Thanks for the replies, but I still don't get how anyone can think that those home finger prick tests are any use at all if their results never reflect your true state? I can understand that they are just that one moment in time, but if they, over a year of time and at varying times of day etc NEVER reflect your true condition then there is no point in them at all. I'm frustrated!
So random tests, You say .
Be as useful as sticking you finger out of the window and predicting the week's weather, imho.
BG is dynamic, it's influenced by so many variables....exercise, stress, mood, etc etc
As a scientific experiment, random is pointless without the recorded data of the above plus likely a dozen other points of reference to make any sense of it.
HBA1c is the designated standard for testing that BG level scientifically.
It is just ONE test to judge where we are each year or there abouts.
It's the destination or waypoint, if you like, of our annual journey once DX'd.
The pin pricking is really designed to help show us the ONE thing that seems to be agreed to increase or decrease our bgs level at set times and thus our HBA1c over time.
And THAT one thing IS Food, specifically CARBOHYDRATES
Pin pricking isn't meant to be ONE test PROOF, like the HBA1C is
Pin pricking is our Google maps to get us as safely as possible to a better HBA1c number, than just trusting & hoping we're doing *IT right....
(*Whatever diet or program we're using or were told to use to help lower our HBA1c)
And as such, it's used to measure DIFFERENCES & TRENDS
The difference between food we CAN tolerate better
Versus the foods we tolerate less well.
Thus guiding us to better good choices
And the trend we initiate by modifying out WOE & lifestyle, which those food choices help us dictate.
Which all links rather nicely with the Pre meal & post meal testing regime
And also gives an indication if our overall trend is downwards using our FBG levels each morning.
Not all encompassing, but a very useful guide, which I and many others have used to lower our HBA1c & lowering the risk of complications further down the road.
Useless ...?
Not in my experience.
I'd say it's an essential for guiding any T2D's journey from DX to lowering their HBA1c.
For those interested, a good read of the forum helps but a simple idea, is our bodies are chock full of glucose at dx, we're literally a pot of glucose spilling over ........Every - Single - Meal...
The entire idea IS to limit the glucose input, and in doing so, the excess glucose has a chance of being used up, which is why the FBG is the last number to tumble for many.
Best of luck on your journey.