What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Evening all.

Pouring down here too and has been most of the afternoon. Very glad I got my daily walk in this afternoon.

Just had a hilarious messenger video call with my Dad, his wife and my sister. Started with a technology failure - sis had connected her laptop to the TV so Dad could use his hearing loop, but the sound was still coming from the laptop so she had to repeat everything I said so he could follow. Once sound switched to the TV, I had to repeat everything sis and dad’s wife were saying!

Two meals today. Post-walk lunch was the leftover sausage and chicken thigh from yesterday with a couple of chunks of cheese. Anyone else come across the Belton Vintage Red Fox from Lidl? Delicious.

Dinner was more ‘using up’. Fried minced beef and onions (just a few) with a double-yoked duck’s egg and a bit of grated cheese. Yum.


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rude people
not able to do as much as I used to do due to health issues
So insomnia has struck again its 2:40am so decided to check in as haven't posted for awhile. Not that I am busy or anything. But here are a few of my meals

Breakfast/brunch scrambled eggs eggs on sourdough toast
Dinner oven baked chicken wings with rocket parmesan cheese and tomato salad dressed with EVO and balsamic vinegar
BREAKFAST waffles with butter and maple syrup
Lunch toasted cheese and tomato sandwich
Dinner lamb kebabs tabbelah homemade hummus and a piece of capscium
Breakfast paleo seed and nut cereal that I found in aldi with almond milk and some honey

Lunch apple and baby bell cheese and salada crackers

Dinner homemade sourdough discard biscuits served with a salad tomato burrata cheese dressed with EVO and balsamic vinegar sprinkled with basil and sea salt flakes.

I also made a lemon yogurt cake not low carb but delicious I froze some for those rainy days I seem to be baking a lot at the moment to fill in my ISO time

When I get up today I plan to finish my sourdough bread that I have waiting mixed dough and just proofing and will finish cook in oven today I Made my own sourdough starter 6 days ago so hopefully it works.


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@Chook why do things always happen in threes, I did laugh at the thought of Mr C and his work colleagues discussing the merits of different vacuum cleaners though. Also your Echo dot bellowing at you!
Well we’ve just eaten quite an obscene amount of the brined pork and it was a definite hit. It’d be a good meal for a dinner party ( if we ever get to the stage of having them again) I had it with buttered cabbage and roast broccoli stems. A LC custard afterwards.
Lunch was a Lo Dough pizza topped with salami, mushrooms and jalapeños.
Still enjoying the soda water with lime and Himalayan salt @Goonergal.View attachment 40928
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Edit to apologise for not being able to add photo!
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I forgot to ask the butcher not to score it. Mea culpa but as you say it’s a low temp so will be cooking gently all day. It already smells really good
I lost Your original post in the quantity of other posts so I just went entirely in the recipe which says after brining to put all the herby stuffingy things in the middle and roll then put in the oven - did you marinate at this point again?
I imagine it’s going to be a fairly forgiving recipe and although there are only 4 of us here I doubt it’ll last too long.

No, once we had stuffed and wrestled the meat into submission, it went into a warm, dark place for an eternity.

In our expanding herb garden, we have lemongrass on the go, so there could be plenty more of this. :)


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@Chook why do things always happen in threes, I did laugh at the thought of Mr C and his work colleagues discussing the merits of different vacuum cleaners though. Also your Echo dot bellowing at you!
Well we’ve just eaten quite an obscene amount of the brined pork and it was a definite hit. It’d be a good meal for a dinner party ( if we ever get to the stage of having them again) I had it with buttered cabbage and roast broccoli stems. A LC custard afterwards.
Lunch was a Lo Dough pizza topped with salami, mushrooms and jalapeños.
Still enjoying the soda water with lime and Himalayan salt @Goonergal.View attachment 40928
Edit to add the photo
Edit to apologise for not being able to add photo!

I hadn't read this post when I posted a few minutes ago.

That pork is lovely, isn't it? Did you have lots of magnificent crackling?

I think it's something that could also work well on an uber busy day. Meat brined overnight, then wrestled in the morning and put in the oven out of the way as the day gets done.

I sort of fancied it with stir fried veggies, but first time around it was a "proper" roast dinner.
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I hadn't read this post when I posted a few minutes ago.

That pork is lovely, isn't it? Did you have lots of magnificent crackling?

I think it's something that could also work well on an uber busy day. Meat brined overnight, then wrestled in the morning and put in the oven out of the way as the day gets done.

I sort of fancied it with stir fried veggies, but first time around it was a "proper" roast dinner.

Yes the crackling was marvellous. I did the same thing and had it as a ‘proper’ roast but I fancied it with some med style roast veg.
My lemongrass was from an old jar in the cupboard and wasn’t as fragrant as fresh. Is it easy to grow? It had never occurred to me to try.
The garden twine didn’t work very well as butchers string by the way. It went quite hard and sort of melded into the joint. It was really difficult to get off and the hairiness wasn’t appealing
Going to try to post a photo one more time...
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and birthday cake phd bar.
Late Lunch: 2 x gouda and chorizo rollitos followed by Greek yoghurt, coffee chia pudding and LC chocolate granola.
Dinner: cheese and mushroom omelette with a leafy salad followed by SF jelly, cream and macadamia and coconut keto granola


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Yes the crackling was marvellous. I did the same thing and had it as a ‘proper’ roast but I fancied it with some med style roast veg.
My lemongrass was from an old jar in the cupboard and wasn’t as fragrant as fresh. Is it easy to grow? It had never occurred to me to try.
The garden twine didn’t work very well as butchers string by the way. It went quite hard and sort of melded into the joint. It was really difficult to get off and the hairiness wasn’t appealing
Going to try to post a photo one more time...View attachment 40930

That crackling looks fab! The brining definitely helps the magnificence of that part.

In Asia, there's lemongrass everywhere on verges and so on.

We have some rooting, hopefully - Sain's "fresh" lemongrass, bottom 1" in water for a few days, then planted in compost. Not sure how that's going to go, but we also have some seeds sprouting.

It's very easy to grow and provided it comes indoors over winter it should be fine.

I have also started some more ginger today. That's even easier, although I managed to kill last year's by leaving it outside too long, and it getting cold. Ginger loves heat, almost as much as I do!

Tonight I am brewing my inaugural batch of almost lacto-free yoghurt, I say almost as I used some of my last batch of "ordinary" as the starter. In my time honoured way, I wanted to change as little as possible in the first instance, but am working up to lacto-free.

I'm dreading it.
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Yes the crackling was marvellous. I did the same thing and had it as a ‘proper’ roast but I fancied it with some med style roast veg.
My lemongrass was from an old jar in the cupboard and wasn’t as fragrant as fresh. Is it easy to grow? It had never occurred to me to try.
The garden twine didn’t work very well as butchers string by the way. It went quite hard and sort of melded into the joint. It was really difficult to get off and the hairiness wasn’t appealing
Going to try to post a photo one more time...View attachment 40930

Despite hairy string, it looks delicious!
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Deleted member 308541

Breakfast: Cheese and mushroom omelette, bacon, tomatoes.
Lunch: A bit of a dingo's...
Dinner: Pork belly strips done on the barbeque, mushroom and tomatoes.

Drinks: Black coffee, water.
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That crackling looks fab! The brining definitely helps the magnificence of that part.

In Asia, there's lemongrass everywhere on verges and so on.

We have some rooting, hopefully - Sain's "fresh" lemongrass, bottom 1" in water for a few days, then planted in compost. Not sure how that's going to go, but we also have some seeds sprouting.

It's very easy to grow and provided it comes indoors over winter it should be fine.

I have also started some more ginger today. That's even easier, although I managed to kill last year's by leaving it outside too long, and it getting cold. Ginger loves heat, almost as much as I do!

Tonight I am brewing my inaugural batch of almost lacto-free yoghurt, I say almost as I used some of my last batch of "ordinary" as the starter. In my time honoured way, I wanted to change as little as possible in the first instance, but am working up to lacto-free.

I'm dreading it.
Yes the brining must help with the crackling, I’ll do that again definitely.
Rooting lemongrass in water is a thought - next time I do a big shop I’ll look out for some fresh. How do you grow ginger root ? I use tons of ginger, that would be really good to know. goid luck with the lactofree yoghurt, do you make it in the IP?

Deleted member 308541

How do you grow ginger root ?
Here's how to.


How To Grow Ginger From A Root

Ginger is grown from an existing root or rhizome, just like garlic or potatoes. Buy young, fresh, organic ginger to reduce the risk of contaminants. TIP Ginger likes moist not wet soil and filtered sunlight.


Step 1. Soak ginger

Soak ginger in water overnight to wash away any growth retardant it may have been sprayed with. Cut the rhizome into pieces that each contain at least one eye or bud.


Step 2. Plant the pieces

Plant the pieces in a container filled with good quality potting mix, making sure the knobbly eyes are facing up, and just cover the rhizome pieces with more mix. Water in well.


Step 3. Transplant the shoots

Move the pot out of direct sun when the shoots appear and water weekly. Transplant into a warm, sheltered spot in the garden and apply a liquid fertiliser fortnightly.
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Here's how to.


How To Grow Ginger From A Root

Ginger is grown from an existing root or rhizome, just like garlic or potatoes. Buy young, fresh, organic ginger to reduce the risk of contaminants. TIP Ginger likes moist not wet soil and filtered sunlight.


Step 1. Soak ginger

Soak ginger in water overnight to wash away any growth retardant it may have been sprayed with. Cut the rhizome into pieces that each contain at least one eye or bud.


Step 2. Plant the pieces

Plant the pieces in a container filled with good quality potting mix, making sure the knobbly eyes are facing up, and just cover the rhizome pieces with more mix. Water in well.


Step 3. Transplant the shoots

Move the pot out of direct sun when the shoots appear and water weekly. Transplant into a warm, sheltered spot in the garden and apply a liquid fertiliser fortnightly.

Thank you. I will buy a double amount today when doing my essential shop, and try growing half.
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Yes the brining must help with the crackling, I’ll do that again definitely.
Rooting lemongrass in water is a thought - next time I do a big shop I’ll look out for some fresh. How do you grow ginger root ? I use tons of ginger, that would be really good to know. goid luck with the lactofree yoghurt, do you make it in the IP?

To be fair, having looked at my sprouting tray this morning, lemograss from seed it probably more reliable. I have lots of sprouting going on. The seeds were 99p and should provide loads. Once it gets going, it needs to be contained, unless you're a massive family or hate your garden.

Ginger is also super-easy.

Choose nice hard root, not shrivelled (so rummage) and ideally look for one with plenty "eyes", and even better if you can find some trying to sprout off on its own. (I'll post a pic later of what I mean).

Soak the root for c24 hours, just to get it nice and moist.

Fill a plant point, empty coleslaw pot, or whatever you have, provided it had 1-1.5" all around what you are planting. Plant the root about 1" under the surface and ensure it is watered well. You need drainage holes in the pot/carton, and to water from below.

Cover it - just a poly bag will do to begin with - provided the bag doesn't touch any growth, but you can achieve that by sticking a Starbuck's/Costa (other coffee houses used to exist) stirrer in the container to vault the bag, once the root gets going.

Obviously, if you have covered sprouting trays, they're perfect

Ginger likes heat, to indoors in this country, and watch with wonder for a few weeks. It'll then need careful repotting, so up the pot size, to a Lidl yoghurt bucket size (same rules apply), then once it "settles" in there, take the bag off, as it'll be very well established then. (I'd only cover for a few days to ensure optimum conditions for the roots settling).

You can always scrape away the compost covering from the root ball to see how it's coming along.

As ever. there are some uselful YouTube vids around, but if you're not seeing the munchkins on a face to face basis at the moment, it could be a fun thing to do with them; with them having some seeds too.

Just a thought.
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@DJC3 - Ginger needs heat, and ideally heat and sun, so good luck with that, but a sunny window ledge is fine, usually.

We had loads of ginger in our garden in Antigua.
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Morning All,

Forgot to post yesterday's food, so here goes:

B: lc hot choc made with 70% solid easter egg :wacky:
L: bovril
D: lamb heart and liver soup, spiced up with garlic, onion and thyme. V enjoyable, but barely hit the side, even with a blob of cream cheese on the top. So an hour later went back and ganneted some pre-cooked bacon, some Port Salut cheese, and two mini peppers stuffed with feta stolen from Mr B's work lunch stash. Felt better after that. Am thinking it was the protein my body was after, since (unusually) I wasn't interested in piling butter cream or oil onto it. lol.

Will eat protein twice a day for a few days and see what happens.


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In today's exciting news, @DJC3 (see, I know how to live....) the lemongrass translanted about a week ago, in the herb garden, that I had some misgivings about, has definitely taken. From being an upright stick in the ground, it is solid as a rock. Hopefully, a sign we'll be having a glut of lemongrass at least.

So, on that basis, the stick it in some water probably has more merit that I originally thought too.


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Well I’m not sure how successful this slow roasted belly pork is going to be @DCUKMod . I have run into a couple of problems already lol. The brining stage was fine. The stuffing was fine. The tying up with butchers string was where it started to go wrong. I could only find garden twine which is quite hairy so I’ve no idea if it’ll hold. Secondly I didn’t realise what a skill it was - should have looked at a YouTube video before attempting the rolling and tying.
Lastly as you see it doesn’t fit in my roasting tin and I didn’t have a trivet so had to use rolled up tinfoil.
I’m waiting for the delicious smells now to reassure me it’ll taste good even if it looks a mess
View attachment 40892
I got this stuff on Amazon - butcher's net and the string. Had to buy new stuff as once again Hubby had put it away and didn't know where!
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Yesterday bed 7 FBG 6.8. I feel for you @Annb as I'm feeling "off" again. Same thing as you - a bit chesty. Yesterday I had a slight sore throat as well. No where near as bad when all this started but enough to smear myself with Vic again. I'm trying to keep moving to ease this chestiness. I do believe it's still the same virus niggling away.
@Chook - you're right there. They do happen in 3's. You'll recall my expensive run from last year where we came back to the bedroom ceiling collapse, the TV went kaput and the boiler blew!
B. TAG and a slice of skinny toast with Philadelphia and ham.
L. Nothing.
D. Just had the leftovers from the day before. The Thai duck breast with the cauliflower rice but added more bean sprouts that I just doused with boiling water and 1/2 avocado that was just there. Added mainly because Hubby wasn't satisfied I was eating enough. Had the last of the chia pudding with a few raspberries later.

I didn't have a good night - legs seizing up and this chesty feeling.
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Hi All
We have just had a thunderstorm. I think its how the world feels.
My fridge is very empty though I have a small collection from the farm shop tomo and a Sainsbury C&C next week.
Breakfast was slice HiLo toast, lots of tea.
Lunch was h/m egg mayo on slice HiLo toast. More tea.
Supper will be giant fishfingers and brocolli (chips for Mr PM)
always fishfingers on Thursday!
I was in the same boat yesterday. Fridge was looking a bit empty as I've been using up stuff from the freezer. Since I was feeling off I did a butcher's order which will appear today. Meat is the one thing that seems quite impossible to get on the Morrison's order.