What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who can mentally still skip the light fandano, what? Me neither, never mind.
A 6.3 on the meter of mystery, not only is the meter doing my head in. The readings are developing a life of their own.

I have noticed a little chat about stress and readings on this thread. As me and me's keep saying diabetes is a simultaneous equation with an infinite number of unknowns. Our body is a huge chemical factory with every chemical reacting with each other and altering continously the output. Perhaps for some of us the answer is a head in the sand approach and just keep eating in a manner that works to give you a reasonable fasting blood sugar level.

I have a routine liver ultrasound scan this morning and also it's one of my grandchild's 10th birthday so I been tasked with recording the happy birfday song while Mrs J sings along, unfortunately Mrs J takes it seriously while I don't, the expression " their may be trouble ahead " is apt.

Have a great day if you can and thank you to all our posting artists, please don't stop posting.
Now I must go and cause a little chaos and mayhem elsewhere.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
still skip the light fandango, .
What, no cartwheels across the floor with Mrs A J turning a whiter shade of pale at your antics? Hope the ultrasound goes well and the young man has a great 10th birthday with not too many oh, granddads.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
ouch on the chili @dunelm ..BTDT.

good luck with HBA1c @Krystyna23040

Best wishes for the Liver scan @alf_Josiah

and whoop whoop, for you @gennepher

A muddled start to the week for me.

Off to bed early last night, awoke midnight, sat watched Netflix until 2:30 am

Missus, after all her talk of walking/steps and the tube,
wakes me up for a lift at 7:30 am...

i am so NOT a morning person...:dead:
but i wash n dress, and drive her in.

looking around me on the journey in with her,
i had to pinch myself the last few months haven't been a figment of my imagination.

if it wasn't for the odd masks, here & there, i would have said it was just a horrible dream i had.

Life is just 'so' normal.

traffic, people, shops, everything...Normal.

I stopped on way back for Marley's food.

Getting used to the odd looks at my mask
(neck/bandanna style.. filter in between)
looks normal-ish..but still... that odd stare..:rolleyes:

Be another few weeks of this before i begin to think it's safe or safer,

Parts of London are still in the high range, WAY behind Leicester, Merthyr tydfil etc but still something to keep an eye on,
which i doubt many are doing around here, by the looks of things.

Oh dear God, look over us.

Just spotted the MOT for the Suzuki is out July 31st...nice.:arghh:

Means i miss the MOT extension by 1 day,

so the next week or so it's bike back to road worthiness,
then prepare for the MOT come august

Big bike has been ignored since lockdown, Pablo has been the favoured steed.
and in all honesty at the moment, i doubt that will change much.

i see it as my City Toy, and the car for the longer journeys &
now Lauren has decided Pablo IS cool to ride on,

i'm left wondering IF i need or should even keep the big beast.:sorry:

so that's my week sorted.... IF i can just get started...:banghead::rolleyes:

Stay well.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Distance - hooray for @gennepher - you can now persuade your car to go more than 5 miles and bask in the glory of a smart shopping precinct before they become extinct.
Car says she doesn't want to drive to shopping centres, @dunelm but she might consider the ice cream shop on the marshes in England, and possible an early morning run along the coast road before the tourists arrive...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
and whoop whoop, for you @gennepher
Car says fill her with fuel first and then she will negotiate where she wants to go...

When I drove over to England last week (within the then 5 miles limit) for my food, the traffic and people in England were back to normal levels. And as you say that feels scary

And there were less masks on the people in the shops that the previous week.

I wear a mask and will continue to do so. And I have a colourful flowery (ladylike) bandana which I pull up over my mask (in addition) should I feel the need to do so.

One thing I will say is since wearing a mask from March, I haven't caught any bugs or other viruses which I am normally prone to doing. Just this alone reinforces my need to wear a mask.

You want to keep the big beast don't you? I would feel that way. But I think Pablo is ticking a lot of boxes now :)

I didn't realise how many households in this road had big bikes. It is only in the last month or so they have been bringing them out of their garages, and going for a noisy spin....


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Somewhat linked by how things have changed in 3 months. I'm assuming the afternoon tea surge was down to Mother's Day. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52229828
I am an early morning person for going out, when no people are about. Always have been. I am on my way home when people are tumbling out of bed or considering breakfast. So, I don't get caught in those tourist later in the day traffic jams.
The ice cream shop also has some vintage local area postcards I want for my Postcrossing. The lady was getting some extra ones in for me but then lockdown occurred....


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Morning...at last all paperwork is done...invoices done it will be great to have some money coming in I had intended to drop off my paperwork in London...but...having seen the mayhem of Saturday & speaking to my niece who lives right Waterloo Station we've decided to meet Thursday...I couldn't believe the crowds & disorder on the news...Siobhan tells me her area is like that most of the time so I shall pick her & Georgia up...then we'll go off somewhere scenic & have a takeaway...relieved all my work commitments are done just a quick tidy up before dinner with a friend later...popped into our local Tesco Express got some flowers & cream found a bargain ready mixed Gin & Tonics (Gordons) on offer 10 for a tenner...brilliant just need to get the ice out of the freezer...a real lazy evening...woke to a 6.5

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
A windy bike ride but my mind and aches are sorted.

Here is the last in my sea cliff series for now, Sky near Neist Point amazing sunsets that light the very dark and high cliffs. I am not sure I have captured their magnificent height. Rough camped up on the point and saw the cliffs light up just as the sun fell below the horizon and being Scotland the sky stayed light. From a Plein Sir sketch done a few years back. A4 watercolour about 90 minutes.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
My painting for today in ZenBrush2
Inspiration was a friend's black cat who has enormous big wide eyes, and always looks surprised!
His name is Mystère.

This took me half an hour, longer than I thought it would. It was the eyes. I had to do the black cat first, then use the rubber to take the eyes out, then put the pink in, then use the rubber to take the inner part of the eyes out, then the black pupil in, then the highlight on the eye. It was working out which size, which opacity etc etc.
I did this with my finger.

View attachment 42530
Hovercat! You are having lots of fun with that zen App, I love the expression of utter shock, clever to capture that from just two eyes and no other detailed expression.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A windy bike ride but my mind and aches are sorted.

Here is the last in my sea cliff series for now, Sky near Neist Point amazing sunsets that light the very dark and high cliffs. I am not sure I have captured their magnificent height. Rough camped up on the point and saw the cliffs light up just as the sun fell below the horizon and being Scotland the sky stayed light. From a Plein Sir sketch done a few years back. A4 watercolour about 90 minutes.
View attachment 42533

Amazing @Muddy Cyclist I love this.
They are imposing evening cliffs.
And a wonderful wild sea...

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Amazing @Muddy Cyclist I love this.
They are imposing evening cliffs.
And a wonderful wild sea...
Thank you.
I have just been working on the oil painting of Triumphal Arch in the landscape at Shugbourgh, other than the smell of Turpintine I have not got a lot of pleasure from this painting. I don't do buildings and I seem to always have nowhere to put my brushes and palette knives when changing the tool I'm useing, hands get covered and rags always seem messy. Then there is the problem of excess oil paint on the palette that I have not used, hate the waste. I've decided I find oil painting stressful.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you.
I have just been working on the oil painting of Triumphal Arch in the landscape at Shugbourgh, other than the smell of Turpintine I have not got a lot of pleasure from this painting. I don't do buildings and I seem to always have nowhere to put my brushes and palette knives when changing the tool I'm useing, hands get covered and rags always seem messy. Then there is the problem of excess oil paint on the palette that I have not used, hate the waste. I've decided I find oil painting stressful.

I bought some oil paints some years ago, but never used them because I realised the smell and turps was bad for my asthma.

But if I had another fine weather week, I could use them outside?

I cannot imagine using brushes to do an oil painting, especially of a building. But I could imagine using a palette knife to paint a building.

Could you have an old tea tray (maybe on a chair by the side of you) to put the palette knives and brushes on as you are using them?

Good luck with your oil painting @Muddy Cyclist There is nothing worse than working with a medium you find stressful (I remember grumbling about that Joy painting course I did, I was beginning to detest it).

True Blue

Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Hello everyone. Wot no cats? I have an allergy to felines, so have taken a sabbatical. Now 7lbs heavier in my safe redoubt, no visitors, I am planning my breakout. A sailing trip to France with a fellow male lock-downer should be alright. Fill the boat to the gunwales with food and beer.
Sad day today for music fans. Ennio thought his best work was for the film "The Mission". You decide.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hello everyone. Wot no cats? I have an allergy to felines, so have taken a sabbatical. Now 7lbs heavier in my safe redoubt, no visitors, I am planning my breakout. A sailing trip to France with a fellow male lock-downer should be alright. Fill the boat to the gunwales with food and beer.
Sad day today for music fans. Ennio thought his best work was for the film "The Mission". You decide.
Good to see you back safe and sound. Excellent music choice and agree a sad day. If you don't mind, while I'm here I'll just drop this pebble in the pond and wait for ripples. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...eating-symptoms-not-cause-pandemics-un-report
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
The appointment with my DN went really well. The precautions the surgery has taken were excellent and I felt really safe.

My DN is probably the best and most knowledgeable DN in Norfolk, or even in the whole of the UK and is very supportive of my low carb efforts. She will email me! later this week with my results.
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