What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning. It’s a 5.4 at 0730. Not a day for venturing out in your baywatch outfits or best safari suits.
Have to wait in for a parcel to arrive that needs signing for - yes, that’s a good enough excuse. I will of course be disappointed when it does not turn up.
Checked my blood sugars directly after a sauna yesterday - 9.2 - must have thought I wan on safari.
Have a great day if you can, wrap yourselves in penguins if you can’t, they won’t melt in this weather.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

"...hello JJ..I hope you can hear me, on the wild, windy slopes of Mt Shughar. "
"Yes, Eamonn & Ruth...loud and clear "
"So tell our viewers, what the team is up to..I understand it's a revolutionary concept ? "

"Not revolutionary, really..Eamonn.
it's a process our ancestors used going back to the cave man....
it's the reason all the other expeditions failed,
As the equipment they took, while quite modern, just lacks the where with all to cope with the tough conditions on the Mountain...."

"So, talk us through where you are at in relation to the climb..."
"Well, as you know we left the city of
Higluu-Kos, and the DCUK University has
an annexe just below the base of the Mountain.
We've just embarked on the climb and I'm with the inexperienced group of climbers, here at base camp 2..a reasonable height up, but still a long way to go."

"Sorry, Ruth here, good morning JJ,
can you possibly just tell our viewers the conditions you are working in, I can hear the wind whipping around in the background..I take it it's quite tough, personally "

"Morning Ruth, yeah, some days it gets quite dull & grey, but the teams spirit is Fantastic,vwhen one if us us down, the others are around to help pick up up..we all support each other...And when the sun's shining, no place I'd rather be."

" It's a mix of mature students and semi professionals on the climb"
"And as for conditions, most are coping well with the conditions,, to give you a taste, I recorded an overnight low, of 5.1 FBG on our tents Barometer..."

"And I understand it's all in aid of research into Diabetes, so what is the Goal, here.."

"Yes, Eamonn..no other team has ever conquered HBA1c ..the so called impossible face of Mt Shughar.
Individuals have, but not in large groups like this..."

"We are hoping to prove the impossible, with the right backing, is not only possible, it's possible with far more limited resources then many suggest..People are a LIT more resilient then some give us credit for.."

"...For instance we are doing this with limited medical supplies, as that is the reality, many dream off...and THAT is the challenge."

"Well, we all wish you well, on the climb and let's hope, you conquer Mt Shughar. ...will you come back on once your near the Summit.."

"Happy too, eamonn, we'll save you a place for the climb....lol"

"Oh, I don't think so, my feet are quite happy here on the ground, thank you, haha..

But we do, seriously, wish you all the very best.... "

" That was the DCUK Expedition team, hoping to be the first group to conquer Mt Shughar, via the 'impossible route"

"...now, Kathy ..how's the weather here.."


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. A dastardly 6.7 this morning. Not sure if it was the 4 squares of Lindt 90 after dinner or roadtesting (twice) some Orange gin (it was pure gin not gin liquer so didnt think twice, twice). Oh well another day to try harder. Eye scan at hospital today, glad its lunchtime because its like a skating rink outside.
Have a good day everyone and take great care out and about.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning everyone. 5.3 for me today.
@Bubbsie is today your docs appt?
Hi DJC...I did have an appointment with Dr Dreadful this morning which after my lengthy chat with him on Tuesday (and a huge apology from the practice manager) I have now cancelled...all I needed was a decision from him about BP medication...so I was on a quest for information which I now have.. on BP meds now (disappointing)...blood tests the week after next to check liver function...one really unwanted consequence is a much earlier than expected HbA1c test which I tried to resist...it isn't due until April but Dr Dreadful said we should do it then.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. A dastardly 6.7 this morning. Not sure if it was the 4 squares of Lindt 90 after dinner or roadtesting (twice) some Orange gin (it was pure gin not gin liquer so didnt think twice, twice). Oh well another day to try harder. Eye scan at hospital today, glad its lunchtime because its like a skating rink outside.
Have a good day everyone and take great care out and about.
Good luck PM...hmmn orange gin...might have to check that out.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good luck PM...hmmn orange gin...might have to check that out.
Thanks Bubbsie. Its a craft gin called 55 made in Essex which I bought at the Hampton Court craft fair last Sept and only found it again yesterday. Nice with soda water and a squeeze of lemon juice.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Of course! For the whole DCUK family--

@SaskiaKC thats great...made me chortle! Maybe we should add socks...obs I have penguin socks too! Bloomin cold here, nothing like stateside though...Bobs and Daisy cat dont like it staying close to radiators and rugs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks Bubbsie. Its a craft gin called 55 made in Essex which I bought at the Hampton Court craft fair last Sept and only found it again yesterday. Nice with soda water and a squeeze of lemon juice.
I'm working my way through a bottle of Cotswolds gin at the moment...it's my favourite so far...Sipsmith is one I like too...who am I kidding...I love gin!...particularly the artisan ones...I'll look out for that...oddly enough I am in Harlow next week...who knows maybe there's some waiting for me.


Well-Known Member
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Can I just ask a question... why is it that some people find it disappointing to wake up to a 6 or 7? I understood that anything up to this level was ok for a diabetic? Or am I missing something here......

(Not that I can talk as I’m always in double figures lol!). Any information appreciated


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Can I just ask a question... why is it that some people find it disappointing to wake up to a 6 or 7? I understood that anything up to this level was ok for a diabetic? Or am I missing something here......

(Not that I can talk as I’m always in double figures lol!). Any information appreciated

Hi @SB.25,

I think it depends on the type of diabetes you have, meds you've been prescribed and your personal goals.

Just speaking for myself, I'd like to get as close as possible to normal non-diabetic levels (fasting and otherwise), but I don't have to worry about hypos as not on any medications.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Can I just ask a question... why is it that some people find it disappointing to wake up to a 6 or 7? I understood that anything up to this level was ok for a diabetic? Or am I missing something here......

(Not that I can talk as I’m always in double figures lol!). Any information appreciated
Good question. I guess for me its because I have been low carbing for over a year and would have hoped to have FBGs regularly in 5s by now. Many on forum are much lower. Low 6s are my natural level I think but its just a bug bear because it sets up my day as to whether I have to scale back my food or not. I do understand it must be frustrating for others who are struggling and maybe it would be best to just report the number...good point @SB.25!
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Can I just ask a question... why is it that some people find it disappointing to wake up to a 6 or 7? I understood that anything up to this level was ok for a diabetic? Or am I missing something here......

(Not that I can talk as I’m always in double figures lol!). Any information appreciated
Hi I think it’s often people like me - type2s who control bgs via a very low carb way of eating and no or little medication but get higher readings even though eating in such a way that it doesn’t seem logical! Think most diet controlled diabetics feel relief at numbers in 6s if they have been naughty! And likewise delight at low numbers if they have been fasting or very very low carb the annoyance I believe is when it dosent seem logical. Well that reflects my own understanding of it!
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