What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Had a chat with my son today on face book messenger he is enjoying being in Rome though it's been raining a lot of the time.

He was telling me that in the place he is staying the tap water is supplied from an underground natural spring it tastes really pure but it is sparkly like the carbonated water you get in the bottles so he is virtually getting sparkly mineral water straight from the tap. But finds taking showers a bit strange.

He at first could not work out why each room had one wall painted green but it seems they have something similar to underfloor heating but in the wall and the green wall has the heating pipes running through it which makes the whole wall like a radiator.

I just found that interesting there is always something new you can learn. like I did not know that in Italy the government sets the date when you can turn on your heating.

or so he tells me.


@lindisfel Did you make it down to Stiffkey today?
Hi John,
Would have liked to have seen the Rufous Bush Chat/Robin (its name keeps changing)
Saw one in Cyprus, where its uncommon.

I am too old to rush around the countryside twitching.

I don't know how they watched it without having more than six together. :)

And I don't know how the Head of the local comprehensive manages to go twitching every weekend. He no doubt will be there.
See Sam Northwood, birder.
He is a big twitcher.
He gets some incredible pictures but has some expensive kit.
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Hi John,
Would have liked to have seen the Rufous Bush Chat/Robin (its name keeps changing)
Saw one in Cyprus, where its uncommon.

I am too old to rush around the countryside twitching.

I don't know how they watched it without having more than six together. :)

And I don't know how the Head of the local comprehensive manages to go twitching every weekend. He no doubt will be there.
See Sam Northwood, birder.
He is a big twitcher.
He gets some incredible pictures but has some expensive kit.
I didn't realise until yesterday that if one travels from a high tier area to a lower tier area you carry with you the former areas higher restrictions.
But I don't know how it's enforceable?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Quick art from me today Plein Air on our walka bit of a splodge trying to capture Autumn grass and ferns reflected in water, about 10 minutes as family didn't want to hang around, I had to catch them up :) I can still run if I have to.:oops:

So here it is a watercolour splodge.... I will use the idea in a foreground of an Autumn painting...
View attachment 44683
Autumn on a plate


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good afternoon all :)

4.1 yesterday and 4.5 today

the list of posts to read builds up quickly ;)

spending today sorting out shoes (I'm not quite Imelda Marcos but I do have a 'few' pairs :hilarious: )

Hope your day is treating you kindly :)

@SlimLizzy - poor cat, Katy hates being restrained for travelling too :(

@ianpspurs - with reference to 'transit' issues, I personally don't find extra fibre is extra helpful, what is helpful to me is a very small quantity of andrew's liver salts before bed, usually helps the next morning, interestingly it's a magnesium salt so perhaps that's what's helpful.

@dunelm - lovely chrysanthemum, those petals are not easy to get right in one stroke and your 2 works today are interesting, I like how the ink/water interaction has created new textures.

The 'jetty' is actually a long, thin, low lying landspit, it only stands out like that in the distance when the mist is behind it, there are now a couple of houses out there and what used to be a mussel fishing station where the original ferry house used to be.

@lindisfel - lots of peat country up here too ;), lovely autumn colours.

@Alien Aspie - interesting textures in that piece of art and a subject after my own heart ;)

@JohnEGreen - interesting photos as usual :)

@gennepher - hugs for your 'wobble', it's not pleasant the way they can suddenly appear. Winner for your art though, it's a hopeful glimps of light ahead :)
Your mystical moon is compelling, also a bit spooky, it looks like there is a pair of glowing eyes in the edge of the darkness, not threatening but just a bit watchful :)

@Muddy Cyclist - hugs for the loss of your auntie, I feel so lucky we're mum's support so at least we get to see her every few days.

Your Rannoch Moor is lovely, I especially like the masterly use you have made of that subtle palette. and your 'plein air' is a joyous burst of colour, I look forward to your 'autumn' works :joyful:

art bit - still playing catch up and need to get the scanner out ;)

this is the waterfall I mentioned having a go at painting previously, this was done from a photo found on the internet.
View attachment 44692
Thank you @geefull and for your explanation on the ‘jetty’. A great watercolour waterfall from you. I like the greenness of the water in places and the glimpses of the rocks beneath.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.6

My painting for today, in ZenBrush2, hearing about the even stricter lockdown measures just a moment ago that could be in place by Friday in Wales. "It never rains but it pours"

It is the idiots like my neighbour next door who has blatantly ignored ALL lockdown rules about family and grandchildren which he has in his home on almost a daily basis, and at weekends for meals, for the first lockdown, and the current one that started a fortnight ago, which included not having family in your home. So, will this circuit breaker to be announced on Friday have any effect on his actions...I very much doubt it.

He gives me a self-satisfied smirk as he guides his grandchildren and family in for the cooked meals, of which the smell wafts in my direction, tantalising me to want to wipe that smirk off his face.

I now need to break this fortnight self-isolation, which the flu jab nurse advised for my personal safety until the flu jab became effective.

I need to get some stuff in next week now.

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from the grey and overcast silence of the dark and dangerous north

The wonder wheel of some experimental ricotta dumplings, a bit like pasta-less ravioli, came in at 5.2 this am - not the best thing as it turned out. The bin enjoyed the most part and we resorted to some cheese and tomatoes. As my dad used to say sometimes - “interesting - let’s never have that again”.

Some painting went on yesterday - Mrs Miggins in a reenactment of the ‘paint the fence’ scene from the film Karate Kid. I played the role of Mr Miyagi and trimmed some trees.

Yesterday’s challenge - Paint something with only one brush load of ink, just a little and on a wet brush - when you think that the ink has been exhausted and the brush is dry - dip the tip of the brush into water and continue until it goes dry again and then repeat - just with water, until your brush strokes go clear. OK.

Have the best day that you can, make best use of your mask, play cops and robbers with your grandchildren over zoom- time for koffy

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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.6

My painting for today, in ZenBrush2, hearing about the even stricter lockdown measures just a moment ago that could be in place by Friday in Wales. "It never rains but it pours"

It is the idiots like my neighbour next door who has blatantly ignored ALL lockdown rules about family and grandchildren which he has in his home on almost a daily basis, and at weekends for meals, for the first lockdown, and the current one that started a fortnight ago, which included not having family in your home. So, will this circuit breaker to be announced on Friday have any effect on his actions...I very much doubt it.

He gives me a self-satisfied smirk as he guides his grandchildren and family in for the cooked meals, of which the smell wafts in my direction, tantalising me to want to wipe that smirk off his face.

I now need to break this fortnight self-isolation, which the flu jab nurse advised for my personal safety until the flu jab became effective.

I need to get some stuff in next week now.

View attachment 44710
Difficult times but an amusing yet says it all piece of cartoon art from you, a lady of many styles.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. No fbg due to intransigent LC negotiators. My body is a sovereign entity and although I signed a withdrawal from carbs agreement I refuse to be held hostage by quotas on taste - in both uses of the word. Never mind odd shaped bananas, the keto crew would have me open my borders to all manner of immigrant substances. Where are the islands of Psyllium Husk or The Polyols? Do they even play cricket? Thousands of recipes landing on the what did you eat thread daily, unrecognisable as human food. Unless progress is made urgently I'm leaving on SWAM terms (salad with avocado and mackerel). As for that other problem, just wash yer hands and hope Dido doesn't go down with the ship. Us posh boys don't have time for all this caring stercore. Pip Pip old toots.
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from the grey and overcast silence of the dark and dangerous north

The wonder wheel of some experimental ricotta dumplings, a bit like pasta-less ravioli, came in at 5.2 this am - not the best thing as it turned out. The bin enjoyed the most part and we resorted to some cheese and tomatoes. As my dad used to say sometimes - “interesting - let’s never have that again”.

Some painting went on yesterday - Mrs Miggins in a reenactment of the ‘paint the fence’ scene from the film Karate Kid. I played the role of Mr Miyagi and trimmed some trees.

Yesterday’s challenge - Paint something with only one brush load of ink, just a little and on a wet brush - when you think that the ink has been exhausted and the brush is dry - dip the tip of the brush into water and continue until it goes dry again and then repeat - just with water, until your brush strokes go clear. OK.

Have the best day that you can, make best use of your mask, play cops and robbers with your grandchildren over zoom- time for koffy

View attachment 44711
That's an interesting technique and produced a fine mountain landscape, I must try doing that with watercolour see where it takes me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from the grey and overcast silence of the dark and dangerous north

The wonder wheel of some experimental ricotta dumplings, a bit like pasta-less ravioli, came in at 5.2 this am - not the best thing as it turned out. The bin enjoyed the most part and we resorted to some cheese and tomatoes. As my dad used to say sometimes - “interesting - let’s never have that again”.

Some painting went on yesterday - Mrs Miggins in a reenactment of the ‘paint the fence’ scene from the film Karate Kid. I played the role of Mr Miyagi and trimmed some trees.

Yesterday’s challenge - Paint something with only one brush load of ink, just a little and on a wet brush - when you think that the ink has been exhausted and the brush is dry - dip the tip of the brush into water and continue until it goes dry again and then repeat - just with water, until your brush strokes go clear. OK.

Have the best day that you can, make best use of your mask, play cops and robbers with your grandchildren over zoom- time for koffy

View attachment 44711
Wow @dunelm

It is on my list of things to try...

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
He was telling me that in the place he is staying the tap water is supplied from an underground natural spring it tastes really pure but it is sparkly like the carbonated water you get in the bottles so he is virtually getting sparkly mineral water straight from the tap. But finds taking showers a bit strange.
Keeping in touch with family is one of The good sides of technology.

On the water front we have friends in Shropshire who's water comes from a spring, they have to regularly unblock the shower heads as they get bunged up with fresh water shrimps. Often when we have a meal there you can find them swimming around in your water glass, very strange and takes some getting used to.