What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)

Veebee 2

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
So I had gestational diabetes 5 years ago now and it was diet lead I’ve in the last month had a few other health issues but also had same symptoms of previous, long story short over the last 30 days started testing myself (with previous kit given) my average is 7.5 and this mornings reading 8 should I present this to my GP?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Hi Keesha. Yes. Despite having diabetes 2 since at least 2005 I was only prescribed a meter and strips once I was placed on Gliclizide which can and has caused hypos. I was advised I only need to test if I suspect a hypo coming on. I check my fbs to monitor myself and also if I feel unwell or have eaten something that I suspect could have caused a spike. I also have regular checks of my Hba1c as well as my annual diabetic review both of which are due soon. I was doing really well due to low carbing and exercising ( even had my medication reduced due to hypos) but have not been able to exercise since injuring my back in June and have also had several viral infections so expect my results won't be so good this time. :( Thanks for showing an interest. PS : Love your little dog on your avatar. :happy:
@dogslife just a thought my husband is now also type2 and he didn't get a meter so I checked them out on here and the Tee2 meter is cheapest for strips and you can order one free of charge from them and I buy his strips 2 pots of 50 for £15.50. The company is Spirit Health care limited you can google it and order on line free shipping and don't forget to tick the box to say your diabetic so they don't charge vat. Hope this is of some help to you, there phone number free is 0800 881 5423
Online its spirit-healthcare.co.uk this would enable you to spread your strip allowance out and gain an extra testing meter.! K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Good luck on your MRI. I hope all goes welI. Worries and stress are not good for your blood glucose. Walking and some stretching is good exercise for your back but don't overdo it. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for viral infection, no antibiotics but good rest and please try not to worry. Thanks for compliment on my dog.
Hi@ Kesha hadn't realised your Avatar was your own actual dog oh how lovely it is, but I am a doggy person through and through.!K
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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Hi all, 5 for me today. Have got engineer coming out today to look at boiler as plumber convinced it's a faulty part that can be replaced under warranty. In the meantime I had a lovely hot shower at a relative's last night and this morning I'm filling the bath with pans/kettles of hot water so the children can be washed - what a fun morning! Have a lovely weekend everyone.
That's a new way of exercising and keeping your BG under control! Good luck with the plumber and warranty part! K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Good morning all. Brilliant weather today -- it's been blue skies and sunny for the last two weeks, too bad it isn't warmer. The temperatures are expected to drop well into the freezing range next week. Brrrrrrrh!

Blood sugars were 5.1 today.

@dogslife -- Good luck on your MRI.
@ziggy_w weather sunny here but it's really cold and more bad weather forecast next week for us, your BG are great and thanks for your kind words over our loss of our pug Elle! K
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
6.4 even did 6 hours of walking and shopping Yesterday and and took care not to eat too much carbs , all my body hurts , headache and tired in my head , my next HbA1c will be bad I guess
@Freema you sound like it's something your coming down with so many viruses around hope your soon better! K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
So I had gestational diabetes 5 years ago now and it was diet lead I’ve in the last month had a few other health issues but also had same symptoms of previous, long story short over the last 30 days started testing myself (with previous kit given) my average is 7.5 and this mornings reading 8 should I present this to my GP?
What harm can it do to get it checked out, better than wondering! K


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
@dogslife just a thought my husband is now also type2 and he didn't get a meter so I checked them out on here and the Tee2 meter is cheapest for strips and you can order one free of charge from them and I buy his strips 2 pots of 50 for £15.50. The company is Spirit Health care limited you can google it and order on line free shipping and don't forget to tick the box to say your diabetic so they don't charge vat. Hope this is of some help to you, there phone number free is 0800 881 5423
Online its spirit-healthcare.co.uk this would enable you to spread your strip allowance out and gain an extra testing meter.! K
Thanks, Granny_grump. I'll make a note of your information. Hope you are feeling better today after your recent experiences. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
@dogslife the MRI scanners are not has bad Has you think,take some favourite music to play whilst your having it done and it doesn't take long really! Whishing you a great result best Wishes to you and a big hug. K
Thank you for your reassurance. Granny_grump. I think it should take about 40 minutes. My worry is whether I can lie still on my back for that long as I have dreadful pain when I lie with my legs straight out. I'm planning to take some pain killers before I go. Thanks again. You are very kind.:)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Good morning all. Brilliant weather today -- it's been blue skies and sunny for the last two weeks, too bad it isn't warmer. The temperatures are expected to drop well into the freezing range next week. Brrrrrrrh!

Blood sugars were 5.1 today.

@dogslife -- Good luck on your MRI.
Thanks, ziggy. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
good morning all :)

4.6 today

quite pleased because I had a big meal ;) but then I spent a lot of time on my feet yesterday which must have helped, no guarantees with T2 though, sometimes it's up and sometimes down, I'm working on not worrying about the daily small fluctuations too much :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
So I had gestational diabetes 5 years ago now and it was diet lead I’ve in the last month had a few other health issues but also had same symptoms of previous, long story short over the last 30 days started testing myself (with previous kit given) my average is 7.5 and this mornings reading 8 should I present this to my GP?
Veebee its always better to refer any worries you have to your GP...get some advice...give them a call...I have no doubt they'll be happy to give you guidance in the circumstances...7.5 is in the diabetic range...comes in at roughly 58 mmols...diabetic range is anything above 47mmols...of course these results are with your meter...spot checks only...may be wise to call the surgery and ask for an HbA1test which will give you your average BG levels for the last three months...and a proper diagnosis...always better to err on the side of caution with these matters... get some advice from your health care team.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Morning...late posting today...the last two days have been manic...off to work...getting home in the early hours of the morning...out of the house the following day 7am...feeling wrecked...eating (badly) on the run...yesterdays menu included a custard tart,...crisps & other contraband...too ashamed to admit what I ate last night...amazingly & inexplicably woke to a 4.9 this morning...believe I was saved only by all the activity from the last two days...which included shinning up and down five flights of stairs many times in the multi storey car park ...the lift wasn't working...nothing planned today...more coffee...a leisurely stroll with Harry...then rubbish TV...today is mine!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Keesha. Yes. Despite having diabetes 2 since at least 2005 I was only prescribed a meter and strips once I was placed on Gliclizide which can and has caused hypos. I was advised I only need to test if I suspect a hypo coming on. I check my fbs to monitor myself and also if I feel unwell or have eaten something that I suspect could have caused a spike. I also have regular checks of my Hba1c as well as my annual diabetic review both of which are due soon. I was doing really well due to low carbing and exercising ( even had my medication reduced due to hypos) but have not been able to exercise since injuring my back in June and have also had several viral infections so expect my results won't be so good this time. :( Thanks for showing an interest. PS : Love your little dog on your avatar. :happy:
dogslife that does sound a ridiculously low amount of strips...if they recognise the need to test...then the restriction of 150 per year is not acceptable...if you are a driver you have to test before driving...then every 2 hours thereafter...even if not a driver...I still believe they should increase your testing strips allowance...on a point of principle after funding my testing strips for almost a year...I asked my GP to prescribe them...he said the CCG would not allow it...so I wrote to the CCG...quoted the NICE guidelines ...justified my need for them...finally the CCG conceded...now I have them on prescription...have you asked your surgery to increase the amount...if so...what response did you receive...honestly all this penny pinching is not in the long term beneficial or cost effective to anyone.
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
5.7 first thing this morning, and it's good to be home; my very favourite place.

Went back to the vet with Dizzy yesterday and he is doing OK but it will be a long haul to fix what she somewhat graphically termed "that enormous crater of an ulcer". But it is healing and she hopes that eventually he will regain some minimal level of vision in that eye. So fingers very crossed for him but he's walking nicely on the lead on paths where there isn't much traffic, and enjoying pottering around fields with a guide human to stop him walking into disaster.