What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on what looks to be yet another sun shiny day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.2 this am - but then where will it go - hello Mr Liver! There is a shrubbery in our front garden - modeled on the one by The Knights of Ni in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Under, there is sand and through the window we can watch birds having a ‘bath’. The Girl In The Bubble only does half a day at school today so we are taking her down the coast to Whitby - there may be a boat ride if her favourite Yellow Boat is operating. She likes it only because it was repaired last year by the engineering company where her mother works. Art bit - a stand of UK trees. Strange what pops into consciousness! I hope you have fab Friday. I best have another koffy and then see if the washing on the line has dried already.
Love the trees @dunelm
Enjoy Whitby...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Was busy this morning, so late in posting.

The day is too hot for me...

Fbg 6.9

Wildlife nighttime video
Two Badgers - one jumps on the swing
53 secs

Creative...this lady with big glasses was striding along...a 10-12 sec one line squiggle drawing...

Back home now. Had a nap. A cuppa at my side...but I think another nap is calling...Midnight is sleeping under my car on a cool patch of grass..

Have a good day...



Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Was busy this morning, so late in posting.

The day is too hot for me...

Fbg 6.9

Wildlife nighttime video
Two Badgers - one jumps on the swing
53 secs

Creative...this lady with big glasses was striding along...a 10-12 sec one line squiggle drawing...

Back home now. Had a nap. A cuppa at my side...but I think another nap is calling...Midnight is sleeping under my car on a cool patch of grass..

Have a good day...

View attachment 67585
Stunning creative. We're all so glad you didn't accept the disparaging comments on your art and continued to develop your skills.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@JohnEGreen please tell me one is called Ted. @dunelm today sounds as though it will be full of wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing the photos of the walk and today's art. @Lamont D you aren't in a minority of one I much prefer and function better in at least high 20s °C. @Annb I hope things are on the mend for you. @Krystyna23040 have a relaxing day post jab. Do have a great Friday everyone.
The jab went well - they were so quick and efficient. We got back to our little market town three quarters of an hour too early for my podiatrist appointment so we had a relaxing coffee at a really nice cafe before my appointment.

Back home I did relax a bit - but of course I had to catch up with the never ending admin. Off to classes shortly - then can completely relax when I finish at 9pm.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
No FBG as there was a unexpected kerfuffle, housing sent a wrong person to do a job, that he was there to do something else.
Anywho, he sorted and someone will be along to do it. Sometime.
I had to wake Mrs L and get her prepared for the day much earlier than our usual routine, I had just made tea and got her comfortable when guy arrived.
More appointments and form filling data and a new appointment for home rehab.
Made Mrs L a bacon and egg batch. The bacon and eggs from our butcher. Mmmmmm!
Too early for me.
Spent morning till early afternoon after guy, in front garden tidying the remaining bluebells. And weeding, giving the lilys, the purple ones and others some heat and sun.
Talking of which, touched close to 30 degrees on my back garden thermometer, and it's in the shade of my shed. Wondrous!
Must go, kitchen duties, could be anything tonight, but not chicken, too hot to dance!

My best wishes to you all as per.
Have a lovely weekend, it is gonna be very warm. Yippee!

Latest. Latest poll suggest it is even worse for the government. 30 point difference now.
And Cummings has put his head above the parapet!
And he can drive somewhere obscure!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@JohnEGreen please tell me one is called Ted. @dunelm today sounds as though it will be full of wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing the photos of the walk and today's art. @Lamont D you aren't in a minority of one I much prefer and function better in at least high 20s °C. @Annb I hope things are on the mend for you. @Krystyna23040 have a relaxing day post jab. Do have a great Friday everyone.
Thanks @ianpspurs - the trip to Whitby was a grand day out - well, half of one.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Just had to warn those out there that as the Olympics downhill is this year.
Mrs L is doing her utmost to train for it.
after an afternoon nap, Mrs L decided it would be easier to throw herself into her practice routine. At the top of the stairs. It was an impressive start, however, I had to interrupt.
Mrs L frightened the life of me. It was a good effort and the coach would have been proud of her attempt.
But I did put a stop to it.
Just one of them days!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
No FBG as there was a unexpected kerfuffle, housing sent a wrong person to do a job, that he was there to do something else.
Anywho, he sorted and someone will be along to do it. Sometime.
I had to wake Mrs L and get her prepared for the day much earlier than our usual routine, I had just made tea and got her comfortable when guy arrived.
More appointments and form filling data and a new appointment for home rehab.
Made Mrs L a bacon and egg batch. The bacon and eggs from our butcher. Mmmmmm!
Too early for me.
Spent morning till early afternoon after guy, in front garden tidying the remaining bluebells. And weeding, giving the lilys, the purple ones and others some heat and sun.
Talking of which, touched close to 30 degrees on my back garden thermometer, and it's in the shade of my shed. Wondrous!
Must go, kitchen duties, could be anything tonight, but not chicken, too hot to dance!

My best wishes to you all as per.
Have a lovely weekend, it is gonna be very warm. Yippee!

Latest. Latest poll suggest it is even worse for the government. 30 point difference now.
And Cummings has put his head above the parapet!
And he can drive somewhere obscure!
I love a wrong person turning up, cheers up the day. I hope they don’t forget to send out another that may or may not be right or even wrong. 30 degrees - too much for me - eat lettuce with a side order of charred cootery and only drink Viognier.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Been to Whitby once, a good while ago, it was closed.
Even the fish dinner wasn't nowt to write home about.
Robin Hoods Bay was much more to my liking.
Whitby is good for an explore if you know all the nooks and alleyways. Like a lot of seaside towns (ours included) you have to choose your chish and fips wisely and always ask to replace the fish with a thick slice of ham on the bone and the chips for a fried egg and salad. Robin Hoods Bay, or just Bay as they like to say - a bay too far today.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Was busy this morning, so late in posting.

The day is too hot for me...

Fbg 6.9

Wildlife nighttime video
Two Badgers - one jumps on the swing
53 secs

Creative...this lady with big glasses was striding along...a 10-12 sec one line squiggle drawing...

Back home now. Had a nap. A cuppa at my side...but I think another nap is calling...Midnight is sleeping under my car on a cool patch of grass..

Have a good day...

View attachment 67585
Too hot for me also - another smashing one line squiggle


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
if you're lucky tonight, the aurora beli....could be viewed in the dark and dangerous norther than were I am.
Hoping it's a good night for stargazing.
Thanks @Lamont D - we see it quite often nowadays. Usually a pale green or purple. Those with fancy long exposure cameras get some good images from the upper prom and the pier.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks @Lamont D - we see it quite often nowadays. Usually a pale green or purple. Those with fancy long exposure cameras get some good images from the upper prom and the pier.
We had a fixture on a Tuesday night at the stadium of light in Sunderland, there should be a pun somewhere there!!! Anywho, as it total darkness on the motorway home, this hazy coloured light was to be seen. It was brief as we turned South, but to someone who has never witnessed it. It's quite something.
I am also reminded of seeing a clear sky when in Ioanian Islands, Greece, seeing the milky way in quite spectacular very clear night sky, just incredible!
still quite warm down here, clear skies, still so blue.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
if you're lucky tonight, the aurora beli....could be viewed in the dark and dangerous norther than were I am.
Hoping it's a good night for stargazing.
No stargazing here. Sat on the swing with Midnight and a flask of tea....nothing to see above....but there was rustling in the undergrowth...and it wasn't a mouse...