So, just to re-cap I had some blood tests 6 months ago primary for my Cholesterol, as generally they are on the high side.
The results were the following :
Serum cholesterol 6.3 mol/L
HDL 3.0 mol/L
LDL 3.0 mol/L
Triglyceride 0.6 mol/L
More alarming however I was diagnosed pre-...
I had my first review of my bloods after being diagnosed in early September. I was at 103 but now I'm at 66! Not where it needs to be but I'm very happy with where I'm at so far.
I've been playing a bit fast and lose with my diet, mostly just cutting down on carbs, and I had a horrid time with...
Hey, everyone. I am a self-diagnosed prediabetic, my HB1AC levels were borderline the last time I had the test.
Basically, I went to my doctor and told him about my concerns. First of all, he said it's unlikely that I have diabetes because of my age, even pre-diabetes, but my last HB1AC test, I...
Hello, I have done my Complete Blood Count (CBC) and all values are normal except White Blood Cells (WBC). They were high back when I done it 4 months ago, and they are still high When I have done it yesterday.
As per report normal values are between 4-11 and mine is 14.3. Now I want to ask does...
I live with my boyfriend since 1 year, he has diabetes 1 since he was 16.
His hba1c are always between 8 and 8.9.
Because I am the one who cooks at home, I always try to make low carbs meals for us, to help him control the blood sugar level, because he has big issues to control it when we...
Hi All,
I thought i would quickly give my summary to what the libre allows me to do vs the negative comments it receives.
I used to do around 8 to 10 blood glucose measurements a day. I count carbs and dose to around 1- 10 insulin carb. I also take Lantus at a night. I take part in alot of...
I'm a type 1 who is struggling to get HB1AC down to acceptable levels. Since wearing the Libre I am amazed at the different patterns my bloods are during the night - sometimes i have been sleeping through lows and another night blood sugas go sky high. I am on Tresiba and Novorapid but I do...
Hi guys, I have my hba1c appointment soom which is my second hba1c ever. My first was 12.8 (at diagnosis). I feel like i could benefit from an insulin pump and my dsn said a few weeks ago that it shouldn't be a problem going on a pump, just need to sort out funding. The reason for getting a pump...
I spoke to the GP today to get my full results from my 2nd set of bloods taken last week, to say I am pleased is an understatement.
Previous results from Feb 2017
HB1aC - 92
Cholesterol - 6.8
Liver function - all ok
Kidney function - all ok
Latest results
HB1aC - 34
Cholesterol - 3.6
This is my first post (so excuse the length) but wanted to post my journey of "taking back control" as I never come across postings about long term diabetics of 10 years plus (on meds for years) turning their situations around and becoming med free and if there are any they appear hidden..
blood glucose control
diabetes control
diabetes cure
diabetes medicine
diabetes remission
diabetes type 2 reversal
glucose levels
weight loss
Has anyone else been bad good wise this Christmas? I found out I was type 2 diabetic in October 2016 with a HB1ac level of 51 (previous levels 48 in 2015 and 39 in 2013). After finding out I was diabetic (I had no symptoms but found out by routine blood test) I cut out carbs and sugar and...
I live in the USA and actually measure my blood glucose in mg/dl instead of the mmol/L used in the UK. I convert it daily to facilitate discussions with members here on the forum which is based in the UK.
Fasting Blood Sugar Conversion
I simply divide my mg/dl number by 18 to get to the...
I am after some advise before my blood test tomorrow please - in November 2015 my 1ac test came back at 46, pre-diabetic, but for some reason I was not explained by the Doctor how serious this could be, I was just told to keep an eye on it as it could develop into Diabetes in a few years...
Greetings from rainy California! I am a woman in my early 40's with a strong family history of type I AND II diabetes, both. I guess I got double-whammied. I've had gestational diabetes in the past, but that was 20 years ago, and it went away afterwards. It also went overlooked until nearly the...
Hi friends,
I took a venous blood test about a month ago, I guess it was the HbA1c I've seen mentioned here: my fasting bg was 13.2 (so a shock diagnosis of diabetes) and triglycerides 32.2 (sic). I went back two weeks later and had a finger-prick which said my fasting bg was 5.8; the doctor put...
So last year I was diagnosed with GD in my pregnancy.. Baby came October 15 and all was well then May this year I was taking funny turns and hospital told me I was not type 1 and gave me insulin, monitor and nurse details and sent me on my way...
So I've been living life like a strict dieting...