What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Way, way back many centuries ago not long after the Bible began we supported a very worthwhile scheme. This arrived today - 4 lovely tops so someone benefited and I got 4 possibly unique tops.:woot::woot::woot:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hostilities have ceased now albeit likely a temporary truce...furry snug cave pyramid bed ignored...fluffy doughnut bed ignored...a cardboard box now De Rigueur in our house hoping the boxes will last the weekend...more deliveries next week.

Don't you wonder if the cats are just client vessels of the pet stores,?

We get sucked into
"£99.00 bargain homes, cats just LOVE EM"
" 5* says cat monthly"
"Recommended says kitty gazette."

Where as, in Reality, it's more noses turned up
as they hunt the ultimate dream home..a box..
"no size too small, I'm sure I can fit into to anything you have to offer" they plead.
says every cat..since time began.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only

No fbg today
The Croydon road trip went well.
Rained the entire trip.
Windy above normal, so traffic at a standstill most of the way.

Took Pablo.

loaded up, fired up the hog and set off.

Two hours trip easy in the car, smashed down to 40 sedate minutes filtering sedately around the jams.

First cuppa done, next jnearly ready, kettle just boiling.
Cats fed and watered, now in and out the garden door doing whatever it is cats do.

A dry day here at the moment.
A pottering sort of day.

Hope all are well.
Take care.
Forgot to offer my heartfelt commiserations for being in Croydon. Having lived and taught there - well Selsdon- I know you must be a brave, brave soldier. Thornton Heath football league was fun - could have played most games without the ball; more like bare knuckle fighting. Streatham and Croydon RUFC much more civilised - altogether a better class of thug and misshead. I blame the (50%) PE teachers.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
no size too small, I'm sure I can fit into to anything you have to offer" they plead.
says every cat..since time began.
That really made me laugh my last cat Churchill tried for hours to get into the cardboard box the new toilet seat was delivered in...and you know how flat they are...I had to wait until he went to sleep to remove it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
That really made me laugh my last cat Churchill tried for hours to get into the cardboard box the new toilet seat was delivered in...and you know how flat they are...I had to wait until he went to sleep to remove it.

Yep, for creatures reputed to have such a keen hunters eye,
Their spacial Awareness is dreadful..:wideyed:

But one does have to admire their opportunism

" Yeah yeah, it looks small but trust that WILL fit me...im a cat.
We have special powers..

step back human and BEHOLD "


Not just oil and wood stoves, gas boilers throughout the land. Then think on a larger scale of all the wood stoves seen in Europe and into Russia this change will be a huge undertaking. I fear it's now been left too late and it will probably take a panic and radical decision to mandatory ban all fossil fuels world wide, is that likely to happen, will it be enough, I'm not sure? I fear for my grandchildren, interesting and difficult times ahead.
Hi Muddy,
I have read Jim Lovelock quite a bit and the problem is worse than people imagine!

From what happened in the Spring they thought climate change stops when fossil fuel release stops! Nothing could be further from the truth.
The ambient co2 determines the aiming potential for temperature.
Not until the present co2 of c.420ppm comes down or the target temperature is reached, will the temperature stop rising.

It will probably take c.1000years for the co2 to come down to pre-industrial levels of the interglacials at c.280ppm.
Its an exponential for the Earth to deal with so its half life can be much shorter.

It took c.800 years at the start of the Ice Ages for the co2 to come down to c.180ppm. The temperature came down initially then due to the Earth's changed albedo and the Sun photons reaching Earth due the Malenkovitch cycles.
That time the temperature preceded the co2 change.
This time it's we humans acting like planetary pyromaniacs adding co2 as if it was about to go out of fashion.

We are in a fix and no mistake.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Muddy,
I have read Jim Lovelock quite a bit and the problem is worse than people imagine!

From what happened in the Spring they thought climate change stops when fossil fuel release stops! Nothing could be further from the truth.
The ambient co2 determines the aiming potential for temperature.
Not until the present co2 of c.420ppm comes down or the target temperature is reached, will the temperature stop rising.

It will probably take c.1000years for the co2 to come down to pre-industrial levels of the interglacials at c.280ppm.
Its an exponential for the Earth to deal with so its half life can be much shorter.

It took c.800 years at the start of the Ice Ages for the co2 to come down to c.180ppm. The temperature came down initially then due to the Earth's changed albedo and the Sun photons reaching Earth due the Malenkovitch cycles.
That time the temperature preceded the co2 change.
This time it's we humans acting like planetary pyromaniacs adding co2 as if it was about to go out of fashion.

We are in a fix and no mistake.

Most informative.

Off to Google Jim lovelock.

Many thanks.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Seems despite 250,000+ American dead, it's not until one special person gets it,
The WH starts to take it seriously

Mind you I guess that's how most non maskers and deniers are until it hits someone THEY know.
Ah but just wait for the rhetoric we shall be treated to when he recovers, "it's nothing, just like flu" and "I told you these drugs work, but no one would listen" and much more along these lines I suspect.:banghead:
Still, I do sincerely wish him a quick recovery, worrying for his family.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Having taken @ianpspurs and @SlimLizzy advice I have had an easy day, glossed two more doors then relaxed playing my Mandolin and some painting.

Finished one watercolour based on the lake at our Wildlife Centre, less the birds. Watercolour A4 40 minutes..Wet on Wet method and a big brush to spread it about before adding detail.

Having been inspired by @gennepher Swallow Falls painting I found out a picture I took walking around Tryfan a few years back, this is a rendition of Ogwen Valley Waterfall, A4 watercolour about 20 minutes so far will finish Sunday... Same Wet on Wet method.
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Loved the lake and Mandolin playing but I won't have you woke remoaners being sore losers.
Not a bit of it. :)

Thanks for painting and music appreciation, I had better turn the volume down if you heard my rendition of Enrico and The Glasgow Reel in fenland.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Ah but just wait for the rhetoric we shall be treated to when he recovers, "it's nothing, just like flu" and "I told you these drugs work, but no one would listen" and much more along these lines I suspect.:banghead:
Still, I do sincerely wish him a quick recovery, worrying for his family.
All too much like a TV programme.
Julian Sanchez of the Cato Institute reacted to news of the Trump diagnosis with: “Huh. It’s the obvious twist, but I would’ve saved it for the season finale.” To which columnist for the Week Damon Linker responded, “Too obvious. That’s what makes me nervous.” Courtesy of The Washington Post
Oh, I'm in Brecklansd now and that carried over the Jets:angelic:
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Oh, I'm in Brecklansd now and that carried over the Jets:angelic:
Whoops sorry, us midlanders think of all of that area as flat and thus fenland but a quick Google soon put me right, very interesting and I found this bit of information 'Although the Brecks has experienced extraordinary change and loss of wildlife species and habitats in the last 50 years, the varied habitats of the area continue to provide a refuge for many threatened species.' I guess that includes us humans so you are in the right place. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
good evening all :)

4.2 yesterday and 4.5 today

BT were out in the sunshine yesterday up the road from the village digging trenches, this had a quite deleterious effect on our internet speed :(
they are out there again today in the cobbing it down rain probably trying to keep the trench from filling up with water :sorry: but at least we can get enough internet to load pages today :joyful:

@jjraak - I must be in cynic mode, I notice that not only has the head Trumper managed to shift the 'tax fraud' and dodgy debate from the media cycle but he's also probably managed to head off his son's court ordered appearance before the DA to testify, since he is presumably having to self isolate :meh:

@SlimLizzy - glad the cat came back ;)

@gennepher - I like your 'peace and love', very therapeutic :) and your 'water nymph' is lovely, fluid and exuberant :)

@dunelm - lovely detailed branch of blossom and your heron amongst the willows is great, their posture always looks as if they are a bit downhearted but I think they are probably just lookiing to see what is swimming by that they can eat ;) I saw one fishng by the harbour here a couple of days ago.
Handsome 'cabinet' there, will you be adding a bovine to complete your portrait? in honour of most of their output :D

@Muddy Cyclist - shame the abscess is back but hopefully the pills will wrestle it into submission quickly.
the clouds in that picture are wonderful, I find them so difficult, another strong painting and your wet in wet is so effective, I'm only just getting brave enough to have a proper go at that.
I look forward to seeing your waterfall picture finished :)

art bit - well after the banana debacle ;)
here is a couple of things to make up for missing yesterday
no 1, just a quick pencil sketch of a hanging basket I did whilst we waited for takeaway coffee to brew :)

and no 2 - back to waves, this is after a photo I saw online, (I think it was of the black lava cliffs of Hawaii ). done with the white nights and a touch of white gel pen
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Muddy Cyclist - shame the abscess is back but hopefully the pills will wrestle it into submission quickly.
the clouds in that picture are wonderful, I find them so difficult, another strong painting and your wet in wet is so effective, I'm only just getting brave enough to have a proper go at that.
I look forward to seeing your waterfall picture finished :)

art bit - well after the banana debacle ;)
here is a couple of things to make up for missing yesterday
no 1, just a quick pencil sketch of a hanging basket I did whilst we waited for takeaway coffee to brew :)

and no 2 - back to waves, this is after a photo I saw online, (I think it was of the black lava cliffs of Hawaii ). done with the white nights and a touch of white gel pen
Thank you. I like that sketch and the movement and colours in the wave are excellent.
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Daughter zoomed this pm. She got into telling us about Vet students, apparently they are often vegans nowadays.
They, unlike medical students, have to find their own placements when they study different farm animals and pets in practices.

They have special training in counselling when animals are terminal.

I said I thought breaking the news to a horse that it just had two months to live, must be a really special skill! :)

She tries not to see the funny side but eventually gives in.
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