What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


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4.3 today ... italian meatballs topped with lashing of cheese and baked (pasta for mum, mix of cauli and pasta for mr gee and cauli for me) with homemade ice cream for afters today.
@geefull Your menus always sound delicious and your fbg is always "on point" - pity I can't join the dots so to speak:arghh: @JohnEGreen utmost respect for that line of duty on the North sea
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and to all those satellite designers, engineers , support staff who provide the satellites that furnish the weather information to the BBC's staff who werk at the BBC's department of science fiction and fantasy called the weather forecast.

A 7.6 for me this morning.

Have a good day all.
From a wet and windy Cheshire.


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Hello @Debandez, I wonder if you would consider posting less in BOLD? Maybe I am over-sensitive, but seeing lots of text in bold feels very violent to me, a bit like a text all in CAPS, but worse. When I see it, I don't stop to read the post as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I just pass hastily on to something else. So a strategy aimed, I suppose, to draw attention actually has the opposite effect. Please don't take offence, this is meant as positive criticism, and also I'd like to be able to read what you post, it sounds interesting!
No offence taken. I'm all for constructive critisism. It started out all caps... all bold!!! Just wanted to emphasise the really important bits. I thought I was doing quite good with my tweaks:) lesson learned and i really appreciate the feedback.
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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
Was your friend's cycling a one off or do they cycle that kind of distance regularly? Conjures visions of Britain in the inter war era - the days of The Long Weekend (Graves version). Good result fbg wise from a short sleep. Are there any trawlers left near you and the distinctive smell from the boats?
My friends cycle ride is called the Dynamo run. Its a yearly event and he says all three cheeks of his rear end now ache! He isnt normally a long distance cyclist and estimates be burned 8500 calories. - re the boats . At the mo theres a tall ship moored less than 100 metres from our house. We spoke to the captain last night a gentleman of 72 years of age!


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(exact times to be confirmed)

PLACE – BIRMINGHAM (venue to be announced in the next few days)

I'm currently working on putting together a Low Carb High Fat event. It's open to anyone especially those interested in learning more about Diabetes and about the LCHF way of eating. I haven’t organised such an event before so it is a bit of a learning curve. MASSIVE THANKS TO THOSE WHO ARE HELPING ANY WHICH WAY, really could not do it without you. An amazing team effort. Any ideas much appreciated no matter how big or small.

Please contact me for further information, if you have any questions/ideas or to confirm whether or not you might be able to attend. Many thanks.

Sounds like a great idea, I am trying to figure if I can attend or not, will let you know on the other thread. But great credit for taking the initiative.


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Sounds like a great idea, I am trying to figure if I can attend or not, will let you know on the other thread. But great credit for taking the initiative.

Would be amazing if you could but if you can't don't worry. There may just be a next time! I'm getting lots of similar replies so I think it was definitely a step in the right direction. Thank you @Canvaspic
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I am pretty new here and find some of the results of tests confusing. Obviously the UK differs from the US. I did find the mg/dL or mmol/L value for conversion, which has helped. However, now I am trying to figure out the HbA1c. You are the only one I have seen that shows both "HbA1c June 2018 37 (5.5)" How does one figure the conversion out for this? Any help appreciated, thank you.


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Diet only

@feniangirl I always look at this pic if I need to convert. I can’t remember where it came from - somewhere on this site though.
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I forgot to post mine yesterday and today. (That table is helpful. In Canada we use mmo/L and % for hba1c.)

Yesterday my fasting was 6.5%. Today was 5.2%. I did consume fewer carbs in the dinner before today's result and exercised then & got more sleep last night. (The day before was my rest day from exercising.) I assume these reasons are why today's level was better.)


Well-Known Member
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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
Morning all, I'm starting the week with 5.4. A couple of glasses of whisky may well have influenced this reading, but not necessarily my overall health .


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In addition to my 5.1 (which I’m happy with) it is weekly weigh in day.
This week I have lost zero weight. No gain no loss.
I’m ok with this. I still have a bit to lose but in the last week I’ve been focusing on upping the exercise regime a bit.
The plan is still working so happy enough.
Later this week I have the delight of DESMOND to look forward to.