What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)

Mrs T 123

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@annabell1 Virtual hugs for your loss - death is so final and yes it is very hard to take in that we will never see our loved ones again in this life anyhow, a bit surreal - we still have the memories that last forever ...

@zauberflote Sorry you are feeling a bit below par today hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you

@Goonergal I had a wee chuckle at you saying you went to bed hungry - oh dearie me

Breakfast - used up fage fat free and only 3 carbs per 100g yoghurt (win win for me) with flaxseed and goji berries, some mixed seeds and crushed walnuts on top. Usual mug of earl grey to get me going for the day

Lunch - 2 slices slc bread on ham and coleslaw.

Dinner - well SLC delivery arrived yesterday so ... 2 large slc rolls with burgers, mushrooms, onions, a teeny bit of hamburger relish and cheese on top:hungry:

Lovely fresh sunny winter day here today so walked to and from work


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hugs to all those feeling low for whatever reason.

No breakfast
L: a little caulfower cheese savoury with a chunk of cheddar and a tomato
D salmon with a cheese sauce made just with cream and mozzarella, carrots and cabbage
Somehow 3 sqs of 85% have disappeared while trying to cook pork scratchings in the air fryer. Have ended up with something so hard that I know my dentist won't be pleased. Probably just use them bashed for coating something sometime.
Does anyone know how to them airier and lighter, like the crunchies and strips Mr Porky does rather than the very solid pieces sold as scratchings?


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hugs to all those feeling low for whatever reason.

No breakfast
L: a little caulfower cheese savoury with a chunk of cheddar and a tomato
D salmon with a cheese sauce made just with cream and mozzarella, carrots and cabbage
Somehow 3 sqs of 85% have disappeared while trying to cook pork scratchings in the air fryer. Have ended up with something so hard that I know my dentist won't be pleased. Probably just use them bashed for coating something sometime.
Does anyone know how to them airier and lighter, like the crunchies and strips Mr Porky does rather than the very solid pieces sold as scratchings?
To be honest, the Morrisons pork skin rarely has enough fat for total scrumptious crackling.

For me, the best ever is always gammon based. I have been known to buy a gammon hock, the skin it, before AFing that, and using the hock for stock. That just takes a few hours in the IP, or any other pressure cooker, I guess


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football, both the game and the culture.
Few days missed somehow.
B CWC. Nut granola
L, CWC 3 chocolate biscuits, wish MrSlim didnt buy my favourites.
Dinner Son1 ordered Thai food.
Mussels, hake in spicy coating, prawn curry, did have small spoonful of rice.
Later cheese snack

B CWC, nut granola
Went for a walk with Son1.
Snacked on cheese and bacon after.
Dinner toad in the hole, but not for me. Sausages with gravy, veg, one tiny baked potato, white wine few more bits of cheese.
Not planning to eat more today.

Great excitement for Son2 has invited himself for lunch tomorrow and is bringing a girlfriend...

@DJC3 stinking the fridge out is typical of camembert. I used to make a camembert based tart tatin, which used the whole cheese baked in its own wooden box. Not sure how many carbs that would be.
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Today I organised to go for a bush walk with one of my neices. I'm glad I did as needed to be busy Today is the anniversary of my elderest sister passing it's been a difficult year I cannot believe it's been a year since my sister passed away and miss her so much. Being Maronite Catholic its traditional that we have a memorial mass which will be held on Sunday. thank goodness there is no covid19 restrictions on attending where I live in Australia.

It must be so hard to lose a beloved sister. I do so feel for you. But it is good to be able to commemorate her life all these months later. Perhaps it will help to remember all the good times and start the process of recovery from the grief of losing her.

I know that I worry these days about my only brother - he is 3 years older than me, so getting on a bit and acknowledges, finally, that he is beginning to feel his age. With all the travel difficulties and restrictions at present plus my own inability to travel very far anyway, it is ages since I saw him. We do speak on the phone every week but it isn't the same as actually being with him. I keep thinking that he will reach his end and I will not have seen him in these last 3+ years. It's a fairly constant worry these days. At my age, one gets used to the idea of losing those around you but for you, being younger, it must be hard.
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Dinner looks fab - what a great idea and you were right enough about the FA*T bars after all! I will maybe give them a miss and not bother trying them after all or I will be Mrs T no pals hehe

Oh no! But thanks for the laugh!


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@ianpspurs I hope all of you will feel much better quickly, and the other dog will not catch it!
@annabell1 I'm so sorry about your sister. Having a memorial is such a comforting practise, I would think. Next time you make that platter, ask me over....I have never imagined pickled eggplant!
Has been a very tired-not-good day. Feeling better now but not up for much more than sitting around resting. I have such respect for all those of you who've kept to normal amounts of LC while feeling much worse than this, even with covid. I am overeating but so far at least it's my regular foods. Bfast avocado, pecans, accidentally licked my finger of canned cat food-- yuk!--, 2 scrambled eggs in usual olive oil
Next meal end of the cucumber, end of a yellow bell pepper, too much provolone, wished for cherry tomatoes but we ate them all, flax crisps/dilute soymilk, more pecans.
Next meal hopefully can be good-for-me foods.

Hope you feel better soon. Apart from the cat food you’ve only eaten low carb stuff though, and that’s pretty good going when you’re feeling a bit meh.
I had a friend who liked to eat dog biscuits btw.
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Few days missed somehow.
B CWC. Nut granola
L, CWC 3 chocolate biscuits, wish MrSlim didnt buy my favourites.
Dinner Son1 ordered Thai food.
Mussels, hake in spicy coating, prawn curry, did have small spoonful of rice.
Later cheese snack

B CWC, nut granola
Went for a walk with Son1.
Snacked on cheese and bacon after.
Dinner toad in the hole, but not for me. Sausages with gravy, veg, one tiny baked potato, white wine few more bits of cheese.
Not planning to eat more today.

Great excitement for Son2 has invited himself for lunch tomorrow and is bringing a girlfriend...

@DJC3 stinking the fridge out is typical of camembert. I used to make a camembert based tart tatin, which used the whole cheese baked in its own wooden box. Not sure how many carbs that would be.

I love baked Camembert too. @Chook gave me the idea of dipping roast cauliflower florettes into it instead of bread - works really well.
Hope tomorrow’s lunch goes well and the new girlfriend passes muster.


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It must be so hard to lose a beloved sister. I do so feel for you. But it is good to be able to commemorate her life all these months later. Perhaps it will help to remember all the good times and start the process of recovery from the grief of losing her.

I know that I worry these days about my only brother - he is 3 years older than me, so getting on a bit and acknowledges, finally, that he is beginning to feel his age. With all the travel difficulties and restrictions at present plus my own inability to travel very far anyway, it is ages since I saw him. We do speak on the phone every week but it isn't the same as actually being with him. I keep thinking that he will reach his end and I will not have seen him in these last 3+ years. It's a fairly constant worry these days. At my age, one gets used to the idea of losing those around you but for you, being younger, it must be hard.
thank you for your words and hugs to you must be hard I know not being able to see your love ones. take cdare


Well-Known Member
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rude people
not able to do as much as I used to do due to health issues
@Mrs T 123 123 @OzBlossom @zauberflote @DJC3 thank you everyone for your kind words @DJC3 hugs to you it makes memories something to cherish take care and hugs to you. @zauberflote It is the best pickled eggplant quite easy to make

breakfast 1/2 sourdough baguette cooked some ham then cooked two eggs on the ham and a black coffee

meet up with another one of my sisters I come from a large family 7 siblings.... and went for a nice walk at shelly beach and brought a black coffee

lunch wasn't hungry

dinner hadn't plan anything but after talking to my mum, one of my other sister who looks after my mum was making Mujadara (Lentils and Rice with Caramelized Onions) a Lebanese dish and made me feel like it as it is simple to make but I don't use onions but replace onions using garlic I can't eat onions and made a quick cabbage salad served with a garlicky lemon dressing.


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Baked (butter) beans on 2 Atkins crackers for brunch and quite a lot of tea. Managed to forget what I was doing and burned the sauce a bit, but it was OK.

Currently have a huge pot of beef and vegetables (I think they are onion, celeriac and butternut squash) on the hob. Some of the beef was "stewing steak", which I assume was chuck and the rest was roast brisket cut into pretty big chunks. I've chopped it all down into small bits and am restewing it all. I'll use what I can of it today, and maybe tomorrow and then send the remainder down for the dogs.


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Hi all.

TMAD and both meals chicken. Lunch was a delicious rotisserie chicken from a new butcher that opened on our high street this morning. Spotted it on the way home from my early morning walk and went out to investigate at lunch time. Marinated in peri-peri and very tasty.
Dinner was more of the chicken, cold with a pickled onion.


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Day 2 of fragile digestive system which doesn't work too well with my lc food preferences especially lots of fibre. B:about 1/4 normal TWAM and no inulin - that was fine. Mid morning: CWC (tipped some away) and Dr A chocky - not so wise - queasy rest of day until EM: 2 poached eggs, 2 slices skinnybread toast and reduced sugar Tommy K. Yeast seems to be included in mix now @DJC3 but my Food Fairy adds a little as well which seems to work well. SLC rolls arrived yesterday, still in date today but mouldy - unimpressed.


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@ianpspurs sorry about the struggles with this bug, nothing worse, hopefully will improve after 48 hours.
This morning had my usual brekkie: Slice hiLo toast, butter, tea lots.
Lunch was sli e HiLo toast piled with egg mayo.
Supper will be Brill fillets, scallops panfried in butter & OO with some broccoli on the side. A couple of Bramble gin & sodas.


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Day 2 of fragile digestive system which doesn't work too well with my lc food preferences especially lots of fibre. B:about 1/4 normal TWAM and no inulin - that was fine. Mid morning: CWC (tipped some away) and Dr A chocky - not so wise - queasy rest of day until EM: 2 poached eggs, 2 slices skinnybread toast and reduced sugar Tommy K. Yeast seems to be included in mix now @DJC3 but my Food Fairy adds a little as well which seems to work well. SLC rolls arrived yesterday, still in date today but mouldy - unimpressed.

Sorry you’re still under the weather and I hope it won’t be too long before you’re fighting fit again.
I feel vindicated ( almost) that the skinny bread mob have decided to add the yeast to the mix. I reckon a lot of other people must have made the same mistake as me!
What a disappointment that the SLC rolls are mouldy though, how long did they take to arrive after ordering? That’s terrible.


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I felt organised today and planned a week’s meals in advance. I dug out my book Eat Rich Live Long ( Ivor Cummins and Jeffrey Gerber) and used recipes out of that. It’s been really nice following recipes from a book again rather than online - constantly scrolling up and down.
Today was chicken in creamy bacon sauce with broccoli ( daughter and her partner have started Slimming world, they had some rice and tomato thing and looked on with green eyes)
Lunch was a small bowl of h/m chicken soup.
Breakfast just black coffee

I had my old and greasy range cooker cleaned today - a lovely chap came and did an excellent job, turns out he and his wife follow a ketogenic diet and have lost 5stone between them. We had a good chat about it (while daughter rolled her eyes thinking ‘here we go again’ lol.)