What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Too much Info ..:wideyed:


Hope all is well, & role lessens in coming weeks :)
Thanks. I have often wondered just how hard life is for these or a classic winning horse put out to stud. Do they fret over fbg, bmi, what to wear, carb counts or the news? Do they ever just phone in sick or refuse - just say neigh? Slow day in Breckland as cute granddaughter is Ronald Bilious Weasley so absent.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A wonky week of sleep again, has put me off of testing in AM.

It's a delicate balance.

Bored senseless during day, so sleep too much
Not tired at night because I slept during day

Too little meds, sleep disturbed.
Too many I'm zonked next day,...
So I sleep during day, etc etc as Yul Brynner says. :rolleyes:

But on a plus note...
I managed to get out yesterday, and unaided walked up one side of our street block & down the other side back to our front door.

Took a decade longer then usual & I was tuckered out.

But progress, slow yes, but progress.:)

So I now have a circuit to train on plus a benchmark to measure against.

I'm calling that a WIN.:)

Have a good day, y'all.
Love & peace :headphone:


My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A wonky week of sleep again, has put me off of testing in AM.

It's a delicate balance.

Bored senseless during day, so sleep too much
Not tired at night because I slept during day

Too little meds, sleep disturbed.
Too many I'm zonked next day,...
So I sleep during day, etc etc as Yul Brynner says. :rolleyes:

But on a plus note...
I managed to get out yesterday, and unaided walked up one side of our street block & down the other side back to our front door.

Took a decade longer then usual & I was tuckered out.

But progress, slow yes, but progress.:)

So I now have a circuit to train on plus a benchmark to measure against.

I'm calling that a WIN.:)

Have a good day, y'all.
Love & peace :headphone:
Benchmarks are good. Targets should be SMART so set a realistic timeframe. Sorry if the link seems to be condescending but it was the clearest explanation I could find. I always felt that if a teacher couldn't explain something to a year 7 they didn't understand what they were talking about. Ruled out far too many, sadly.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Benchmarks are good. Targets should be SMART so set a realistic timeframe. Sorry if the link seems to be condescending but it was the clearest explanation I could find. I always felt that if a teacher couldn't explain something to a year 7 they didn't understand what they were talking about. Ruled out far too many, sadly.
Yes, I agree.

Not a teacher, but have taken training of others.
Always get the nodders,
" Know it, so why am I here.? "

Then the " cheers, knew most, but still found it good to refresh."

But my favourites, and the ones who git the hairs on my arms tingling

The " nodding but no's "

Most of us have been there at some point

Go with the herd, " everyone else is nodding, so I must be Fick..so best nod too" types

Them, I love

I think helping our Steph, helped me understand.

No bad attendees only poor tutoring

More then one way to explain something.
And if I reached just one..I felt my work was done

Cheers for link
SMART..Used so many like that that
Nice to be reminded.
Also big believer in KISS.

Saves so much wasted time :)


Well-Known Member
Good morning,

Had a restless night, was anxious and didn't sleep well...woke up to a 6.2 fbg
Didn't surprise me though, I started my monthly yesterday and I woke up with a sore throat? I suppose that'll raise the sugars up.

Hope everyone has a better start to their day than me xo


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning,

Had a restless night, was anxious and didn't sleep well...woke up to a 6.2 fbg
Didn't surprise me though, I started my monthly yesterday and I woke up with a sore throat? I suppose that'll raise the sugars up.

Hope everyone has a better start to their day than me xo

Aw mate, not a good feeling

Sure your cycle has something to do with it,
But I suspect the sore throat is a more likely reason.

Hope it passes quickly :)
And your back to best,. Asap .


North East
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

The cat diner is in full swing for furred and feathered creatures.
Shadow sat on the swing after eating because she didn't finish her bowl. I think she was guarding it until she could take another mouthful. But creeping round the back of the swing, unseen, was Manky Ginger, and was polishing off the plate of wet food. Shadow is looking all around convinced there is another cat near, and then her head ducks down to under the swing....
'Oh, I am so sorry,' says Manky Ginger, 'I didn't know that was yours.' And he turns around and strolls up the path.
Shadow was lashing her tail expecting a battle, and it didn't happen...

Creative this morning. I'd mislaid my black Japanese Fude pen. So I had to do this in ordinary watercolour brush pens. I am still finding my way again with this.
No Popeye, but he is part of my text signature done in Snapseed, and I did the black frame there as well.

Coffee and a nap needed...

View attachment 54068
It’s all going on at the cat diner. Lovely piece of art and the ink seems to be behaving.


North East
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello chums it is I, Breckland's imported idiot and purveyor of absolute nonsense - but at a knockdown price. Luvvly jubbly. No Swipey no test - Bob's agent sent him away to rethink that one. @dunelm excellent news on both the tickets and flotation aid. I hope your mother recovers as well as my MIL did from her replacement of replacements hips and knee replacement (of the original). Thank you for the art and do remember to warm up and warm down pre and post #binrollingoutandingate. @Krystyna23040 hopefully you are on the glide path to a restorative Easter break - as if you actually do such things. I'll sign off for now. Tea to drink, poems to read, a wife to serve - dodgy phrase round here with so many stud farms. Stay safe and warm chums. Toodle Pip Old Fruits.
Thank you @ianpspurs - I will just do my warm up’s and then get that bin moving.


North East
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who ponder on what shall I have for my evening meal.
A straight 5 on the meter of mischievousness this morning.

Here at Tilehurst Towers the house is quiet, no sound from the slumbering Mrs J, outside it looks damp, hmmm, me, me’s and myself have to be outside at midday. It’s the choice of apparel that is causing consternation, usual leather jacket or more waterproof, but not so warm textile jacked, do I trust the BBCs work of science fiction and fantasy known as the weather forecast?
Here I was pleased to read that @dunelm’s mother is doing well, @jjraak appears to be achieving steady progress, also congratulations on 52 years together @dogslife, apologies if I’ve missed anybody, but now I must perform my morning duty, make Mrs J’s morning tea, the slumbering wife has arisen.
Stay safe all.
Thank you @alf_Josiah


North East
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A wonky week of sleep again, has put me off of testing in AM.

It's a delicate balance.

Bored senseless during day, so sleep too much
Not tired at night because I slept during day

Too little meds, sleep disturbed.
Too many I'm zonked next day,...
So I sleep during day, etc etc as Yul Brynner says. :rolleyes:

But on a plus note...
I managed to get out yesterday, and unaided walked up one side of our street block & down the other side back to our front door.

Took a decade longer then usual & I was tuckered out.

But progress, slow yes, but progress.:)

So I now have a circuit to train on plus a benchmark to measure against.

I'm calling that a WIN.:)

Have a good day, y'all.
Love & peace :headphone:
I can relate to the Busy Doing Nothing routine and I cannot recommend enough having three 10mg tablets of Amitryptelene an hour before bed. Of course you will then only get 6 days in that week or sometimes 5 buy hey, the price of a pain free night. Good to read that you now have a circuit to train in - and an expandable one at that - ver’ chic.
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North East
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on a decidedly damp and gloomy start here in the dark and dangerous north - good joy we have been officially informed that it is Spring. Oh when will it snow Michael Fish?
Daughter not well so girl in the bubble gets another sleep over. This means that Mrs Miggins will need to be up in a wee while to get her to nursery for her 0730 start (breakfast included as long as you are not a picky child reflecting like a mirror the bad handling of your own parents back through time). I was always told that it took three generations of healthy women with three healthy births to make one healthy child - same idea making one Veruca Salt. Lucky for us that the girl in the bubble eats pretty much anything - not andouillette sausages though, but we are not in the Auvergne, or crazy (you speak for yourself I here you cry).
Art bit - back on the long sheets of rice paper. Enjoy your day, whatever you want to call it. I shall now drag the recycling bin, kicking and screaming out of it’s little house and into the drizzle. But first, some koffy and then a bit of warming up exercises.

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Well-Known Member
Tilehurst Reading
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good National Bin day Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who have never raced at Silverhatch or Brandstone, no? Me neither.
A 4.8 this morning on that #£&* meter.
Today me, me’s and myself have routine annual liver ultrasound, in the paperwork it states the gel that is applied to the scanner head is warm…….yeah, warmed in a fridge. 20 minutes of lying on a bed in a darkened room, turning this way and that way holding my breath, just hope I don’t have an attack of flatulence…..
Well fellow posters and painters that’s my day sorted, stay safe.
Time to do a lateral flow test.


My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
So here we are again bobbing up and down on a sea of mystery, awe, love, joy pain and world class gaslighting. Enough about me, how was your day? @Jojo85 yours clearly started badly and both issues can now be added to the list of fings wot affect bg other than carbs. @dunelm thanks for the art, go easy on that warm up and don't forget the warm down. Shall you be having the ice bath which is now de rigueur? Sorry to hear about your daughter but it's an ill wind etc and you get more precious time with TGIB. I don't know my fbg as I CBA to order another Swipey for now. Wearing one won't change how I manage The D one iota. We have 3 grandchildren all day and a school pickup to make it 4 plus 2 sons for evening meal - with takeaway portions for spouses. Here's a chune for you @dunelm. I absolutely insist Y'all take splendiferous care of your esteemed selves.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a decidedly damp and gloomy start here in the dark and dangerous north - good joy we have been officially informed that it is Spring. Oh when will it snow Michael Fish?
Daughter not well so girl in the bubble gets another sleep over. This means that Mrs Miggins will need to be up in a wee while to get her to nursery for her 0730 start (breakfast included as long as you are not a picky child reflecting like a mirror the bad handling of your own parents back through time). I was always told that it took three generations of healthy women with three healthy births to make one healthy child - same idea making one Veruca Salt. Lucky for us that the girl in the bubble eats pretty much anything - not andouillette sausages though, but we are not in the Auvergne, or crazy (you speak for yourself I here you cry).
Art bit - back on the long sheets of rice paper. Enjoy your day, whatever you want to call it. I shall now drag the recycling bin, kicking and screaming out of it’s little house and into the drizzle. But first, some koffy and then a bit of warming up exercises.

View attachment 54073
It was the midnight dance of the wheelies here last night @dunelm
But I didn't let mine join. It was behind a locked gate until an hour ago....it was very disgruntled it missed the party...

Great art bit - really precise fine detail of the houses along the river bank...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good National Bin day Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who have never raced at Silverhatch or Brandstone, no? Me neither.
A 4.8 this morning on that #£&* meter.
Today me, me’s and myself have routine annual liver ultrasound, in the paperwork it states the gel that is applied to the scanner head is warm…….yeah, warmed in a fridge. 20 minutes of lying on a bed in a darkened room, turning this way and that way holding my breath, just hope I don’t have an attack of flatulence…..
Well fellow posters and painters that’s my day sorted, stay safe.
Time to do a lateral flow test.



My House
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good National Bin day Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who have never raced at Silverhatch or Brandstone, no? Me neither.
A 4.8 this morning on that #£&* meter.
Today me, me’s and myself have routine annual liver ultrasound, in the paperwork it states the gel that is applied to the scanner head is warm…….yeah, warmed in a fridge. 20 minutes of lying on a bed in a darkened room, turning this way and that way holding my breath, just hope I don’t have an attack of flatulence…..
Well fellow posters and painters that’s my day sorted, stay safe.
Time to do a lateral flow test.
Hope all goes well today. That routine sounds much like a flexible cystoscopy in that the kindly staff always seem amazed one may be slightly tense or discomforted but the all clear is a wonderful feeling.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Well, maybe I spoke too soon about the smooth installation of the smart meters. Got messages from my energy supplier saying the 'smart' meter was not sending in readings. I wish the installation guy had given me a proper instruction booklet for reading the electric one. The gas one was easy. But not the electric one, for several reasons, it is a scroll through menu, that is keep pressing the orange button, and it was the 6th or 7th press that brought up the electric reading, The electric meter was receiving the gas reading, and all that was on first, and so I was thoroughly confused. Figured it out with the help of the separate monitor display.

But the electric meter is very low down. I have arthritis etc and cannot get that low to the ground. I couldn't read the digital display, too dim. I tried doing it with me upright, but I had to bend down to press the orange button repeatedly to get different displays and I tried photographing it from upright but the angle didn't get a photograph good enough to read the dim display. And I couldn't keep bending down between each action, and my back nearly broke into two.

So I had to get down on the floor, took photos of each display from the electric meter, so I could study each picture and figure out what reading to send.

Next problem, I couldn't get back off the floor. I had my crutches to hand, but I couldn't haul myself back up. So it was floor shuffle until I reached the settee which was possible, but only just. Never mind I said to myself, it is only this once.

This morning another message from OVO. Please send another manual reading today from both the gas and electric meters, the smart meter is not sending us readings.

Not on your nelly. Someone from OVO is getting a strongly worded message from me today.

Any one else had these kind of problems with a new smart meter?

As usual, Shadow slept on the swing last night, so was the first customer when the cat diner opened. Then the usual customers, Mr Blackbird for the cat biscuits, and then the parade of the 4 gingers...

Creative this morning. Another ink painting on a blank postcard. I have some 30 year old Japanese brush pens, which have an intensely coloured ink in the barrel. They look just like my black Japanese Fude pen. J brought them me when he won a money prize in an art competition. He gave me half of it!!! I drew some scribble black lines, put just one dot of the yellow on in 3 places, and barely a dot of the red on. Then I sprayed with a fine water mist. And the intense colour just spread and spread....brilliant. Just what I wanted.

Now, I shall post this to myself to see how well it fares in the postal service.because I intend to send these out to my postcrossing people.

Another coffee.

No nap needed this morning!!!!

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Reactions: SlimLizzy


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
So here we are again bobbing up and down on a sea of mystery, awe, love, joy pain and world class gaslighting. Enough about me, how was your day? @Jojo85 yours clearly started badly and both issues can now be added to the list of fings wot affect bg other than carbs. @dunelm thanks for the art, go easy on that warm up and don't forget the warm down. Shall you be having the ice bath which is now de rigueur? Sorry to hear about your daughter but it's an ill wind etc and you get more precious time with TGIB. I don't know my fbg as I CBA to order another Swipey for now. Wearing one won't change how I manage The D one iota. We have 3 grandchildren all day and a school pickup to make it 4 plus 2 sons for evening meal - with takeaway portions for spouses. Here's a chune for you @dunelm. I absolutely insist Y'all take splendiferous care of your esteemed selves.

Now THAT'S a very eclectic tune...lol

Meal time sounds busy , hope you all have a lovely time