What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Goonergal I’m glad you asked about @zauberflote ‘s Crispy Dunnie - my mind couldn’t get past the Aussie dunny either.
I haven’t seen the HC cocoa and chilli finishing oil - any good?
@Viv19 I hope you are packing a suitcase full of that Austrian ‘Aldi’ lc bread to bring back?

Today has been tidying up loose ends and clearing the fridge of anything that’s likely to go off in the next week as Mr C will be fending for himself again ( and won’t eat wierd stuff like kimchi or avocado) I’m driving back up to London tomorrow in readiness for the PHC conference and meeting up with friends. Sprained ankle feeling much better so hoping I’ll be fit as a flea by the weekend.
L: Avocado, Kimchi, ham. Gk yoghurt with a few raspberries.
D: Steak - boy what a steak! Asking Mr C to pop into the butchers and pick up a couple of steaks for tea is like letting a child loose in a sweetshop. They were massive and needed a large frying pan apiece to cook them - wonderful, though I couldn’t quite finish mine. Topped with fried egg and with a mushroom stuffed with blue cheese, cooked in airfryer as an experiment - very successful. 2 glasses of a lovely Malbec with the meal.
As one of those friends also going to PHC conference this weekend I’m delighted that your ankle is improving - safe journey tomorrow it’s such a long journey from Cornwall. So excited about meeting up with some fellow low carbers and also listening to informed speakers - can’t wait. I’m also in training for one of @Goonergal s canal walks on Friday building up my steps!

Deleted member 308541

"Crispie Dunnie" is my so-called inventive name for @dunelm 's flax crackers. I felt they deserved a name
I won't even ask about Australian!!! Afraid of answer.
Dunny racing is a popular sport here in Australia, it originated from a outside toilet nick name.



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I haven’t seen the HC cocoa and chilli finishing oil - any good?

I haven’t seen it in the shop either, it was a birthday gift. It give a nice little kick to things like the chicken wings without being hot, so ideal for me. Any cocoa flavour is very subtle!

Can Mr C get me a steak too, next time :D


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@DJC3 glad ankle is coming along well!
@Tipetoo aha! Yes, we call them outhouse races and they may involve a frozen Great Lake... or not, you know. The inventive nicknames seem to come from the companies that deal in them. "Bouse House" is an eponymous one I've seen.
Ok so: a great majority of the world's population enjoys rice and wheat with every meal as a staple, yes? So, if I enjoy flax in the same way, that's not strange at all! So there!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
As one of those friends also going to PHC conference this weekend I’m delighted that your ankle is improving - safe journey tomorrow it’s such a long journey from Cornwall. So excited about meeting up with some fellow low carbers and also listening to informed speakers - can’t wait. I’m also in training for one of @Goonergal s canal walks on Friday building up my steps!

Thanks, I’m really looking forward to it too, looks like an excellent weekend and it’ll be great to get together again. Not sure I’ll be up for the canal walk though - which I’m a bit cheesed off about, but keeping my fingers crossed.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I haven’t seen it in the shop either, it was a birthday gift. It give a nice little kick to things like the chicken wings without being hot, so ideal for me. Any cocoa flavour is very subtle!

Can Mr C get me a steak too, next time :D

I’d bring you one up if I thought it’d survive the car and tube ride!
I brought a particularly pungent cheese home from a Christmas market on the tube once to the dismay of everyone travelling in the same carriage. Nobody was quite sure where the smell was coming from, but it was obviously from my direction. Very embarrassing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bfast 1/2 avocado, pecans, Crispie Dunnie, DWGoatM, 1.2 sq 90% choc
Lunch liquid
Supper. Hm. Some leftover spinach from last night, a piece of my brown flax bread toasted, and.... cheese? Really should have bought more Cremont, I was just!! in the store.
Then after Barre, maybe some pecans for pills?
My poor poor son just got badly rear-ended for the 4th time in about 18-24 months. His new-to-him but very old high-mileage shiny red full-cab pickup for his business appears totaled, he says. He has remained calm-- I guess it's happened so much that he doesn't bother with the panic attack any more. He is a magnet for horrific not-at-fault rear-enders. Why?????? I am grateful for many things surrounding this but won't even name them, as one came close this winter.
Sitting in car, the mosquitoes have discovered me. Sigh.

Hope your son is ok? What a rotten thing to happen - and 4 times! Poor lad.
Hugs for the mosquitoes too - I always seem to attract them. Don’t know if you have a company called Avon in the US but I’ve been told that the Avon Skin So Soft body moisturiser is a brilliant repellant. I’ve bought several bottles in readiness for our summer hols in the Scottish highlands and islands where midges are legion.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’d bring you one up if I thought it’d survive the car and tube ride!
I brought a particularly pungent cheese home from a Christmas market on the tube once to the dismay of everyone travelling in the same carriage. Nobody was quite sure where the smell was coming from, but it was obviously from my direction. Very embarrassing.

That’s so funny. I once left a plastic bag containing leftover cabbage in my school desk over one of the longer holidays :D


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yes! That's the level of detail I am at, but less advanced than you. Chocolate more than about three days running will finally show up and take a week to go away. I haven't tried oats at all yet. Very slow learner here...

You are not a slow learner.
There is so much to work out in each of our lives.

My body has been sensitive to certain foods for many years, way before I was diabetic.
Because I am profoundly deaf, I am very sensitive on my skin to slight breezes, (the skin on my face, my bare legs, my bare arms), it is my clue that someone has entered the room or approaching me that I cannot see or hear.

That skin sensitivity, and also body sensitivity is also affected by certain foods. For example if I eat too much fat that day I get a prickle feeling on my lower legs and my toes.

I used to ask doctor and dietitian years and years ago and was told it was nonsense what I was feeling and how I was attributing it. Even very recently I was told it was nonsense by the dietician when I said I knew when my blood glucose was high because I could feel this as a slight heat on my skin. The dietician insisted I should go to the doctor because it was obvious to him I had a problem that needed investigation, and it had nothing to do with high blood sugar.


I had that slight heat on my skin this afternoon when my blood glucose was very high.

It is my belief that somewhere along the line we have ‘lost’ a lot of our sensitive feelings, which tells us about ourselves, because it has been drummed out of most of us.

It’s just my belief. I think we can figure out a lot more for ourselves in this way. But it is hard in this busy frenetic world to do this.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
"Crispie Dunnie" is my so-called inventive name for @dunelm 's flax crackers. I felt they deserved a name
I won't even ask about Australian!!! Afraid of answer.
It's a place I was loath to go to at night (or reluctantly in daylight) due to the spiders. Bushes were preferable although probably just as beastie dodgy! I should add we were at a weekender in the throes of construction and in the middle of nowhere.

Deleted member 308541

Lunch yesterday: Liquid lunch at the bowls club, cheese nibblies and some savoury "stuff".
Dinner: Cold meat and salad.
Breakfast: Cheese and mushroom omelette, bacon, tomato.

Drinks: Black coffee, beer, water.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hope your son is ok? What a rotten thing to happen - and 4 times! Poor lad.
Hugs for the mosquitoes too - I always seem to attract them. Don’t know if you have a company called Avon in the US but I’ve been told that the Avon Skin So Soft body moisturiser is a brilliant repellant. I’ve bought several bottles in readiness for our summer hols in the Scottish highlands and islands where midges are legion.
The cleggs are nasty little blighters as well (horse fly).
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bed 7.1 FBG 7.4 and a mega DP surge to follow. Back to the school run but the boys continue to behave. They're on pregnant guineas watch at the moment. My car is heading to the garage tomorrow after the school run. It has started to shudder when accelerating above 40 mph and losing power. Unfortunately not a pick up and drop off so bus back for me.
B. TAG with ADOC.
L. One of the new caramelised posh dogs from M&S. 2 mushrooms and a fried egg.
D. Another new thing out of M&S. It's sausage meat wrapped in bacon and stuffed with a jalapeno chilli which in turn is stuffed with a cheesy mix. Had it with wilted spinach and veggie chips. Raspberries and cream later.
M&S have also introduced Meat'zza - pepperoni or a margarita. I was surprised at the carb count for a pork base but less so when I found cornflour and rice flour in the mix. It's OK but could have been so much better.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
Hope your son is ok? What a rotten thing to happen - and 4 times! Poor lad.
Hugs for the mosquitoes too - I always seem to attract them. Don’t know if you have a company called Avon in the US but I’ve been told that the Avon Skin So Soft body moisturiser is a brilliant repellant. I’ve bought several bottles in readiness for our summer hols in the Scottish highlands and islands where midges are legion.

Son is fine, thanks! Truck not so much. Yeah, we have Avon "ding dong Avon calling!" from my childhood. But the scent of the Skin So Soft is so penetratingly powerful that I stay as far away as possible. The orchestra still plays an annual outdoors concert at a park which is a cesspool of mosquitoes,,, ugh. And this city's downtown was once a malarial swamp. Founding fathers had no idea what they were getting into! "Give me liberty or give me death, preferably death if I have to take mosquitoes with my liberty!" Give me Deep Woods OFF any day. Pure DEET.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@gennepher I agree with your views on the senses being drummed out of us. So many pay zero attention to any body messages they may get.
@maglil55 we used to tent camp at a farm, and there was an outhouse some ways around the lake in relative privacy. One afternoon I headed there for some privacy... up in a top corner was The Biggest wolf spider I had ever seen. They are impressive anyway, but there was no way I was going to turn my back on that one. Being stupid, I poked the web with a stick. The spider jumped at it (they're also called jumping spiders) and the stick dipped appreciably from its weight. I left and didn't return. They are ok in their little funnel lairs outside or in the woodwork, but in a delicate situation not at all ok. I think they bite, and all spider bites are poisonous to an extent, but they are really just a nuisance. Beneficial nuisance, eating pest insects.
I wouldn't eat one I don't think....so I won't put it on my meals listing!

Deleted member 308541

One afternoon I headed there for some privacy... up in a top corner was The Biggest wolf spider I had ever seen. They are impressive anyway, but there was no way I was going to turn my back on that one. Being stupid, I poked the web with a stick. The spider jumped at it (they're also called jumping spiders) and the stick dipped appreciably from its weight. I left and didn't return. They are ok in their little funnel lairs outside or in the woodwork, but in a delicate situation not at all ok. I think they bite, and all spider bites are poisonous to an extent, but they are really just a nuisance.
Australian spiders are deadly, but the Huntsman will more likely scare you as they pop out of no where.
I wouldn't eat one I don't think....so I won't put it on my meals listing!
You would get a feed out of this feller.

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