What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.1 today. Too much cream has finally caught up with me - must cut down on it today. Although it was lovely having whipped double cream with my blackberries yesterday.

Today wind gusts of 48 miles an hour - too wild for doggie walks. Dogs are asleep and showing no sign of wanting to go on a walk. Very wise dogs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Nice ..:D

He's a deffo a keeper, stays sane even though lovely as you are, it must be torment for him...
(my sincere sympathies to Mr K :bag:)

and not picking on you, @Krystyna23040 ..it's an epidemic
this is just one of many, many i have observed..
that just shows the divide between men and women.

and it's not just here, i observe this on many other forum threads..NO WOMEN EVER mentions WHAT car it is first..WHY NOT ?

FIRST WORLD TOPIC amongst men..what car you got.." it's a vauxhall, volvo, vollkswagen, bmw, ford, etc etc etc."..then it's onto the gadgetrs and then, maybe, just maybe colour of it

here it's like a cross between charades and listening to the wife....:banghead:

" oh did i tell you so & so's bought her daughter a new car"
"Of really..how lovely, what is it."
"ooh i can't remember.. it's BLUE if that helps.....and pretty "

"No not really..any idea of the make maybe, ..what year is it, perhaps....?."
"Not sure, but i know it's one of those ones that has that Bluetooth camera thing..and a dash cam radio "

"Hon, ..hon, where you gone....??/ "..as she hears the front door gently close
as i leave the house, screaming quietly into the night air...:banghead::banghead:.:rolleyes:

Yes i know @HarryBeau , you do know your onions,...:D

Btw, if Mr K wants to join my men's self help group, get him to call me..
waiting list is waaaayy long, obviously
but i'll happily put him on it..:)

I have a female friend who only buys cars with a boot big enough to fit her Gibson guitars. That's her excuse for buying BMWs anyway. I on the other hand am definitely a colour choice person.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Nice ..:D

He's a deffo a keeper, stays sane even though lovely as you are, it must be torment for him...
(my sincere sympathies to Mr K :bag:)

and not picking on you, @Krystyna23040 ..it's an epidemic
this is just one of many, many i have observed..
that just shows the divide between men and women.

and it's not just here, i observe this on many other forum threads..NO WOMEN EVER mentions WHAT car it is first..WHY NOT ?

FIRST WORLD TOPIC amongst men..what car you got.." it's a vauxhall, volvo, vollkswagen, bmw, ford, etc etc etc."..then it's onto the gadgetrs and then, maybe, just maybe colour of it

here it's like a cross between charades and listening to the wife....:banghead:

" oh did i tell you so & so's bought her daughter a new car"
"Of really..how lovely, what is it."
"ooh i can't remember.. it's BLUE if that helps.....and pretty "

"No not really..any idea of the make maybe, ..what year is it, perhaps....?."
"Not sure, but i know it's one of those ones that has that Bluetooth camera thing..and a dash cam radio "

"Hon, ..hon, where you gone....??/ "..as she hears the front door gently close
as i leave the house, screaming quietly into the night air...:banghead::banghead:.:rolleyes:

Yes i know @HarryBeau , you do know your onions,...:D

Btw, if Mr K wants to join my men's self help group, get him to call me..
waiting list is waaaayy long, obviously
but i'll happily put him on it..:)


Number one rule when changing your bike - stick to one colour and none the wiser all round.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from the dark and dangerous north
Just when is a wonder wheel of fortune reading counted as a fasting reading. Phone on dressing table last night as a test (will I remember):
0503 - bathroom call - 3.8
0615 - bathrhoom, again - 4.3
0710 - a child wakes up - 4.4
0742 - OK, lets get up - 5.4

A busy day yesterday, despite the frequent interruptions from attention seeking Piriformis:
Walk into town - grandchildren in the car with Mrs Miggins as it’s a bit windy. Early lunch at 1100 - bacon and eggs, then a wander up the esplanade.
Afternoon nap for the twins then off they all went for an afternoon session in an indoor play area.
Sticky rice and chicken for them all followed by sweet sticky rice with mango for pud. I just had the chicken.

Still quite windy but a visit to our local park is on the cards for this morning - hopefully Park Run will be over and done with.

Have the best day that you can, but do have a day. - koffy and those infernal exercises now.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morning with a 5.8
Wow, a lot happened between 3am and 8 am just taken me 40 minutes to catch up on posts.

@gennepher great art again and description, looking good for the art classes. These a mediums I have never used.

@ianpspurs @trick60 @jjraak @SaskiaKC the three sudden and unexpected additional male grandkids I hope will remain part of the family and not just be passing through. Son and his girls and new partner plus her boys seem happy enough, only time will tell.

Very windy here but think I am going to risk a moody bike ride.

How quick things change, grab the moment.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 6.3 after Indian takeaway (no rice or bread) but thats ok.
So much going on here since I slept. @Muddy Cyclist lovely to hear about your day of fun with the girls and noted you have welcomed boys into your fold and yes a referee is a good idea. @gennepher thank you for the beautiful painting, the colours are fabulous. @Debandez lovely new car and wishing you and Eric many happy drives. My Polo is now approaching 5th birthday which is the oldest one I’ve had but hey its going fine though does need a new cam belt soon. I do very little mileage now compared to when the boys were young. @HarryBeau distant hug for the lurgy though I do think you are showing it who’s boss. It would be great if you didnt get called out today. Fingers xxd.
@SaskiaKC you were up very late. In Ireland up until I left in ‘83 when there was a death in the family a “black crepe” was placed on the front door ( by the undertaker) which was black netting with a small card announcing the death. When my mum pased in ‘16 that custom seemed to have gone. @jjraak well done on the new appointment, boss sounds a good un. The thing about Coronovirus is so much is still unknown especially how it is transmitted. They were saying you had to be in the space of someone coughing to be infected but the Diamond Princess has (excuse pun) blown that out of the water. We treated ourselves to the Boots pneumonia vac last week just to add a layer of protection as we are both 60 and have underlying conditions which we manage. If a sterile place like Singapore has a cluster out of top hotels then we should be wary.
Our own personal hygiene will be key I think.
Sorry for the verbal d..... and if I sound panicky I’m really not but just wary of the unknowns.
If I have left anyone out a shout out to you this windy Saturday. Take care out there. Stay well, stay safe.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Popeye asked to go out of the kitchen door. And I opened it to another fence down between me and not very nice neighbour. It is not the 'repair' job I did the other day, that one held in last night's violent winds.

I am not in the mood to see to that today, because as I said before, on my deeds it is my not very nice neighbour's fence, not mine. (I need some more split cane screening and some reed screening anyway) He had better not say one word to me today (or else I shall bring out the orange plastic roadwork type netting out of the garage and put that in place)...I have been practicing the naughty insulting words in my head until they are spent out.... and what I do have is photocopy of the relevant page from my house deeds saying it is his fence, which I shall hand to him, and the only words I shall say will be "I shall be taking legal action over this". And walk in....

Anyway I have another job to do today. The old lady who lived on the other side has now been taken to a care home because of Alzheimer's. So, her property is empty and I have no idea who to approach. Her fence on a length of the property between mine and hers was smashed to smithereens by Storm Dennis. The rest of the division between me and hers is a living fence which I planted long ago. A bad storm long ago uprooted some of it. So, the nice old lady said she would get someone to put a fence up on the damaged bit.

So, what to do now? I decided the best course of action would be to make a living fence of the exposed broken fence bit. I ran out of energy last year and never finished cutting down the Buddliea, nor the cutting down of the willow...good job I didn't, because those cut off bits will now become a living fence...it will be an interesting living fence...

Years ago I made a living willow seated arbour, and a living willow den for shade again the sun when I wanted to sit outdoors.

The sun is out...and I just cooked myself bacon and eggs...

Have a good day...I intend to in every respect...
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher thank you for the beautiful painting, the colours are fabulous

Thank you very much @PenguinMum

The thing about Coronovirus is so much is still unknown especially how it is transmitted. They were saying you had to be in the space of someone coughing to be infected but the Diamond Princess has (excuse pun) blown that out of the water. We treated ourselves to the Boots pneumonia vac last week just to add a layer of protection as we are both 60 and have underlying conditions which we manage. If a sterile place like Singapore has a cluster out of top hotels then we should be wary.
Our own personal hygiene will be key I think.
Sorry for the verbal d..... and if I sound panicky I’m really not but just wary of the unknowns.
If I have left anyone out a shout out to you this windy Saturday. Take care out there. Stay well, stay safe.

It is one massive unknown. And yes I agree personal hygiene, and awareness of ourselves, and awareness of others.

Hugs for you
Take care


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Good morning all. Fbg was 5.3 @ 5.10 ish this morning - low carb, fresh air always = early rising for me. That fbg almost 1 whole point from where I personally think good control lives. LC/Keto sat nav unable to take me there or provide a route I am comfortable with never mind happy about. Stump removal day with No 1 son which is something I will enjoy far more than perhaps I should but has definite links to my dad and grandfather. That type of activity has in the past been way more beneficial to bg control and all round wellbeing than lc ever has - there is clearly a clue there. @Muddy Cyclist did I read your post correctly and 3 more grandchildren ? - huge congratulations. @gennepher amazing artwork once again and I hope you and Popeye have a great day. I'm loving the slowly unfolding story of Jacob lately @SaskiaKC better than a straight run through. Psalm 68 has some blood thirsty parts in there but vs 5,6, 18 and 19 are a whole lot more cuddly. To all of you I hope your readings are as low as you want, your pleasures soar like an eagle and long may they both continue to delight you. Looks like your day has started well @karen8967 - yay
it has thanks ian good for the numbers not so good as ive been to work but i am now home and wont be moving out again :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Yes I know I should be in bed, but I'm not!

Interesting day as family at the nod of a head and the blink of an eye grew from 3 granddaughters to 3 granddaughters and 3 potentiomal grandsons, phew what a shock to the system, I now know what a boxing referee feels like. :joyful:

Wildlife Centre Visit was great, did all the nature trails, learnt that a Peregrine Falcon can fly at 200 mph, played lots of silly games, sword fights, wizards, pirates, home made boat races on the stream all whilst negotiating the flood plains of the river Trent. I also have three fans seen below...
View attachment 38812

@DJC3 these are the three creators of the snow drops art. Thank you for the compliment I will pass it on.

@jjraak I see what you mean about Mount Fuji but the inspiration for the painting came from @Ryhia mentioning Canadian Bears. Your job interview seemed to go well, fingers crossed. Oh, I gave up years ago trying to convince Mrs MC which car we should buy, non of the ones I wanted met the criteria, leather heated seats and the subdued dash lighting of exactly the right tone and colour. Although Mrs MC did discover a Sports Gear Box and Suspension option in a car about 3 cars back so all cars since have had to have those options also.

@Ryhia I will try and finish the painting Saturday, that's today where does time go? But Muddy Cycle Ride first.

@dogslife hug for discomfort but at least you knowteeth and gums OK, hope you improve quickly.

@Debandez when you posted 'I got a warm fuzzy feeling reading this post.' Were you still sat on that new cars heated seat.

@ianpspurs you mentioned your neighbours decorating doors with Wreaths. Our next door neighbour is Canadian and changes Wreathes every season, maybe it's a season thing.

3am this is crazy must go to bed.

BG now 5.5 lets see what Dawn delivers.
Thank you, @Muddy Cyclist. Sounds like you are having fun! May it long continue. Enjoy your weekend.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
GOB SMACKED.. Is the only words I can think of for this ..:wideyed::woot:

BBC News - Email address charges branded 'daylight robbery'

Every provider we had have given us an address, but none of us EVER used then..we all individually use our own preferred method
Gmail for me, hotmail for the girls.

Had no idea others were such paying charges each month for what .. And oh the joy of the web, can be had for free .:banghead:
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Reactions: HarryBeau


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.1 today. Too much cream has finally caught up with me - must cut down on it today. Although it was lovely having whipped double cream with my blackberries yesterday.

Today wind gusts of 48 miles an hour - too wild for doggie walks. Dogs are asleep and showing no sign of wanting to go on a walk. Very wise dogs.

Yes, yes, but what colour are the dogs. :wideyed:


The blackberries sound nice . And at least you can point to a reason .
Weather not so good though... Wise dogs indeed.

Oh and for Mr K.. Good to have him in board
An update on his application, just had a cancellation, so I've taken the liberty of penciling him in for his first session in Nov 2026

Lucky to be getting one so soon I might add
Many blokes get no help what so ever, it's only thanks to charities like my own. MMBA.
Where we help those identified as in " Danger" of this Tsunami of
Over guessing overload, and help make men better again.

Takes years of therapy, as you'd imagine.
Local pubs have been most helpful letting me set up therapy booths..( just seats actually., Due to budget cuts, something had to go, so I could still medicate using ancient much tested and approved medicines. :D )
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
While I seem to be on a roll today... Here is
Marleys first official photo.

One where he's not being naughty.
Fast a kip on his duvet at the bottom off our bed


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Mr K says please please could you add him to the waiting list for your men's self help group as it might help him stay sane.

He wanted me to update my car last year because he doesn't want me to risk a breakdown on my drive home at night. He kept on and on about it but I loved my car and stubbornly wouldn't change it.

So he got me to visit our Vauxhall dealers under the pretence of checking something on my car.

While I was sitting drinking a cup of coffee he gave the salesman a list of things that would tempt me: heated seats and steering wheel,, sat nav etc. etc. They then showed me a lovely and very shiny black 6 month old Crossland with everything that would tempt me - I loved it immediately and bought it there and then.

No doubt he checked engine size etc. etc.

Ooh, @Krystyna23040 what a handsome car! You should take your Vauxhall cross land to meet Anna! :D