What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

Muddy Cyclist

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bit of a fail this one, I was trying to do an evening snow scene and ended up with too much colour in the reflections on the ground so it looks a bit muddy :sorry: never mind, it's all a learning experience ;)
Looks like snow that's been around awhile, perfect, portrays that cold scene when we are all fed up of the white stuff staying around. Good shadows and light.

Thank you for your compliments on my two last watercolours.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Thanks @Krystyna23040

For some reason, they don't understand the concept of deafness. To particularly obtuse people with this, I can definitely have fun with them...
@gennepher your post made me smile. I can just imagine what fun you have. It sounds very similar to the fun I used to have with scam callers.

We used to have lots of scam calls but don't get them anymore as I think I may have been blacklisted once I started having fun with the calls. The calls would go something like this:

Scammer: your computer has been infected.

Me: thank you so much for contacting me.

Scammer: will you switch on your computer and I will help you.

Me: Computer is switched on.

Scammer: .What can you see on your screen.

Me: The screen is black.

Scammer: have you switched it on.

Me: Yes.

Scammer: What can you see now.

Me: The screen is black.

After a few minutes of this the caller would give up.

One of the funniest ones was a call about a supposed accident l had been in. I had a lot of fun with that one and kept the caller waiting for ages while I supposedly had to go up in the loft to find the paperwork.

It ended with my husband taking over the phone. He told the caller that I shouldn't have answered the phone because this was a home for the bewildered. The caller actually apologised for calling us.
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football, both the game and the culture.
Breakfast, CWC, nut granola
Lunch, bit of a feast with many items available. Had, ox tongue, coleslaw, hummous, carrot sticks, raw peppers, cucumber sticks, mashed avocado with marmite on a ryvita, half a small onion bhagee ( later ate the other half as well)
Glass of wine, nothing really unsuitable, but far too much. Gave the whole untouched cheesecake to Son2 and girlfriend.
Dinner, another glass of wine diluted with tonic, and then more tonic added, some ham, more vegetables and hommous. Slice of cheese. Thought I was doing ok until MrSlim opened the box of chocolates now mysteriously refilled.
Lemon tea.

@Krystyna23040 your story about phone calls reminded me of an incident from decades ago.
At the time, I was a single mother, with three young children, and a phone call in the middle of the night was an alarming experience. Way before mobile phones it needed a charge down the stairs with heart pounding, expecting some dire news.
It was one of those silent nuisance calls, the first in a series of them.
Then as now, insomnia struck sometimes and I formed the habit of doing housework if I couldn't get to sleep. One night, about 2am I was ironing when the phone rang, leaping across the room, i grabbed the phone before the second ring and announced brightly " Insomniacs Anonymous how can I help? "
There was a startled sound and the line went dead.
That was the last middle of the night call.
@Alien Aspie just wondering. Why Wales? Have obviously missed something. Am also joining in the chorus of condemnation for your landladies appallingly selfish behaviour.
@gennepher, well done for finding a tactic to deal with ignorant people. That you can have fun with it is even better.
@ianpspurs hope the digestive upset settles down quickly.
@maglil55 what a labour of love, three days cleaning the range. How satisfying to have your efforts recognised.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
good evening all :)

4.7 yesterday and 4.1 today

fell asleep after we got back from our couple of hours volunteering yesterday evening and woke up in time to go to bed :hilarious: ee bah gum it wer cowd during the night :D and I had my wooly bed socks on ;)

We took mum to pick up her pension and her hair done today so that took up the middle of our day.

Hope your day is treating you kindly :)

@Muddy Cyclist - so glad your test was negative.
Your stroke and colour work in the finished sunburst painting are fantastic, a splendid advert for using a rigger :) and today's larch trees are sunlit and vibrant, interesting how you use the base of colour you had created to shine through :)

@JohnEGreen - Hugs to brother Ade, glad that they are looking after him though :)

@dunelm - nice gorge painting, the use of colour has worked well for you there :) and two very different styles of painting today, I enjoyed both :)

@gennepher - I loved the colour palette you used on your setting sun painting and the moon has turned out very nicely on today's as has the back lighting on the foliage :joyful:

@Krystyna23040 - hugs for Archie, but at least he doesn't mind going to the vet, hugs to you too for the waiting ;)

@Alien Aspie - hugs - It's irritating that some people feel they can be so slipshod when it comes to other people's health concerns, hope your quarantine is symptom free and that further testing is not needed.

art bit -
@gennepher - don't start me off on intricate black and white, I'm all too inclined to spend ages fiddling once I start :sorry: I do find painting with watercolour has helped

bit of a fail this one, I was trying to do an evening snow scene and ended up with too much colour in the reflections on the ground so it looks a bit muddy :sorry: never mind, it's all a learning experience ;)

View attachment 45557
Thank you @geefull and your winter sene works for me - looks like snow that has seen a few days.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
@gennepher your post made me smile. I can just imagine what fun you have. It sounds very similar to the fun I used to have with scam callers.

We used to have lots of scam calls but don't get them anymore as I think I may have been blacklisted once I started having fun with the calls. The calls would go something like this:

Scammer: your computer has been infected.

Me: thank you so much for contacting me.

Scammer: will you switch on your computer and I will help you.

Me: Computer is switched on.

Scammer: .What can you see on your screen.

Me: The screen is black.

Scammer: have you switched it on.

Me: Yes.

Scammer: What can you see now.

Me: The screen is black.

After a few minutes of this the caller would give up.

One of the funniest ones was a call about a supposed accident l had been in. I had a lot of fun with that one and kept the caller waiting for ages while I supposedly had to go up in the loft to find the paperwork.

It ended with my husband taking over the phone. He told the caller that I shouldn't have answered the phone because this was a home for the bewildered. The caller actually apologised for calling us.

Yep, always milk these calls for maximum entertainment.
I don’t own a car but still get calls about that accident that wasn’t my fault - mostly I tell them that they need to speak to my carer or my emotional support giraffe but on one occasion I did spin a yarn about a long car journey, late at night on a wet and windy road which ended when we left the road, rolling down into a ravine - when the caller asked what had happened - I told her that we all died - she instigated the call.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a dark and blowy morning in the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of left over chicken masala with zero rice came in at 5.1 this am.

Smaller turkeys being ordered this year - good news for larger turkeys then - mine will be so small that you won’t be able to see it - not that keen on it.
Google reviews - are they real - blimey, who would have thought.

More ink splatter. Hope everyone has a great Saturday - wrap up warm - stock up on cocoa. koffy time.



Well-Known Member
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3.5 ➡️
I am not too sure about this sensor, but when I chug some water it seems to shake a leg. Now I just need to get out of bed and fill up my bottle...

Semi-final day today so will scuttle to the other side of the bed and get everything set up on social. Still trying to do more on Instagram... and now I sense I am about to fall into a Google hole of learning how to schedule posts and stories...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
@gennepher - I loved the colour palette you used on your setting sun painting and the moon has turned out very nicely on today's as has the back lighting on the foliage :joyful:

art bit -
@gennepher - don't start me off on intricate black and white, I'm all too inclined to spend ages fiddling once I start :sorry: I do find painting with watercolour has helped

bit of a fail this one, I was trying to do an evening snow scene and ended up with too much colour in the reflections on the ground so it looks a bit muddy :sorry: never mind, it's all a learning experience ;)

View attachment 45557

Thank you for the painting compliment @geefull

I love doing intricate black line drawings. They were my living with book illustrations over 4 decades ago. They were my losing myself into that world I was drawing. But my dry eyes and visual migraines that went on for days put paid to that. And my hands don't behave now if I have to hold a black fine liner for more than a minute. I do miss doing them. Digital black line drawing is not the same, I want/need my whole arm to move as I draw, but it needs to be held up by strings like a puppet, at my age. But maybe I will figure out a way...or is that time in the past now?

I know what you mean by 'fiddling' ages with line drawings, but I don't call it 'fiddling', I call it really getting into the drawing and losing yourself in it...

No, I don't call your painting 'a bit of a fail', as you put it. Snow takes on the light of its surrounding light, be it the sun or a street lamp. Snow takes on that beautiful yellow of the sun, and you have caught that perfectly. So, this is a beautiful painting.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher your post made me smile. I can just imagine what fun you have. It sounds very similar to the fun I used to have with scam callers.

We used to have lots of scam calls but don't get them anymore as I think I may have been blacklisted once I started having fun with the calls. The calls would go something like this:

Scammer: your computer has been infected.

Me: thank you so much for contacting me.

Scammer: will you switch on your computer and I will help you.

Me: Computer is switched on.

Scammer: .What can you see on your screen.

Me: The screen is black.

Scammer: have you switched it on.

Me: Yes.

Scammer: What can you see now.

Me: The screen is black.

After a few minutes of this the caller would give up.

One of the funniest ones was a call about a supposed accident l had been in. I had a lot of fun with that one and kept the caller waiting for ages while I supposedly had to go up in the loft to find the paperwork.

It ended with my husband taking over the phone. He told the caller that I shouldn't have answered the phone because this was a home for the bewildered. The caller actually apologised for calling us.

Absolutely brilliant @Krystyna23040
I love it!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

@Krystyna23040 your story about phone calls reminded me of an incident from decades ago.
At the time, I was a single mother, with three young children, and a phone call in the middle of the night was an alarming experience. Way before mobile phones it needed a charge down the stairs with heart pounding, expecting some dire news.
It was one of those silent nuisance calls, the first in a series of them.
Then as now, insomnia struck sometimes and I formed the habit of doing housework if I couldn't get to sleep. One night, about 2am I was ironing when the phone rang, leaping across the room, i grabbed the phone before the second ring and announced brightly " Insomniacs Anonymous how can I help? "
There was a startled sound and the line went dead.
That was the last middle of the night call.
@gennepher, well done for finding a tactic to deal with ignorant people. That you can have fun with it is even better.

Thanks @SlimLizzy
I love your 'Insomniacs Anonymous' response. Brilliant!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yep, always milk these calls for maximum entertainment.
I don’t own a car but still get calls about that accident that wasn’t my fault - mostly I tell them that they need to speak to my carer or my emotional support giraffe but on one occasion I did spin a yarn about a long car journey, late at night on a wet and windy road which ended when we left the road, rolling down into a ravine - when the caller asked what had happened - I told her that we all died - she instigated the call.
Absolutely amazing @dunelm
I love this!