( naughty but nice)
L - boiled egg, cold gammon slices and pkt pork scratchings
D - low carb lamb madras, last of jelly :(

B - 1 hard boiled egg, coffee and cream
L- will be a buttered protein roll, boiled egg and pork scratchings
D - tonight is a bit of a mystery, have pulled a dish out the freezer but forgot to label it. It will be a dd recipe. The joys of cooking in advance, freezing it but forgetting to label it up.

Have a good day all, off to work now xx


What shakes are you having?
Im using Exante - only available online. Most of the shakes are quite nice with a couple of exceptions ( lemon cheesecake , chocolate and toffee caramel are not to my taste, almond vanilla, coconut, banana, honeycomb and vanilla are) - good range of flavours. Seem to be on offer a lot of the time making then 65-75 p a go if you pay the offer price
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Yesterday ...

Breakfast: Two cups of double decaffeinated espresso with cream and a bit of xylitol.

Lunch: Nothing.

Snack: About 10 almonds.

Dinner: Two and a half merguez sausages, a savory zucchini pancake and tzatziki, desert was three heaping tablespoons of low-carb mousse au chocolat.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Still a bit achy but otherwise OK. BGs still slightly higher but still OK. Bed 6.4 (early again) FBG 6 and pre breakfast was also 6.4. Still hungry apart from when I have chia pudding!
B. 2 GF pork chipolatos, fried egg, 2 rashers of crispy back bacon, couple of chestnut button mushrooms and 3 cherry tomatoes. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Marigold Swiss bouillon
D. Remains of the prawns, salmon fillet, 1/2 Lidl high protein roll with lurpack, lettuce, tomato , 1/2 avocado, 20g red Leicester, 3 Walnuts and of course Helmanns.
Will probably have the last of the Chia Pudding later with 4 strawberries.

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all.

Breakfast - none

Lunch - tuna mayo with rocket and baby plum tomatoes

Dinner - in the oven. Chicken leg with cauliflower/broccoli cheese; probably chocolate chia pudding with cream. Am away for the weekend so gave most of the rest of the pudding to a colleague, but there's still a bit to eat.

Drinks - 1 mug tea with cream, 2 mugs tea with milk, water throughout the day


So far its been this
B - shake
L - homemade chicken mushroom and spinach curry
D - blood sugar diet aubergine lasagne
Snack - 200g cottage cheese
Drinks - 2 nespresso with extra thick single cream, 2 1/2 litres sparkly water
Think I need to shift the most carby thing ( shake) later in the day when I get lowest BS readings
Todays numbers 845 cal 46g carbs
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
So far its been this
B - shake
L - homemade chicken mushroom and spinach curry
D - blood sugar diet aubergine lasagne
Snack - 200g cottage cheese
Drinks - 2 nespresso with extra thick single cream, 2 1/2 litres sparkly water
Think I need to shift the most carby thing ( shake) later in the day when I get lowest BS readings
I was having a look at these shakes. The carb and sugar content does seem a bit high (at least the chocolate one was). I can see the attraction when you are trying to keep the calories to a Low level but not sure I'd like to use that many carbs/sugar on a shake.

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I was having a look at these shakes. The carb and sugar content does seem a bit high (at least the chocolate one was). I can see the attraction when you are trying to keep the calories to a Low level but not sure I'd like to use that many carbs/sugar on a shake.

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Choc is the carbyist one ive tried at 21g carb per 51g shake & def not worth it others are lower.and better tasting.sugars are behaving themselves ok as long as starting number pre shake is between 4 and 5.5
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
People that moan for no reason
B-2 boiled eggs burgen bread soldiers green tea
L- black coffee
D- cheese, ham, mushroom omelette green beans Greek yogurt few strawberries, grated 86% cocoa dark chocolate on top
Water throughout the day


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Food today has been provided by my hubby who has done a sterling job of caring for my elderly mum and myself due to my NASTY bout of bronchitis/ chest infection. :inpain: So:
B: 1 slice toasted cheese.
L: Poached egg on bread/ butter.
Mid afternoon snack: 1 Banana
D: Fillet of fish burger/ fries from MacDonalds !
Drinks: Lots of flavoured water/ black tea.
Snacks/ treats: Sugar free cough medicine, Sugar free Strepsils (throat tablets), Paracetamol, Inhaled steam/ vapour chest ointment, Antibiotic capsules. !!! :arghh: :yuck: LOL
Tomorrow is another day. :)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: lc paleo porridge
L: one naked beefbrger with a slice o cheese on top and a smear of brinjal pickle :hungry:
D: the last of garam masala (chicken courgettes peppers)
Also had a few blobs of popcorn. Not very many, but more than I intended. As always ;)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
On the subject of chia seeds, has anyone used them to thicken savoury sauces/stews, and if so what kind of seed to liquid ratio do you use?
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