What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Deleted member 308541

Breakfast: Usual three egg cheese and mushroom omelette, steak, tomatoes.
Lunch: Yabbies from out of the dam cooked on the coals in the fire pit out at the block.
Dinner: Pork chops, veggies, pan juice gravy, greek yoghurt with a dollop of sugar bag also from the block on it.

Drinks: Black coffee no sugars, water.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well today my intake is as follows:
Usual slice LL toast, butter, tea x2.
Lunch was a rushed affair and was mug of soup.
Came back later and had coffee and small bar TTD 85% chocolate.
Supper will be a Prawn stirfry. Not sure if afters will be required. Having a real crush on Stilton cheese lately but it has to be the good stuff from W.

Bought a cauli today, blitzed it, leaves and all and made up flat bags for freezer and for future curries. I dont have the special steam bags yet @maglil suggested so used sandwich bags and will try microwaving with some slits on a plate. @SlimLizzy thanks for the pan frying method but sometimes I dont want to wash that extra pan! Any suggestions for turning it into risotto ie. amount of stock and method. TIA.
I've made mushroom risotto a few times with cauli rice. For one portion - about 5ozs cauli rice, avocado oil or olive oil (any suitable oil basically), mix of mushrooms ( as many as you want) sliced, small onion finely chopped, crushed garlic clove or garlic powder, a mix half and half of parmesan and shredded mozzarella (about 1/4 cup total), salt and pepper to season, chopped parsley and have about a 1/2 cup of chicken stock ready (you may not use it all but better to have it to hand).

Fry the mushrooms first in a little oil (I use a wok). Set aside in a bowl. Gently fry the chopped onion and garlic until softened(add a little more oil if necessary). Once soft add the cauli rice and mix through. Return the mushrooms to the pan and mix. Add about half the chicken stock, mix, taste and season. Cover but keep an eye on it. It only takes 3-4 mins. Add more stock little by little if it is drying out. After 4 mins, remove lid, turn the heat off and add the cheese, mix until cheese melts. Garnish with the chopped parsley and that's it!

Sorry for the imprecise quantities but I just judge this.
Chorizo and squid is nice too. Similar method fry off the chorizo then set aside. Squid just needs a minute or so. Keep the squid aside to the very end. Otherwise same method - onion, garlic - soften, add stock and rice then cook. Put the chorizo and squid back at the end then the cheese.
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Breakfast, at 10.30 am, was a few strawberries and Greek yoghurt.

Out for the afternoon as yesterday. A few more people there and lots of friendly chats. Gave away lots more balloons. I thought I was fine but forgot to check my BG before driving home. On arriving home, I got out of the car and, feeling very hot despite the icy weather, realised something was amiss. Before I got into the house I was shaking badly. Checked BG - it was 3.8. That doesn't seem to bother some people, but it does have a drastic effect on me. Obviously just a few strawberries and some yoghurt is not enough fuel for a long afternoon out.

Evening meal at about 7 pm - defrosted vegetable hash with 2 butter fried eggs on top. Not sure what the hash consisted of but I reckon there was some squash, onion, aubergine and celeriac and I think I caught a hint of cauliflower. Then I fell asleep in the big kitchen chair. Woke up very cold and can't get warm at the moment (wrapped up in a big blanket and a fleece but hands and feet are like blocks of ice. It isn't all that cold in here.)

Too low on fluids, of course. Must pick it up tomorrow.

Edited to close brackets.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
FBG 6.4
Breakfast CWC, just one today and nut granola. For some reason pushed my BG to 7.9 after an hour.
Yesterday FBG 6.2 Same breakfast one hour BG 6.6
Any ideas peeps?

Anyway lunch
2 slices Pain kapnor toast, one with avocado. The other with pâté. Few radish CWC.

The fridge is getting quite bare now as we are eating up all the food that wasn't kept properly chilled.
Dinner weird one. More toast, smoked herrings and scrambled eggs. Wine.
MrSlim opened his bag over the toast and soaked it. There was no more bread. Herrings were way too salty esp as supposed to be reduced salt!
Had some chunks of Roquefort. And then lemon tea. Several cups as very thirsty.
Been painting the kitchen today. Some of it is looking quite tidy.


Well-Known Member
Ok , question .

I have a giant bag of frozen “cooked” prawns with tail from Sprouts ( it looked nice and large so I bought it) . They need some light cooking or whatever , I suppose. It has no user manual ( instruction )

I also have salt and pepper, some dried herbs my mom gave me ( no idea what they are, maybe basil ). I have saffron , cinnamon and olive oil . That is all . Well , water .

What can I do with it ? Can I make an edible meal ?

Mom said keep the tail on , otherwise they shrink . But she was in a hurry ,and did not elaborate. Keep the tail on and then what ??? I’m a mathematician. I need precision.

Deleted member 308541

They need some light cooking or whatever , I suppose. It has no user manual ( instruction
Uncooked prawns are this colour.


Cooked prawns are this colour.


So if your prawn are like my cooked ones, then they do not require further cooking, just peel them and then eat.


Well-Known Member
Thanks @Antje77 and @Tipetoo !

That is very helpful ️!
So my prawns look like between the two pictures , more like the second one. I guess they are cooked then, but I will just go and do the stir fry recipe above ..

Will report back with a pic . If I don’t , pls send an ambulance


Well-Known Member
Experiment was so successful ! It was very yummy ! Now that I know how to make it , next time I will make more !

Thank you for the info !

Here is the pic and then my keto ice cream

Edit : so why they shrunk? I kept the tail on . I guess because they had no head ? They reminded me of Headless Nick in Harry Potter .
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Experiment was so successful ! It was very yummy ! Now that I know how to make it , next time I will make more !

Thank you for the info !

Here is the pic and then my keto ice cream
View attachment 38354View attachment 38355

Edit : so why they shrunk? I kept the tail on . I guess because they had no head ? They reminded me of Headless Nick in Harry Potter .
Ah, but Nick was nearly headless, unlike your shrinking shrimp. Nevertheless, shrinking shrimp sounds like something to be found in Diagon Alley. Your meal looks very yummy, way better than mine did today!


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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Evening all.

Two meals today. Lunch was smoked salmon and whipped creamy cheese. Dinner was air fried lamb ribs. Got just the right balance of melting fat and crispness. Favourite meal of the week so far. Now lamenting the fact that my freezer is a) small and b) full as the butcher near work is selling 3 kilos of said ribs for £19.99.

Could someone foster them for you @Goonergal? Do you have a fridge freezer at work?

In one of the offices I used to visit they had a FF in each of the breakout areas, which allowed staff to store shopping or their week's meals. Of course, all subject to honesty and tantrums when the space someone had been eyeing up was taken by someone shopping earlier in the day.....

Just a thought, because those ribs on the other thread look seriously delicious, and it's breakfast time in my world!!
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
And these are just-off-the-boat-fresh


If you like a hint of heat, stir fry them in chilli oil, with lots of salt and pepper and Thai basil leaves. Quite delicious.

The price point of that plate is about £2.50 or $3.25.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Could someone foster them for you @Goonergal? Do you have a fridge freezer at work?

In one of the offices I used to visit they had a FF in each of the breakout areas, which allowed staff to store shopping or their week's meals. Of course, all subject to honesty and tantrums when the space someone had bee named eyeing up was taken by someone shopping earlier in the day.....

Just a thought, because those ribs on th other thread look seriously delicious, and it's breakfast time in my world!!

Sadly no fridge freezer. A couple of wonky fridges. My freezer really is full - not an inch to spare. I’m offsite today but will put thinking cap on in case the offer is still good on Thursday. The ribs are delicious and very easy to prepare.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Sadly no fridge freezer. A couple of wonky fridges. My freezer really is full - not an inch to spare. I’m offsite today but will put thinking cap on in case the offer is still good on Thursday. The ribs are delicious and very easy to prepare.
A neighbour perhaps?
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Well-Known Member
And these are just-off-the-boat-fresh

View attachment 38356

If you like a hint of heat, stir fry them in chilli oil, with lots of salt and pepper and Thai basil leaves. Quite delicious.

The price point of that plate is about £2.50 or $3.25.

Yum ! Is it your Farmers Market ? Which part of U.K. ?

We don’t have them here in our Farmers Market , though I’m tempted to double check on Sunday .

I’m so scared of Coronavirus to go to busy places these days .

It used to be my favorite destination on Sunday mornings before this flu season . They have really good eggs, cured meat , ham , yogurt , pickles , mushrooms, fruits , cheese, pastries , etc .
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Yum ! Is it your Farmers Market ? Which part of U.K. ?

We don’t have them here in our Farmers Market , though I’m tempted to double check on Sunday .

I’m so scared of Coronavirus to go to busy places these days .

It used to be my favorite destination on Sunday mornings before this flu season . They have really good eggs, cured meat , ham , yogurt , pickles , mushrooms, fruits , cheese, pastries , etc .

It's the farmers market, but I'm in SE Asia at the moment.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Ok , question .

I have a giant bag of frozen “cooked” prawns with tail from Sprouts ( it looked nice and large so I bought it) . They need some light cooking or whatever , I suppose. It has no user manual ( instruction )

I also have salt and pepper, some dried herbs my mom gave me ( no idea what they are, maybe basil ). I have saffron , cinnamon and olive oil . That is all . Well , water .

What can I do with it ? Can I make an edible meal ?

Mom said keep the tail on , otherwise they shrink . But she was in a hurry ,and did not elaborate. Keep the tail on and then what ??? I’m a mathematician. I need precision.
I'm a historian. Do it, leave evidence and I'll tell you the causes, impact and how Cleopatra's nose was involved. Then a revisionist historian writes a book saying no such meal ever took place:angelic:
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