What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Afternoon fellow posters, painters and gamers, as me and me's said I'll be back.....
Blood sugars this morening were 4.8, well into my hypo range, but I had been given the day to put a long run in on my motorcycle, dilemma, drama and calculation time, so reduce the insulin dosage mainline on a couple of jelly babies and digestive biscuits + boiled eggs on low carb bread. Result.
Blood sugars were 8.6, safe and no dodgy feelings.

Bike out, gear on and off. Route if you are interested from Tilehurst Towers, down to the M4 then a gentle plod to the Bath turn off, into Bath then follow the A4 till Tilehurst Towers. This the 2nd of my acclimatisation rides after a long lay off. Total distance 142 miles, a little nippy weather-wise, but sitting in the sun drinking koffy near Calne in Wiltshire was lovely. This route took me past 2 white horses. Cherhill and on the edge of Marlborough.

For those who wonder about a level of 4.8, you are recommended not to drive below 5 and below 4 is illegal, this for insulin users.

I have also been given permission by Mrs J to slip out again tomorrow :) .

Enjoy this evening.

Edit forgot to add, riding a motorcycle over our roads, really messes with my pace counter on my phone, it appears I did nearly 5000 paces while riding on the A4 and approximately 1500 paces on the M4.
Brilliant, glad you had a great escape.

I must look and see what my Mountain Bike rides do to the step counter, interesting. With all the bumps and jumps it could go into negative figures. :)

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
good evening all :)

4.6 today

Sunday dinner at mum's as usual, good job we did a bit of grass cutting and strimming earlier in the week because it chucked it down this morning :D

special attraction for lunch today was an orange and cinnamon flavoured baked custard (ground almonds, double cream, water and egg), served with the first stewed rhubarb of the season both sweetened with truvia ;)

early rhubarb is one of the few benefits of sandy soil :hilarious:

Hope your day is treating you well :)

@alf_Josiah - good stuff, sounds like a fine ride :joyful:

@gennepher - splendid and striking bonsai style tree, very zen :)

@dunelm - I'm liking your park tree sketch, very effective early foliage :)

@Muddy Cyclist - Is zooming an effective way of meeting for that purpose? :)

art bit -
as with everything in life my new cold pressed paper has good points and things I need to learn to work around :D
It seems to hold the colour vibrancy a bit more, but, it doesn't allow me as much time to work with the paint on the surface. Perhaps it would do me good to try out a few more paper types?
current postings are still on the original paper type though.

I saw a youtube video where the artist was arguing that it's a good exercise to just splosh some paint on the paper sometimes, so here is that very thing, the nearest description would be abstract landscape I think,
(it goes without saying that his 'splosh' and mine are not in the same league ;):hilarious:)

View attachment 48993
That's a great abstract landscape and looks like you enjoyed sploshing the couloirs. Hugs for not liking your new paper.

Zoom for the West Gallery Quire is just for socialising impossible to all sing together because of the delays. Zoom yesterday was a disaster, couldn't get on and then when we did all kept freezing, all the members where having the same problem.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morning and 5.9 for me today. Some pastry was involved in yesterday's meal, I made a Leak, Mushroom and Cheese Pie which we had with salad so expected high numbers.

Grandaughter with us all day today as her school is having and inset day but Daughter and Son in law have to go to their schools so a day of fun. Probably safe as she wasn't have been at school for two weeks and any way we spent the day with her on Saturday and other days of the holiday.

My art is suffering I am doing many sketches and have ideas but am not succeeding with paintings, must try harder.

Keep safe and go boldly into your day.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.5

Watching the tiny white clouds at dawn from the comfort of my bed, and all the pairs of birds that appear to be nesting in my garden...I seem to be Noah's Ark...

Digital painting in Procreate of the dawn...

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.4 which hopefully means that blood sugars have settled down after the Pfizer vaccine.

Very foggy morning here. Washing is already hung up outside. Hopefully the promised sunshine will materialise.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Greetings all. Libre showed 4.4 @ 5.17 rising via 5.00 @ 5.49 to 5.4 @ 7.17. The "arc of history" seems about right whatever the numbers. This fbg lark (local river) is in danger of becoming my Golden Calf. Should be more like the swingometer - all a bit of nonsense, only one poll counts. Anyhow, today is all about Julie's birthday - she is 2 years older than me for exactly 2 months. Maybe I don't go big on that one. So red wine, red meat and Yorkshire pudding yesterday with 2 petite new potatoes -genuine Norfolk ones (.1 rise @2 hrs, meh.) The skins rubbed off with my thumb and they were white. Sourced from a market stall on our Ely visit. Asparagus and strawberries also from the same place. They sell on 2 other Cambs markets which border Norfolk so obviously 100% trustworthy;). @Muddy Cyclist leaky pie sounds good ;) but trumped by grandchildren every time. Do what you gotta do today folks. Haters gonna hate anyway.
Lyrics: Iffy in parts but HGH.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who live in this strange diabetic world.
1st a happy birthday to Mrs @ianpspurs, please pass on me and me's best wishes.

Well 2 readings this morning 8.2 and a minute after on a different finger 7.7, well within my hospital given range, but inexplicable, never mind onwards and upwards.

Thanks for all the kind comments about yesterday's ride, todays ride will be practicing things like ipsga, vision lines and other such things, incase you are wondering, it's all advanced riding techniques propagated by the IAM, stuff to increase your chances of avoiding an accident while riding.

Well fellow posters, painters and gamers have a great day, if possible get out in the fresh air and remember the stays.

Better go and wake the slumbering Mrs J, after all she has given permission for me and me's to go out and play today.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who live in this strange diabetic world.
1st a happy birthday to Mrs @ianpspurs, please pass on me and me's best wishes.

Well 2 readings this morning 8.2 and a minute after on a different finger 7.7, well within my hospital given range, but inexplicable, never mind onwards and upwards.

Thanks for all the kind comments about yesterday's ride, todays ride will be practicing things like ipsga, vision lines and other such things, incase you are wondering, it's all advanced riding techniques propagated by the IAM, stuff to increase your chances of avoiding an accident while riding.

Well fellow posters, painters and gamers have a great day, if possible get out in the fresh air and remember the stays.

Better go and wake the slumbering Mrs J, after all she has given permission for me and me's to go out and play today.
Duly passed on young Alfred. Now a new word: Word of the day is ‘ingordigiousness’: extreme greed; an insatiable desire for wealth at any cost. No, not Cameroon - Twitter assumed it was. The breakaway "Top 6" PL clubs. Courtesy of Susie Dent - who she?
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good evening all :)

4.6 today

Sunday dinner at mum's as usual, good job we did a bit of grass cutting and strimming earlier in the week because it chucked it down this morning :D

special attraction for lunch today was an orange and cinnamon flavoured baked custard (ground almonds, double cream, water and egg), served with the first stewed rhubarb of the season both sweetened with truvia ;)

early rhubarb is one of the few benefits of sandy soil :hilarious:

Hope your day is treating you well :)

@alf_Josiah - good stuff, sounds like a fine ride :joyful:

@gennepher - splendid and striking bonsai style tree, very zen :)

@dunelm - I'm liking your park tree sketch, very effective early foliage :)

@Muddy Cyclist - Is zooming an effective way of meeting for that purpose? :)

art bit -
as with everything in life my new cold pressed paper has good points and things I need to learn to work around :D
It seems to hold the colour vibrancy a bit more, but, it doesn't allow me as much time to work with the paint on the surface. Perhaps it would do me good to try out a few more paper types?
current postings are still on the original paper type though.

I saw a youtube video where the artist was arguing that it's a good exercise to just splosh some paint on the paper sometimes, so here is that very thing, the nearest description would be abstract landscape I think,
(it goes without saying that his 'splosh' and mine are not in the same league ;):hilarious:)

View attachment 48993
Thank you for your comments @geefull - the baked custard and rhubarb sounds lush. Interesting experiment with ‘splosh’ - worked very well. I see a wooded bay with mountains in the background.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good morning everyone from another late start here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of crab and avocado salad sidled in at 4.8 this am

The pump in the garden water bucket thing has packed in - well, it’s not working, let’s say that. Other things - sorting out the summer house - all looks fine and the stereo system doesn’t seem to have suffered. But the pump. Blast. Afternoon spent lazying in the garden, a glass of wine and then the girl in the bubble turns up with parents in tow - toys in the garden - laughter, smashing. Bike washed and POWDERS checked - Petrol, Oil, Water, Damage/drive chain, Electrics, Rubber, Stopping (brakes)/Self (am I OK to ride).

Started on loose paintings of Storks and other similar birds - this one not really doing it but never mind. Another go later.

Happy Birthday to Julie who is now in @ianpspurs 2 month zone of mirth and japes. Have a great day with your granddaughter @Muddy Cyclist and enjoy another day on the bike @alf_Josiah. I shall drink koffy and then get my bike gear out - wonder where I will go?



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Greetings all. Libre showed 4.4 @ 5.17 rising via 5.00 @ 5.49 to 5.4 @ 7.17. The "arc of history" seems about right whatever the numbers. This fbg lark (local river) is in danger of becoming my Golden Calf. Should be more like the swingometer - all a bit of nonsense, only one poll counts. Anyhow, today is all about Julie's birthday - she is 2 years older than me for exactly 2 months. Maybe I don't go big on that one. So red wine, red meat and Yorkshire pudding yesterday with 2 petite new potatoes -genuine Norfolk ones (.1 rise @2 hrs, meh.) The skins rubbed off with my thumb and they were white. Sourced from a market stall on our Ely visit. Asparagus and strawberries also from the same place. They sell on 2 other Cambs markets which border Norfolk so obviously 100% trustworthy;). @Muddy Cyclist leaky pie sounds good ;) but trumped by grandchildren every time. Do what you gotta do today folks. Haters gonna hate anyway.
Lyrics: Iffy in parts but HGH.
Happy Birthday for Julie
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My first and second fizzer were fine, its the AZ that my better half and youngest daughter had making them unwell for a week.
The AZ gave me flu like symptoms really rough for a day then not particular well for several days after and high BG readings .
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Duly passed on young Alfred. Now a new word: Word of the day is ‘ingordigiousness’: extreme greed; an insatiable desire for wealth at any cost. No, not Cameroon - Twitter assumed it was. The breakaway "Top 6" PL clubs. Courtesy of Susie Dent - who she?
Hope Julie has a great birthday, difficult getting out for a meal atm. You can always plan for later.


good morning everyone from another late start here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of crab and avocado salad sidled in at 4.8 this am

The pump in the garden water bucket thing has packed in - well, it’s not working, let’s say that. Other things - sorting out the summer house - all looks fine and the stereo system doesn’t seem to have suffered. But the pump. Blast. Afternoon spent lazying in the garden, a glass of wine and then the girl in the bubble turns up with parents in tow - toys in the garden - laughter, smashing. Bike washed and POWDERS checked - Petrol, Oil, Water, Damage/drive chain, Electrics, Rubber, Stopping (brakes)/Self (am I OK to ride).

Started on loose paintings of Storks and other similar birds - this one not really doing it but never mind. Another go later.

Happy Birthday to Julie who is now in @ianpspurs 2 month zone of mirth and japes. Have a great day with your granddaughter @Muddy Cyclist and enjoy another day on the bike @alf_Josiah. I shall drink koffy and then get my bike gear out - wonder where I will go?

View attachment 48998
Looks like a displaying Crane, dunelm.
Ian could see displaying Crane at RSPB Lakenheath if he knew when and where.
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