Thanks Ian. Much appreciated.
Well just another update........I have as I said finished the treatment and so far all clear. Since April I have been working on those levels. I ended up having hypo's every single day in the evening about an hour after my meal. I use Byetta and I had had to go on Metformin in the morning again and take a Glic as well. This controlled my morning and most of the day levels to within 10 - 13 mmol/l most days. Not good but infinitely better than what I had before !
I tried every trick in the book to get those levels lower, even resorting to no carb meals. Just didn't work at all. So I had to start thinking 'outside the box.' I have a great supportive Diabetic Team. Endo and SDSN who spoke with me frequently, let me just pop in when I needed advice. Spoke to them by phone even when away on a Holiday. Amazing people. True Heroes.....
We came to the conclusion that I was overmedicated now at certain times of the day, mainly evening. This is because of three things,
1. Side effects of all the drugs and treatment,
2. Byetta was working too well, and
3. Because I had lost so much weight the natural Insulin I was producing was more than adequate to cope with my evening meal. The decision was made to reduce my Byetta from 10ug down to 5ug, cut out the Glic (80mg) and only take Met in the morning ( 2 x 500mg). This has helped me considerably and my levels are dropping although I still have days where they seem to have a mind of their own. An ongoing process but things are looking up.
I feel so much better, had a looooong Holiday with good friends and worked my socks off just trying to get fitter. I had done nothing for nearly 7 months. I still have to be monitored for a long time yet but the last test showed that I was clear. People now tell me how well I look rather than before, "You look tired," or " You do look ill !" That in itself has helped me get over all this. The 'feel good' factor.
I am sure that those that really know me know that I am back here and posting as normal. That will continue till I decide to call it a day or they carry me off......funny farm probably ! I still have to deal with those who 'take a pop' at me. Those who want me gone from here. Well.....keep trying, gets the old Adrenalin going again. Water off a 'duck's back'.....if you'll pardon the expression ! (in-joke ! ) :lol:
I have had fantastic support from many members, old and new, Dan, (Admin) and the special person who I cannot thank partner in crime.....Sue (sugarless sue). She is a gem, a true friend and one wonderful person. She stood by me throughout all my trials and tribulations and became my tower of strength. When I was at my lowest she supported and helped me through it all. Thank you doesn't seem much really Sue......but from the bottom of my Heart it is truly meant. :wink:
So back to the seems good again, has meaning, a purpose and is definitely real good !! the words of a famous little pig.....That's all Folks !!
aka cugila
Forum Monitor :twisted: