Best Keto Diet Plan


Hi everyone, I’m Kay, I’m Just starting out on my Keto, I am currently using this great Keto Plan ,but I would love to see what others are using for comparison, Thanks. Comment below.
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Hello @Kay'sKetoDiet welcome to the forum
My plan if you can call it that is to cut out as many carbs as possible, have enough protein and fats to keep hunger at bay. Throw a little intermittent fasting into the mix and that's it, no weighing, measuring or counting. So not much of a plan really but it seems to have worked well for me.
I hope your plan is working for you, stay away from the carbs and it should be fine.


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Hi everyone, I’m Kay, I’m Just starting out on my Keto, I am currently using this great Keto Plan ,but I would love to see what others are using for comparison, Thanks. Comment below.
Just cut carbs, up fats, moderate protein... That's worked just fine for me. Went from low carb to keto to carnivore, but keto would've been enough for my T2.


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The best plan for me is the dietary pattern that will produce the optimal muscle mass, with the least fat mass, support mental and physical agility, body composition and health.

It must be delicious, nutritious, sustainable (to both my family and the environment), affordable, preferably locally sourced, widely available and relatively easy to implement. It may not be possible to get all of these, but working towards these is a goal for me e.g. I source meat, veg, fruit, diary mostly locally and nuts I have cut down on as they are flown across the globe (and for other reasons). This means I base my choices on the P.E. Dietary pattern in a custom manner, but equally this could classified as the Bernstein protocol or a customised version of what @JoKalsbeek says above, as it is a sliding scale either way on non-vegetable oil fats and and protein (carbs always kept low).
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I too advocate a do it yourself approach to finding the best Way Of Eating for my own particular body.
I eat 2 meals per day on weekdays and just one per day on weekends. Similar things for lunch most weekdays (a salad with protein (fish, meat, or eggs and cheese). And again similar meals in the evening Protein (fish, meat or eggs) with various cooked low carb veg. But it's always flexible so going out to eat with friends or having somebody to lunch or dinner is not a problem - I just eat protein and low carb veg though the meals are then a little more 'exotic' such as Thai curry etc. where I either skip the rice, or have 'cauli rice' as a substitute.

OK so I'm not strictly Keto every day, but so long as my meals keep my Blood Glucose at good levels I don't care!
This is a way of eating I can enjoy for the rest of my hopefully long and healthy life, I'm not in competition with anybody.
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For me a keto(genic) diet is a natural and normal way of eating - so I don't use any particular "Plan" to do this.

Our bodies use both carbs and fats for fuel. and ketones are a by-product of burning fat, so my diet has been my usual amounts of protein for body maintenance & repair and a balance of (very) low carbohyrate and full fat food for energy. Getting my personal balance right means I'm generally burning fat and have all the benefits of a low carb/ ketogenic diet - without the need for any extra cost or any special "keto" foods or supplements.

This has kept me well, my brain in good working order, and my T2 at pre diabetic/near normal levels for just on eight years now, so I hope your "Keto Plan" - whatever it may be - will work equally well for you.


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Hi I have been on Keto for2 weeks. My key tones were 2.4 but blood glucose was 8. Am idoing ok
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Hi I have been on Keto for2 weeks. My key tones were 2.4 but blood glucose was 8. Am idoing ok
Hi, how did you check about your ketones level? As I'm new here and trying to learn fast.


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Hi, how did you check about your ketones level? As I'm new here and trying to learn fast.

A number of glucometers (eg caresens dual) also allow you to do blood tests for ketones, though the strips tend to be expensive. You can also buy urine testing strips which test for ketones.

Welcome to the forums, by the way. Do you mind if I ask why you joined? Non diabetics are welcome, but I just wondered what brought you here.
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A number of glucometers (eg caresens dual) also allow you to do blood tests for ketones, though the strips tend to be expensive. You can also buy urine testing strips which test for ketones.

Welcome to the forums, by the way. Do you mind if I ask why you joined? Non diabetics are welcome, but I just wondered what brought you here.
Thank you @EllieM, I was searching about keto forums for myself to start on it and this one seems interesting as it relates to diabetes and keto. As my mother has Type 1, so that's what brought me here.
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I use an Optimum Neo meter to measure my blood glucose and ketones. Because I have some neurological issues I'm trying to heal, I aim for a ratio of glucose and ketones to maintain quite a high level of ketosis.

I eat twice per day and fast every week 48 hours and occassionally do a 3 day fast. I make sure to eat really well on the days I don't fast.
I get 30+ g protein at each meal and I include the protein I get from macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds and a few legumes. I have to keep total carbs 25 grams or less per day or my morning glucose rises and my ketones come down.
For protein I have eggs, sardines, beef, bacon and occasionally chicken.
For added fats I use olive oil, butter, MCT oil in my coffee (just doing that temporarily) and bacon fat.
Other than the few legumes, for carbohydrates I get away wth olives, some home made ferments like sauerkraut and a small amount of seasonal veges plus extras like mustard, herbs and lemon juice. Rarely some dark chocolate.
My morning fasted ketones stay between 2.6 and 3.6 and my morning fasted glucose between 3.8 and 4.4. Glucose goes lower during an extended fast and ketones rise accordingly.
Before I cut down carbohydrates and increased my fat intake, my morning ketones were .1 (so, definitely not in ketosis!) and my morning glucose was usually between 5 and 6.
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I use an Optimum Neo meter to measure my blood glucose and ketones. Because I have some neurological issues I'm trying to heal, I aim for a ratio of glucose and ketones to maintain quite a high level of ketosis.

I eat twice per day and fast every week 48 hours and occassionally do a 3 day fast. I make sure to eat really well on the days I don't fast.
I get 30+ g protein at each meal and I include the protein I get from macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds and a few legumes. I have to keep total carbs 25 grams or less per day or my morning glucose rises and my ketones come down.
For protein I have eggs, sardines, beef, bacon and occasionally chicken.
For added fats I use olive oil, butter, MCT oil in my coffee (just doing that temporarily) and bacon fat.
Other than the few legumes, for carbohydrates I get away wth olives, some home made ferments like sauerkraut and a small amount of seasonal veges plus extras like mustard, herbs and lemon juice. Rarely some dark chocolate.
My morning fasted ketones stay between 2.6 and 3.6 and my morning fasted glucose between 3.8 and 4.4. Glucose goes lower during an extended fast and ketones rise accordingly.
Before I cut down carbohydrates and increased my fat intake, my morning ketones were .1 (so, definitely not in ketosis!) and my morning glucose was usually between 5 and 6.

Would you prefer your own topic? Diets are indevidual.
Maybe equriories on your own condition in its own thread would be more beneficial to you?

I, or w member of the mod team could set this up for you….?


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Would you prefer your own topic? Diets are indevidual.
Maybe equriories on your own condition in its own thread would be more beneficial to you?

I, or w member of the mod team could set this up for you….?
Hello :) Do you mean like a separate thread? Do other people do that..sorry I have not fully explored in all the forums yet!

Claudia 1961

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I use an Optimum Neo meter to measure my blood glucose and ketones. Because I have some neurological issues I'm trying to heal, I aim for a ratio of glucose and ketones to maintain quite a high level of ketosis.

I eat twice per day and fast every week 48 hours and occassionally do a 3 day fast. I make sure to eat really well on the days I don't fast.
I get 30+ g protein at each meal and I include the protein I get from macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds and a few legumes. I have to keep total carbs 25 grams or less per day or my morning glucose rises and my ketones come down.
For protein I have eggs, sardines, beef, bacon and occasionally chicken.
For added fats I use olive oil, butter, MCT oil in my coffee (just doing that temporarily) and bacon fat.
Other than the few legumes, for carbohydrates I get away wth olives, some home made ferments like sauerkraut and a small amount of seasonal veges plus extras like mustard, herbs and lemon juice. Rarely some dark chocolate.
My morning fasted ketones stay between 2.6 and 3.6 and my morning fasted glucose between 3.8 and 4.4. Glucose goes lower during an extended fast and ketones rise accordingly.
Before I cut down carbohydrates and increased my fat intake, my morning ketones were .1 (so, definitely not in ketosis!) and my morning glucose was usually between 5 and 6.

I really liked reading what you eat and the numbers. I am only prediabetic nothing else but that seems to be the carb , protein and foods for me. I don’t measure ketones but interesting how your fasting glucose goes down in the way you say as mine is 6.1 mostly and I’d like to lower it. At the moment I do live for the next meal so fasting is like a horror story for me. I’d like to get into that state .
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I really liked reading what you eat and the numbers. I am only prediabetic nothing else but that seems to be the carb , protein and foods for me. I don’t measure ketones but interesting how your fasting glucose goes down in the way you say as mine is 6.1 mostly and I’d like to lower it. At the moment I do live for the next meal so fasting is like a horror story for me. I’d like to get into that state .
I can identify with not being able to fast. I couldn't go five hours without feeling shaky before. I'm pre-diabetic too. I suspect I was on the verge of T2 but my lovely GP retired not long before the pandemic and there was quite a lag before I saw a new one.

I wish I could say it was easy, but for me "going into ketosis" came with weeks of what is termed "keto flu".
It took six weeks until my energy felt consistently steady again. I had to rest a lot. I did get some brain fog but the worst thing was having muscles feel like they were pushing through setting concrete. The so called "flu" is really just the stubborness of cells that have been used to burning glucose as their primary fuel adapting to burning fats efficiently. My cells were, apparently, about as stubborn as they could be! :banghead:

I think there are a few different ways you can achieve a good level of ketosis, and all involve removing enough carbohydrates, enough of the time. Some people do a "fat fast" as described in the link below.
I didn't know about a fat fast at the time I first experimented with ketosis/fat burning, so I did a three day water fast after building up gradually from 16 hour fasts. After my ketone and glucose numbers got into a good ratio (or GKI ratio) I added back foods to see what I could 'get away with' to keep my glucose and ketones steady in that range. There are a few tricks you can experiment with - like using apple cider vinegar before meals to tolerate a few more carbohydrates, or to exercise a little after meals so any extra glucose is quickly taken up by the muscles.

It's helpful being able to measure, but unfortunately the ketone strips are quite pricey.
I just test ketones for a few weeks at a time to make sure I'm still on track but I do test glucose most mornings. When my glucose is low I know my ketones must be pretty decent, otherwise I'd feel light headed and weak. Instead I feel energetic and relatively long as I've had the morning coffee! ;)

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Hi everyone, I was pre diabetic until May last year when I had the HbA1c test and the number came back as 48. My doctor then said I needed to have an A1c test to confirm. I did this 4 weeks later and my number was 43. I managed to get this lower by cutting carbs drastically. I was ill for the first two weeks with diarrhoea and then I had flu like symptoms but was unable to eat olive oil or avocado as it gave me diarrhoea. I came off this diet as I didn't like it. I've got to have this HbA1c test again in May and I'm dreading having to do this low carb thing again. What I have been doing though for a few months is intermittent fasting. I find it easy and I have an 8 hour eating window. Has anyone any suggestions for how to try and get my blood test reading lower?
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If you tell us what it is about low carb that fills you with dread, we may be able to help. If you don't wish to control your blood glucose with diet, it means taking medication, sometimes more than one kind. Absolutely your choice.

Illness does raise blood glucose temporarily, as do a number of other stresses.


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@Su There's no "rule" which dictates that you have to include olive oil or avocados on a low carb or ketogenic diet - or anything else that might cause an issue. All you need to do is replace the fuel you were getting from carbs with any suitably fatty foods that you are OK with.

It is also fairly common to have what is know as low carb or keto "flu" for a short time while your body is adapting to using fat in place of those "missing" carbs.

What type of things are you eating when you fast - are you still restricting the carbs?