What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen.

A 5.4 this morning on that meter of whatever, face, bothered etc.

In a few short hours the peace and tranquility of Tilehurst Towers will be shattered by the arrival of the grandchildren for an over night stay. Fun, games and multiple telling off’s for me from Mrs J, the grandchildren seem to like seeing me get into trouble.

A warm welcome to @CatrinJ to this quiet backwater of this useful site from me, me’s and myself.

It is time for me to depart and stand in that indoor rain cabinet.
Stay safe all


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
It's (Saturday) morning again in (Little) America. How you doin'? Prouder, stronger better? Good for you then. If not the sun will come out tomorrow - actually it will be drizzly here but we are post truthers now. Drizzle? What the thingmejig is lemon drizzle cake all about anyhow? - 1 bite was enough for life thanks I obviously have an fbg but that isn't top of my health care pops for now so no show and tell for now. MIL may be on her way back here. Doctor told JKP a couple of days, nurses - or their managers? - want her Maggie, Maggie , Maggie, out, out out. Not her name but oh, how we loved those student demos. @gennepher thanks for another ovine masterpiece, Cats in the eyes is quite the masterstroke. @lindisfel hug for the incoming migraine but good that you have advanced warning. @Krystyna23040 good news on Poppy whose illness definitely impacted bg readings. Young Alfred, young sparrow me owl (The Herbs NOT Dr herb) enjoy your time with those grandchildren. Our youngest grandson saw a doctor who declared nothing to see here, move along. Yeah, right. SSAF was all very spiffing as was the pole and line caught tuna in olive oil - sustainably sourced but can it be sustainably purchased after Jeremy the Sugar Puff bean counter tries to build a war chest to magic away 13 wasted years? Only in Ingerland as they say. Anyhow, kimchi, kefir, inulin @Krystyna23040's Al Capone and a slice of this (8 gms carb is a fair trade off imho) and all important microbiome friendly incantations (naked in the woods at midday, obs) today. Enjoy your day and remember this - or this (RIP Mamma Cass) - but maybe not the Wolves of Molyneux.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This is damming of the level of understanding of risk. Classic is: Perhaps most alarming is that Johnson bafflingly suggests a causal relationship between dying of Covid-19 and living longer.
Boris the buffoon, perhaps isn't quite the act he likes us to think it is..mmhh

And no one seems to mention anymore, we HAD a blueprinted plan, for just such occasions.

It wasn't read then....
I doubt it's even been read now

Likely ruined by sunbed ted RAAB, using his crayons on it, when he allegedly "didn't read it cover to cover, obviously, I sort of skimmed though it" which seems all he does with any documents
Afghanistan, anyone ?

I took a deep interest very early on, regarding china & covid.

had a long series of PM 's with Harrison (aka Alien G/F of the thread) as I knew he had a much more scientific background.

even my rudimentary sums, pointed to a death rate of well north of 400,000 for the UK, if no mitigation taken or viable.

in his estimation, (he'd been in similar discussions with a doctor friend early the same evening)

The figures are what they estimated too, give or take it's slightly more complicated, given density of people's (china v UK) and land mass as city sprawls v countryside etc

And we were looking very much on target for that figure and above early on.

I do remember following closely, at around 200,000 + when the seemingly regular rejigging of figures began making the UK's statistics all rather meaningless.

And after all it wasn't our glorious elite dying .

They all safely stayed home or just had better care ( JRM you say? I couldn't possibly comment)

And just lived their lives as before, just with more blessed solitude .

No, it was the lazy, good for nothing doctors, nurses, porter, care homes, care home workers, teachers, bus drivers, ordinary workers, ad infinitum ..

You know the lazy A holes, saving our lives or serving us in some important way, at a time of the nation's greatest peril & need.

So I understand why, when it's nobody special, we just stopped counting.


The inquiry will surely end some careers, even if they don't end in the deserved long jail sentences their incompetence & sheer greed deserve ..so I take some solace in that .

And today is today.

Off out to enjoy it in some small way.

Peace out, people .


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It's (Saturday) morning again in (Little) America. How you doin'? Prouder, stronger better? Good for you then. If not the sun will come out tomorrow - actually it will be drizzly here but we are post truthers now. Drizzle? What the thingmejig is lemon drizzle cake all about anyhow? - 1 bite was enough for life thanks I obviously have an fbg but that isn't top of my health care pops for now so no show and tell for now. MIL may be on her way back here. Doctor told JKP a couple of days, nurses - or their managers? - want her Maggie, Maggie , Maggie, out, out out. Not her name but oh, how we loved those student demos. @gennepher thanks for another ovine masterpiece, Cats in the eyes is quite the masterstroke. @lindisfel hug for the incoming migraine but good that you have advanced warning. @Krystyna23040 good news on Poppy whose illness definitely impacted bg readings. Young Alfred, young sparrow me owl (The Herbs NOT Dr herb) enjoy your time with those grandchildren. Our youngest grandson saw a doctor who declared nothing to see here, move along. Yeah, right. SSAF was all very spiffing as was the pole and line caught tuna in olive oil - sustainably sourced but can it be sustainably purchased after Jeremy the Sugar Puff bean counter tries to build a war chest to magic away 13 wasted years? Only in Ingerland as they say. Anyhow, kimchi, kefir, inulin @Krystyna23040's Al Capone and a slice of this (8 gms carb is a fair trade off imho) and all important microbiome friendly incantations (naked,in the woods at midday, obs) today. Enjoy your day and remember this - or this (RIP Mamma Cass) - but maybe not the Wolves of Molyneux.
Thank you Ian...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Boris the buffoon, perhaps isn't quite the act he likes us to think it is..mmhh

And no one seems to mention anymore, we HAD a blueprinted plan, for just such occasions.

It wasn't read then....
I doubt it's even been read now

Likely ruined by sunbed ted RAAB, using his crayons on it, when he allegedly "didn't read it cover to cover, obviously, I sort of skimmed though it" which seems all he does with any documents
Afghanistan, anyone ?

I took a deep interest very early on, regarding china & covid.

had a long series of PM 's with Harrison (aka Alien G/F of the thread) as I knew he had a much more scientific background.

even my rudimentary sums, pointed to a death rate of well north of 400,000 for the UK, if no mitigation taken or viable.

in his estimation, (he'd been in similar discussions with a doctor friend early the same evening)

The figures are what they estimated too, give or take it's slightly more complicated, given density of people's (china v UK) and land mass as city sprawls v countryside etc

And we were looking very much on target for that figure and above early on.

I do remember following closely, at around 200,000 + when the seemingly regular rejigging of figures began making the UK's statistics all rather meaningless.

And after all it wasn't our glorious elite dying .

They all safely stayed home or just had better care ( JRM you say? I couldn't possibly comment)

And just lived their lives as before, just with more blessed solitude .

No, it was the lazy, good for nothing doctors, nurses, porter, care homes, care home workers, teachers, bus drivers, ordinary workers, ad infinitum ..

You know the lazy A holes, saving our lives or serving us in some important way, at a time of the nation's greatest peril & need.

So I understand why, when it's nobody special, we just stopped counting.


The inquiry will surely end some careers, even if they don't end in the deserved long jail sentences their incompetence & sheer greed deserve ..so I take some solace in that .

And today is today.

Off out to enjoy it in some small way.

Peace out, people .
Enjoy your trip. Do watch out for the elusive Throbbing Vein - he reads, marks and inwardly digests these posts. Your'e on his list now mate. Avoid dark alleys ;) I often think about Harrison and how he may be doing. He is a good man worth our prayers for those who offer them with faith. With your roots you may appreciate these which are definitely closely linked to each other and to him IMHO - by far my favourite U2 song. Gotta lurve anyone called The Edge who can wield that axe so majestically. Brilliant live version here - amazing bass line as well. Gospel music served piping hot.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only

6.1...not too shabby.

A day of work yesterday, so a 4 mile each way cycle (Ebike) ride there & back, a light snack then gym rehab .

Good session.
Only male among the delightful ladies.

I spent an hour after it on the machines, rowing & cardio.

Managed to cut my 1000m row down to under 8 mins (2x 500m)

SPM (stroke per min) a steady 25.

And amongst other things fitness stamina level better.
Elliptical trainer, early gym 2 mins max, a few weeks ago 5 mins max, now a comfortable 10mins before lactic acid build up and I need to pause ...so most happy with progress.

E-bike is clearly benefitting me at gym & benefiting from my gym workouts.

Keep on like this, & you might see me in a yellow jersey yet ....:hilarious::hilarious:
Hopefully not in lycra


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
That looks very good
It is. This is also very good, cheaper, lower carb but seemingly rarer than hen's teeth in most Asda's. The one in Bury St Edmunds had never heard of it. Freezes well and has a good shelf life. My kind of bread and surely microbiome friendly. May have to look in Cambridge Asda which happens to be near M and S food, Starbucks and Go Outdoors. Rumour has it some celebrations are upcoming but I sorted Mother's Day and JKP's birthday yesterday.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
@jjraak and others.
With careful presentation you can prove any point. As Harold Wilson is supposed to have said there are lies, bam lies and statistics.
I read somewhere that Harold Wilson was a statistician before a politician.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Very true, Alf.

But I think it's beyond doubt the death rate was high.

It's beyond doubt the decisions made were slow & increased the harm.

It's beyond doubt that procurement went not to the most expert, proficient or practical,
But to nominated friends.

And I think given the evidence of the whatsapp message it's beyond doubt how much this government of millionaires despises the rest of us.

But yeah, stats can & do give a given picture....

That's why it's important we seek out other sources of information, look beyond what they want us to see, and find out own verification.

MSM has been complicit.

You all know the best advice to grow mushrooms, right ?

Don't be that mushroom.

Peace & love.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@jjraak and others.
With careful presentation you can prove any point.
This would take some brilliant presentation even by a former statistician and economist for the coal industry.: a causal relationship between dying of Covid-19 and living longer. There's statistics and there's arrant nonsense.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
All done on a zip wire after stepping out of the govt chauffeur driven RR, for a photo op of our beloved ex leader jogging 5 yards ?

That's got Johnson* written all over it

(* Might mean the body part )
They weren't statistics they were people. Loved and cherished people NOT statistics and they died. All the sophistry in the world won't alter that. Fact.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Of course, life is a terminal condition. We just have to make the best we can of it.

Made some wholemeal bread today (using Neil's bread making machine) and had a couple of slices. Probably ridiculously high in carbs but it didn't put my BG up much.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.8

Nighttime wildlife camera.

Cats & Foxes & Badger - A very long night ...

Cat Merlin reprimands the badger a couple of times.

Creative is a sheep painting in Procreate.

Time for another cuppa...

Have your best kind of day...



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a dull start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. A wonderfully uneventful journey home yesterday and a quietly pleasing 5.4 on the wonder wheel of bad tidings vs joy (and all who tac between the two). Mrs Miggins has sold yet another piece of redundant furniture and that will be picked up this morning for hard cash. I expect the money will go into the garden funds for her big Capability Brown extraveganza in minature. Pal coming round later to rummage through surplus motorcycle paraphernalia and then out for evening meal at brother and sister in law’s place. Art bit - managed to start something new last night. Have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday if you can, you can always sing to The Boomtown Rats tomorrow. Best make my koffy.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Good morning everyone from a dull start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. A wonderfully uneventful journey home yesterday and a quietly pleasing 5.4 on the wonder wheel of bad tidings vs joy (and all who tac between the two). Mrs Miggins has sold yet another piece of redundant furniture and that will be picked up this morning for hard cash. I expect the money will go into the garden funds for her big Capability Brown extraveganza in minature. Pal coming round later to rummage through surplus motorcycle paraphernalia and then out for evening meal at brother and sister in law’s place. Art bit - managed to start something new last night. Have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday if you can, you can always sing to The Boomtown Rats tomorrow. Best make my koffy.

View attachment 59712
Now - that looks precarious. Wouldn't want to be a lighthouse keeper on that rock.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a dull start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. A wonderfully uneventful journey home yesterday and a quietly pleasing 5.4 on the wonder wheel of bad tidings vs joy (and all who tac between the two). Mrs Miggins has sold yet another piece of redundant furniture and that will be picked up this morning for hard cash. I expect the money will go into the garden funds for her big Capability Brown extraveganza in minature. Pal coming round later to rummage through surplus motorcycle paraphernalia and then out for evening meal at brother and sister in law’s place. Art bit - managed to start something new last night. Have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday if you can, you can always sing to The Boomtown Rats tomorrow. Best make my koffy.

View attachment 59712
Great lighthouse.
I hope no more of that rock wears away @dunelm
Enjoy that coffee...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentleman, if you don’t fit into either of the above genders join a political party and stand as an expense claiming, self serving, truth denying MP.

On the diabetic roundabout this morning I achieved a score of 8.8, coupling this with the fact that I shall be having a special Sunday lunch at lunchtime, insulin dosage was very difficult to calculate, but as luck would have it, I had some tea bags left so tea bag reading came to the rescue. No need to resort to partial differential and wave harmonics.

Our grandchildren stayed over last night, much merriment. The joys of being a grandparent are incalculable.

Now sorry me, me’s and myself have just remembered an old rugby song I want to teach the grandchildren and so must depart.

Stay safe all.

Hand and footnote
My granddaughter has just told me this.

You have to respect people who wear glasses
They have paid to see you.