What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen. Again me and me's have little time again, yes hospitals again.

A 5.8 this morning on that grrrrrr meter.

I have to take Mrs J to hospital in a few minutes for laser surgery on her eyes, me and me's think that her kill at a glance chip needs a service, but they are calling it clearing of eye socket drainage holes.

Now me and me's must depart, remember the stays.
Best wishes for Mrs J today and a smooth return to full vision. Someone definitely needs to watch you carefully and you found yourself a diamond there.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a quite and pleasant start here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of stir fry - mainly veg but a little chicken little came in at 5.4 this am

Hot yesterday, don’t like it too hot. Cleaned up a couple of bikes that once belonged to Mr Pickle, our grandson; tyres, WD40, rub rub, oil chain, that sort of thing. We have found new homes for them with the children of one of our nieces. I think that they will be the third owners.

Looks like this weekend may be a long one and some folk may get a day off work come Monday. Should we be buying shares in cheep booze and face paint? Don’t forget to hide under the table and delete your NHS track and trace app just to keep safe.

Art bit. Found a photo taken on one of our coastal walks but for the life of me I can’t remember where. Anyhow, hope your Friday is a good one. I have to take my bike in for an MOT in an hour or so. First, some koffy.

View attachment 50352

Liking the re-cycled cycles.
Best thing any kid can learn to do, that freedom..lovely stuff.

Best of luck at MOT. flying colours or thereabouts predicted...:)

My bikes at a friend's since leg break

He was only meant to be looking after it.
but he started to clean it
......and you know where THAT leads,

Carbs, clutch, gears, forks,..all tinkered with or swapped out/drained & refilled/renewed,...and then he ran it to get MOT....only passed first time..whoop whoop

Sadly I am in a dilemma.
It's likely it won't pass ULEZ.
Though there is a very slim chance it MIGHT

Testing costs £180...fail and repeat cost.

Friend put his through, failed, result was it needs a cat installing..(stand down Popeye, not THAT type of cat ;) )

Ended up just slightly south of £500, which despite bikes specs putting it into superbike territory..( actually found a "Superbikes of the World" book at the stores that includes it :D )

Is still a significant chunk, I won't get back come sale time.

And I was despite its emotional ties, thinking of letting it go, pre accident,
I simply don't ride it enough

Decisions, decisions :rolleyes::sorry:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A rather surprising 4.8 this morning as yesterday evening was quite stressful. I was lucky that there was a layby really close which, although coned off for the roadworks, I was able to reverse into the exit which was free of cones. It would have been even more scary if I had been on the hard shoulder with the way the traffic was thundering by.

Mr K has taken my car to have a new tyre fitted. He doesn't think that the wheel is damaged.

A hug for the blow out..
We had one many years ago..full on motorway speed, in lane three, just began an overtake BOOM

scariest thing I have ever had, since learning to drive behind the man waving a flag

A super double hug for the llllooooonnnnnggg wait ...unreal :wideyed:

But a BIG win for the calmness shown and the skill getting car into such a safe sounding position :)

Doesn't bear thinking about, being stranded like that and stuck on a "Smart" motorway :wideyed::woot::arghh:

Bonus point for wheel, but can knock suspension too, sadly..hope not

Suggest good day to buy a euro millions ticket, just saying ;)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Liking the re-cycled cycles.
Best thing any kid can learn to do, that freedom..lovely stuff.

Best of luck at MOT. flying colours or thereabouts predicted...:)

My bikes at a friend's since leg break

He was only meant to be looking after it.
but he started to clean it
......and you know where THAT leads,

Carbs, clutch, gears, forks,..all tinkered with or swapped out/drained & refilled/renewed,...and then he ran it to get MOT....only passed first time..whoop whoop

Sadly I am in a dilemma.
It's likely it won't pass ULEZ.
Though there is a very slim chance it MIGHT

Testing costs £180...fail and repeat cost.

Friend put his through, failed, result was it needs a cat installing..(stand down Popeye, not THAT type of cat ;) )

Ended up just slightly south of £500, which despite bikes specs putting it into superbike territory..( actually found a "Superbikes of the World" book at the stores that includes it :D )

Is still a significant chunk, I won't get back come sale time.

And I was despite its emotional ties, thinking of letting it go, pre accident,
I simply don't ride it enough

Decisions, decisions :rolleyes::sorry:
Back from MOT with crisp new certificate hot off the press. I thought that you could put your reg number into the TFL website for a quick ULEZ check. Don’t quote me though. Ohlins do a nice line in suspension bits - dead cheap I have been told :cool::wacky:. Son had them on his R6 for track days fun and frolicks - very shiny.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A hug for the blow out..
We had one many years ago..full on motorway speed, in lane three, just began an overtake BOOM

scariest thing I have ever had, since learning to drive behind the man waving a flag

A super double hug for the llllooooonnnnnggg wait ...unreal :wideyed:

But a BIG win for the calmness shown and the skill getting car into such a safe sounding position :)

Doesn't bear thinking about, being stranded like that and stuck on a "Smart" motorway :wideyed::woot::arghh:

Bonus point for wheel, but can knock suspension too, sadly..hope not

Suggest good day to buy a euro millions ticket, just saying ;)
Luckily the suspension is OK. I must admit I couldn't stop shaking after the blow out - I think it was the shock of it happening so quickly. Luckily I was just about to overtake a lorry but hadn't started the manoeuvre.
Good idea about the Euro Millions ticket.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Back from MOT with crisp new certificate hot off the press. I thought that you could put your reg number into the TFL website for a quick ULEZ check. Don’t quote me though. Ohlins do a nice line in suspension bits - dead cheap I have been told :cool::wacky:. Son had them on his R6 for track days fun and frolicks - very shiny.
Superb show, sir

Yeah..and it fails

Bikes treated differently

If model NOT on there,
They treat each bike as individual.

So if a friend gets his RF900 through,
Every other one STILL has to be tested individually, and not treated as successful as a group or marque, frustratingly.

Happy your lad enjoys the track..:D

Doubt I'd be doing any of that

Been a doubt in my mind since I slipped disc..what IF it gets dropped again, that just takes the shine off it.

Gotta love the proverbial smile, when it tears off from the lights like a scalded cat, and does that all the way into mid triple figures. ( So in told ;), officers )

But added that I don't ride it or enjoy it as much as I should...I'm torn

Scooter, car AND. A motorbike ..mmhh

I AM tempted to upgrade scooter to 250 or 500
Maybe a smaller motorbike....

Too many variables tripping me up at moment

Sure I'll bite the bullet and just decide one way or the other at some point. ..pretty sure. Ok not THAT Sure.:rolleyes::bag:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Luckily the suspension is OK. I must admit I couldn't stop shaking after the blow out - I think it was the shock of it happening so quickly. Luckily I was just about to overtake a lorry but hadn't started the manoeuvre.
Good idea about the Euro Millions ticket.
Yes, a most frightening experience exacerbated by the sheer speed it all happens at,
no wonder you shook.

And just goes to show why we should appreciate each day.

When in the blink of an eye, life can seriously change...but for the grace of God

Glad you are ok

( Ps. Bear me in mind at the press briefing, if ya win ;) )


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I hadn't read this young whippersnapper before but quite liked the cut of her gib. The vodaphone story and lampooning of the pompous ass Fox boiled my bacon even though I don't do bacon now I'm woke.;) Reading may help pass the time between Tennis finals and Sweet Caroline Day. Not long until the ho, ho, ho lympics alf.:angelic: And lo, it came to pass that several posts did hove into view making sense of posts replying thereunto.:woot:
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I hadn't read this young whippersnapper before but quite liked the cut of her gib. The vodaphone story and lampooning of the pompous ass Fox boiled my bacon even though I don't do bacon now I'm woke.;) Reading may help pass the time between Tennis finals and Sweet Caroline Day. Not long until the ho, ho, ho lympics alf.:angelic: And lo, it came to pass that several posts did hove into view making sense of posts replying thereunto.:woot:

Class post....:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

hohoho-lympics indeed

and IF England win it, Will July 11th be forever remembered as "Sweet Caroline Day" and a bank holiday ensue..?

and EDIT
Decent post link,,.
read it..
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
The blow out wasn't a winner but the safe outcome and your attitude most certainly are. Incredibly long wait and being you I assume most of your thoughts would have been on today's schedule. Amazing lady, take care.
I am afraid that most of my thoughts were not on today's schedule. I was trying to work out how to keep the doors locked without setting the alarm at the same time - because everytime I moved the alarm went off. Also, I was working out what to do if another car parked next to me. I was imagining all sorts of scenarios and working out what I should do. It was a bit scary being on my own in a broken down car in the middle of the night and my imagination did run riot.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am afraid that most of my thoughts were not on today's schedule. I was trying to work out how to keep the doors locked without setting the alarm at the same time - because everytime I moved the alarm went off. Also, I was working out what to do if another car parked next to me. I was imagining all sorts of scenarios and working out what I should do. It was a bit scary being on my own in a broken down car in the middle of the night and my imagination did run riot.

have to agree.

and the sad thing is many would be stopping to see you were ok and to offer help.

I'm always torn if i see someone needing what i think is help

tho i do bite the bullet and offer anyway,
always take that first note of NO and move on asap.

been rebuffed a few times, had a fair few gracefully decline, with thanks
and some where i was of assistance in some way.

so, worth the risk, cos it helped some.

But yeah, you are right to be wary.

Not ideal, but a handheld alarm kept in the car MIGHT offer some small comfort.
(obv a baseball bat in boot, for JIC moments )

Nice it all worked out,

bet Mr K was worried sick...:wideyed:

take care.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I hadn't read this young whippersnapper before but quite liked the cut of her gib. The vodaphone story and lampooning of the pompous ass Fox boiled my bacon even though I don't do bacon now I'm woke.;) Reading may help pass the time between Tennis finals and Sweet Caroline Day. Not long until the ho, ho, ho lympics alf.:angelic: And lo, it came to pass that several posts did hove into view making sense of posts replying thereunto.:woot:
I have been banned from reading the article until the time that I subscribe - fat chance. Never mind.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
and IF England win it, Will July 11th be forever remembered as "Sweet Caroline Day" and a bank holiday ensue..?
Future quiz question. Obvious answer: where it began, I can't begin to knowing. C'mon alf, sing along. It's what you want, what you want, what you really, really want. Alfy Spice:woot::woot:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
No FBG today.
Confession: Last night Gorged. Ate a whole packet of French cakes, orange flavoured with a crisp sugary coating. I don't even like the things, but still ate a whole packet.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
No FBG today.
Confession: Last night Gorged. Ate a whole packet of French cakes, orange flavoured with a crisp sugary coating. I don't even like the things, but still ate a whole packet.
They sell something that is a cross between a jaffa cake and a fig roll - disgusting - Can you make madeleines using almond flour - (don’t ask the French).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a quite and pleasant start here in the dark and dangerous north
The wonder wheel of stir fry - mainly veg but a little chicken little came in at 5.4 this am

Hot yesterday, don’t like it too hot. Cleaned up a couple of bikes that once belonged to Mr Pickle, our grandson; tyres, WD40, rub rub, oil chain, that sort of thing. We have found new homes for them with the children of one of our nieces. I think that they will be the third owners.

Looks like this weekend may be a long one and some folk may get a day off work come Monday. Should we be buying shares in cheep booze and face paint? Don’t forget to hide under the table and delete your NHS track and trace app just to keep safe.

Art bit. Found a photo taken on one of our coastal walks but for the life of me I can’t remember where. Anyhow, hope your Friday is a good one. I have to take my bike in for an MOT in an hour or so. First, some koffy.

View attachment 50352
I like this series @dunelm
I can see myself wandering along the path and exploring...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfortunately it looks like I chose the worst evening of the year to break down and I was finally rescued at 2.30am this morning by a local vehicle recovery firm. I couldn't fault the rescue. The engineer said that he should have left work at 5pm but it had been a rather busy evening.
Those local rescue vehicles work really hard @Krystyna23040
I was rescued by one of them instead of RAC.
I am glad you got home okay.
Hugs x
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Reactions: dunelm and jjraak


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen. Again me and me's have little time again, yes hospitals again.

A 5.8 this morning on that grrrrrr meter.

I have to take Mrs J to hospital in a few minutes for laser surgery on her eyes, me and me's think that her kill at a glance chip needs a service, but they are calling it clearing of eye socket drainage holes.

Now me and me's must depart, remember the stays.
I hope the day goes well for you and Mrs J @alf_Josiah
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