What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Diet only
Love the idea, but most people shouldn't be entrusted with trolleys in Ikea, let alone segways! Spend most of my time dodging people not looking where they're going.
Just a thought but why go at all - surely other stores are available?:angelic:
Edit: Obviously want to go so deal with it guys:angelic:
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I make chia jam all the time, usually with frozen raspberries. It's delicious and super easy to make! In fact, I had a blueberry and raspberry chia jam with my breakfast this morning. Definitely recommend giving it a go.
What about marmalade? I have a jar of Deurrs Half sugar unopened and bought in the early days but never felt brave enough to open it. I keep it thinking when my FBG is consistently low 5s I will occasionally have it on toasted HiLo but its not happened yet!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks. I live in a village and have a small Morrisons and an Aldi nearby. Sainsbury’s is more of a trek. After some googling I suspect I might be able to get some in the Morrisons so will try at the weekend.
They certainly have the "rice" at my local Morrisons. Haven't looked for the noodles as I prefer Oomi Noodles.
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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Brunneria Hop your gut heals up! 2 days sounds a little long for a food thing? I have just returned from a very definitely IN my comfort zone trip which as you noted mucked up my comfortable home eating habits. My 3 sis-in-laws eat all the time when we are together there. A specific bread, toasted to blood-boiling deliciousness and topped with butter and jelly. There is not an insulin resistant gene anywhere in a one of that skinny, long-lived family. I didn’t eat carbs but I sure overate!
@ianpspurs you are stuck among a few too many rocks and hard places! I commiserate. I don’t have any truly intelligent ideas, but when you mentioned butter on bread I pictured my brown bread (which I’m pretty sure you already don’t care for...) sliced thin and made into butter-pat sandwiches. Also, are you a fan of olive oil? I was drinking schmaltzy chicken broth with added olive oil over the weekend. If I’d frothed it somehow, it would have taken up even more oil. I happen to love the flavor of good EVOO.
@maglil55 I so agree with you and @DCUKMod re enjoying work. Being a musician, I am in a line of work which can’t really be done except by people who absolutely love it. I never made a fancy salary, but I loved it and still do.
MOBILE HOMES @BibaBee. (trailer home has a very not-nice connotation nowadays). Or “RV’s” (recreational vehicle) sounds more like what your folks have. Mobile homes really don’t go anywhere, and are basically small pre-fab buildings. RV’s are gigantic traveling tiny houses with luxurious accommodations and the ability to migrate vis interstate highway. Retirees sell everything, buy a nice one, and travel criss-crossing the country staying weeks or months at gorgeous places. It’s a whole culture here. Can’t afford a home in every time zone? Buy anRV!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Like @Brunneria that was a mega catch up. I have 2 days to catch up on. BGs still a bit higher than usual but continue to drop during the day. I have been engrossed in decluttering the clothing without Hubby anywhere near. If he's about I'd be pushed to get anything away to charity/recycling. Making good progress and will be going back to it shortly. Got rechargeable LED lights for inside the cupboards as they are quite dark inside. Got 2 to start with but I'll be ordering more now. Hubby busy checking the sensors work having installed them already.
Bed Sunday 7.1 FBG 6.8. Another week of school runs but boys are on countdown. 3 weeks to the holidays they tell me.
B. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream. 2 koftas.
L. Couldn't get into Aqua today so decided to have a cooked brunch. 2 Morrisons GF pork chipolatas, fried egg, slice GF black pudding, portobello mushroom and 3 rashers crispy streaky bacon.
D. Leftover clams from yesterday steamed in garlic, chilli, onion and white wine. Passed on berries but had 2 squares of G&B Mint chocolate.
Yesterday - unusual day. Bed 6.6 FBG 6.1. Both boys were good all day. They've been going through Dr Who box sets and have decided they are Oods. This is good as oods were an enslaved nation who had to obey their masters. I got a We are oods, what do you wish us to do? I informed them - be good for the next 2 and a bit weeks. Wonder if it will work?
B. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Nothing. Was out getting enough to take us to the weekend meal wise.
D. Just dawned on me I'd inadvertently fasted for 24 hrs. Had an oven based salmon fillet which I'd coated in a mix of helmanns, chilli, parmesan and I added some sesame seeds this time. Served with a mini cob and green beans and a few non cremated veggie chips. After, mixed berries and a scoop of halo top.

Ah well back to the wardrobes. Could do with a few Oods to assist.


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Posting as I eat as a little frustrated today. Randomly decided to weigh myself this morning and have lost 4 pounds since Friday - not wanted. I don’t want to lose any more weight. I’m well within healthy bmi and am comfortable as I am. Know this week is a little hard with being busy every night and swimming so need to make a big conscious effort to up my fats to both put a little weight back on and stop any more from coming off.
It’s straight out after work to the theatre tonight (with a quick outfit change in between) so another evening with no dinner so lunch has become a necessity of fat rather than a meal of what goes together:
B: usual peanut and chocolate protein bar with a coffee
Mid morning : more coffee
Lunch : 96g Chunk of mature cheddar, 30g salt & vinegar peanuts (2.2g carb) then 3 strawberries weighing 68g (so according to DD would be around 4.5g carbs) with 100g clotted cream (2.3g carb)
So for my levels a good low carb meal but a decent 112g of fat. I’ve got so used to focusing on my carbs but looks like I need to work harder now balancing fats. Just when i thought I’d got my eating sussed :banghead:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Posting as I eat as a little frustrated today. Randomly decided to weigh myself this morning and have lost 4 pounds since Friday - not wanted. I don’t want to lose any more weight. I’m well within healthy bmi and am comfortable as I am. Know this week is a little hard with being busy every night and swimming so need to make a big conscious effort to up my fats to both put a little weight back on and stop any more from coming off.
It’s straight out after work to the theatre tonight (with a quick outfit change in between) so another evening with no dinner so lunch has become a necessity of fat rather than a meal of what goes together:
B: usual peanut and chocolate protein bar with a coffee
Mid morning : more coffee
Lunch : 96g Chunk of mature cheddar, 30g salt & vinegar peanuts (2.2g carb) then 3 strawberries weighing 68g (so according to DD would be around 4.5g carbs) with 100g clotted cream (2.3g carb)
So for my levels a good low carb meal but a decent 112g of fat. I’ve got so used to focusing on my carbs but looks like I need to work harder now balancing fats. Just when i thought I’d got my eating sussed :banghead:
Good luck with the weight control in reverse. Think we both have vaguely similar goals. Just staggered by 100 gms clotted cream - how does anyone do that? Utter respect. Perhaps all the swimming and rushing about has impacted weight short term rather than long term?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good luck with the weight control in reverse. Think we both have vaguely similar goals. Just staggered by 100 gms clotted cream - how does anyone do that? Utter respect. Perhaps all the swimming and rushing about has impacted weight short term rather than long term?
Yes I agree. My weight had stabilised with me fluctuating a pound or 2 either side of my goal weight. Now all the swimming Is pushing me further down. So I’m hoping that it’s a temporary measure over the next few weeks and then once the challenge is over, whilst I intend to keep swimming it won’t be 3/4 times a week and so maybe I’ll stabilise again. I hope so anyway. Although I actually wouldn’t mind that much clotted cream each day - I can literally eat it by the spoonful! Even without the scone and jam ;)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
This is what cronometer makes of today's intake. Seems I can take enough magnesium on board - this is a fairly standard day. Unlikely to suddenly change much by bedtime so carbs will be approx 26 ( think it has over counted cheese and mushrooms) - protein and fat about equal in gms. That seems to be an issue for me - I can't do fat right now.

Screenshot 2019-03-20 at 14.58.04.png
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@maglil55 I love drookit - never heard of it before now I need to use it and flummox people.
Those clams sound heavenly.
Fancy the boys wanting to be Oods? That’s hilarious, You’ll have to think of some chores quickly.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Posting as I eat as a little frustrated today. Randomly decided to weigh myself this morning and have lost 4 pounds since Friday - not wanted. I don’t want to lose any more weight. I’m well within healthy bmi and am comfortable as I am. Know this week is a little hard with being busy every night and swimming so need to make a big conscious effort to up my fats to both put a little weight back on and stop any more from coming off.
It’s straight out after work to the theatre tonight (with a quick outfit change in between) so another evening with no dinner so lunch has become a necessity of fat rather than a meal of what goes together:
B: usual peanut and chocolate protein bar with a coffee
Mid morning : more coffee
Lunch : 96g Chunk of mature cheddar, 30g salt & vinegar peanuts (2.2g carb) then 3 strawberries weighing 68g (so according to DD would be around 4.5g carbs) with 100g clotted cream (2.3g carb)
So for my levels a good low carb meal but a decent 112g of fat. I’ve got so used to focusing on my carbs but looks like I need to work harder now balancing fats. Just when i thought I’d got my eating sussed :banghead:

Have a good time at the theatre, one of my favourite pastimes.
I’m sure all that swimming must be making a difference. It’s difficult if you don’t actually want to lose any weight but hopefully it’ll stabilise after the challenge. You must be super fit now.
I could also eat clotted cream by the spoonful - the scone was only ever there to stop my fingers getting sticky.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@maglil55 I loved the Oods. Do you have any glowing glass balls for the kids? (That was Oods right?) Have fun in the clothes!!
Right in there with sticky fingered cream eaters :hilarious:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Finished for the day, trying to squash eating window which seems to have expanded in the last few days.
First thing: CWC ( why did we never think of this before @Caeseji)
B: 1/2 avocado, 1 slice Gouda and 1 scrambled egg
L: Sea Bass with ginger and lime butter and asparagus. Small portion of rhubarb and Gk yog. Didn’t get round to crumble but summer is just around the corner so plenty of opportunity yet.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all

@Brunneria sorry about the digestive issues.

@DCUKMod @zauberflote @maglil55 with you on the work front.

@ianpspurs if they served clotted cream in the Ikea cafe that would definitely enhance the experience. 100g would slide down very nicely

Ended up eating rather more than anticipated today. Put short rib in the slow cooker and planned an OMAD day, but starving by lunchtime so ended up in local cafe with work colleague. Cafe owner clearly thinks I need feeding up as I got at least twice as much bacon as I ordered (no complaints there). So 2 fried eggs, huge mountain of bacon and some grated cheese.

Dinner was beef short rib, but didn’t finish it - too much when had already eaten. Followed by the whipped creamy cheese and cocoa dessert.


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Self-fellating idiots that don't at all look at other people's views
@Goonergal Not that I can blame you there, I would break it for something as delicious sounding as that!

@DJC3 I swear this is how cults start but you know what? I love it, happy it's spreading!

Please though don't speak of clotted cream so much, I am already stuffed and I do not want to eat again but nicely done @Emma_369 you're doing well and hopefully you can maintain!

Okie dokie was going to do OMAD then someone had to go and bring out the prosciutto ham on me so yeah...

Breakfast: CWC (hehehehe)
Lunch: Prosciutto ham with a block of cheddar and a peperami
Dinner: Flat iron steak burgers, two fried eggs and haloumi chips fried in the burger fat

Yes. Haloumi chips will not become a staple in my house, even got my diabetic and stubborn Dad to join us and my Grandma is loving LCHF! I am so proud.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Apparently wandered into World of Cream today. @Goonergal 100gms may go down but certainly wouldn't stay there:angelic: Managed to get stubborn London girl - any members recognise themselves? - to doctors and surprisingly reactive arthritis, more tramadol and steroids. Who knew (well I know 1 person who may have done). Homo domesticus may be a long(er?) time role - big rethink of medium term plan needed.
Tea, cocoa and water to drink. Usual mackerel and avocado salad for lunch around 14.00 hrs. Thai chicken red curry with mushrooms and cauliflower soon. Cauliflower from frozen - I am the 3rd generation to fail at growing acceptable cauliflowers on this land.